Posted by __ Whole Stack?

ʇ.Anarchy.ʇ (#73468)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 10:34:27
I noticed something today when I went to bury some feathers so I don't end up using them by mistake. But I found having to go back and repeat the process 15 times rather tedious.

I think maybe, in stacks, we should have a 'bury whole stack' option, close to like we had with the 'Use Whole Stack' with the drones in June.

This suggestion has 6 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Xathina[main] (#70238)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2016-07-12 15:16:07
You can under the Organize tab of the hoard

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Dioxeon #Gaggle (#60759)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 15:16:09
You can bury whole stacks by going to the "organisation" tab in your hoard.♡

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RonPaul {Primal
Moonstone} (#86210)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-12 15:16:36
No support, we can do that through organize already. Seems like a lot of coding for something we can already do. Sorry!

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pendrell (#88617)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-07-12 15:20:48
This gets suggested pretty regularly. It's a good idea in general, it's good that you're thinking about how to make the game more user friendly, and it's good that you're drawing from your own experiences.
Not many people, myself included, explored the hoard tabs much upon joining. I just treated it like a plain old inventory, and ignored the rest, initially.
Like others have said, the organisation tab has this, but it actually is even better, because you can bury multiple stacks, or put multiple stacks onto your branch at once, with just a few clicks, and it's in a very convenient list layout.

Overall, it's a good idea, but has already been implemented ^__^

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ʇ.Anarchy.ʇ (#73468)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 05:56:33
Oh! Well! I honestly had no idea about this! Thank you guys so much for the insight!

For the longest time I figured it was just a basic inventory thing ; Now, before I make another topic here; Is there already a way to Bury Currency?

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pendrell (#88617)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 06:04:30
Yes, the "bundles" tab in hoard allows you to bury sb and gb. You can choose an amount, the type of currency you wish to bury, and name the bundle.
Event currency that you don't spend is automatically stored on your account, you can view how much you have by scrolling down in the Event tab.

Also, remember that bundled (buried) sb still contributes to the 5000 explore cap. After there is 5k sb on your account, you stop getting "free" sb from explore. You don't get any more encounters along the lines of "oh! you found 4sb, and quickly scooped it up."
Any sb that you have on your account, whether it's in stasis in a trade, bundled, or just in your currency counter, all gets added up to determine your sb total, so keep that in mind when bundling currency. GB and event currency, of course, have no limit ^__^

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ʇ.Anarchy.ʇ (#73468)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 07:09:50
Thank you so much o:
And I thought I knew it all XD

This is going to help me a lot - I keep going broke from being such a raffle addict xD;

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