Posted by Wanted: MxM RPers

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 01:45:06
I tried this once, and the people who said 'I'll RP with you!' never did. So... I would love if I wasn't ditched for stupid reasons. Meaning: Watching TV, you 'forget' about the RP, and various other excuses I have heard over the years and I'm not buying anymore.

I'm not totally heartless, and valid reasons like work, school, real life issues, family, stuff like that I do understand. I work myself and the only days I can devote 100% of my time to RP are Sundays and Tuesdays. But I am always free after 11am Lioden time the rest of the week.


Rules, I know we all hate them but have to be done.

1. Please give me a RP sample. It can be something made up, or done from a previous RP. It will help me picking someone out, maybe two people.

2. Have an open mind. A lot of my MxM RPs have at least one thing some people don't really like. If you are one of those, I'm afraid I can't RP with you.

3. Do not tell me 'I'm fine with anything' and then turn around and say 'Oh... I don't do that' when I mention what I like RPing. Be honest. Tell me anything that bothers you and I'll try to avoid what you hate doing.

4. Please be literate. I'd expect at least one or two paragraphs, which honestly is not hard to do. You tell me I can't write more than three sentences, don't apply to my search. Also no text speak, and I will allow a few spelling or grammar errors. But there are things that bother the hell out of me.

5. Do NOT ditch the RP or ignore the RP without valid reason (and no BS excuses. Real reasons) . Like I said, I'm not a total bitch but I get pissed if it's been a month and I see you online, but you do not reply to the RP. If you have not replied in that time, I will PM you to see what the heck is going on. If you do not want to RP with me anymore, fine. But let me know and not leave me hanging. I hate that.

6. Have fun


Anywho, here is a form for you all to fill out to help me pick out the potential person that might fit with what I like to RP.

Do you prefer fandoms or OCs?
If yes to fandoms which ones do you do?
If OCs, please list any that may work for potential RPs
What are you NOT comfortable with in MxM RPs? And be honest. Do not tell me anything goes if something really does bother you.
RP Sample:


My Fandoms

Kingdom Hearts (I am in desperation mode with this one... I really, really want to do it)

Criminal Minds (Want to do this and not get ditched for reasons I don't comprehend when RPers are online)

Digimon (Haven't RPd it in forever, but I'd like to do it again. I will only do first and second season)

Yu-Gi-Oh - I'll do anything to the end of the series, and I'd love you forever if we did the Ancient Egypt arc. However I'm really wanting to do one pairing. But if you like others like Puppyshipping, etc. I might let you do it. I just don't really like it.

seaQuest DSV (I will not do 2032 unless Hudson is not part of it. ) I've been wanting to do a MxM with this for awhile now.

I will allow OCs, but I myself prefer to play canon if it comes to my fandoms

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Edited on 12/07/16 @ 12:38:08 by Mots[#TeamNobodies] (#5378)

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-07-12 05:34:25
*Le bump*

Anyone? I'm in the process of ditching one RPer, so I am free for one of my fandoms.

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