Posted by Small foods

CreepDemon {Wine
Personnel} (#72736)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 05:12:19
So I hate having small food with many uses and trying to feed my lions with it so I had an idea where there would be a button that allows us to use all the uses or a select amount on 1 lion/lioness instead of having to search for them in the list again.

My main point in this is if you are trying to sell bigger ones, you only have smaller ones and/or don't have time to hunt, or the smaller ones are expiring then it's easier and faster
I do realize there is something in the oasis that conflicts with this, but it expires and you'd have to spend so much just to keep it up especially if you are gone

Sorry if someone else posted this idea, I couldn't find anything of the sort <3

Please leave ideas, why or why not you think this should or shouldn't be added! X3

This suggestion has 26 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/07/16 @ 12:05:30 by CreepDemon (#72736)

Pocket Monster (#78016)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-13 08:22:06
I like it! Though I'm not sure why it should be specific to small carcasses; I'm not positive, but I think it might be easier to code it for all food rather than specific types.

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CreepDemon {Wine
Personnel} (#72736)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 08:24:22
It might, but I thought smaller ones would be easier since they fill so little of the hunger while if you have a lioness/lion that isn't that hungry you wouldn't have to use several uses of a big carcass, but thats a good point! :D

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era (#89104)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 10:41:10
Its a good idea

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CreepDemon {Wine
Personnel} (#72736)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 11:31:09
Thank you :)

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MaeBae (#8161)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 11:32:38
No support. :c Sorry, but there's a Feed All Play All in the Oasis you can buy. Even if it's just for small feels like something that fits a "luxury" thing.

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CreepDemon {Wine
Personnel} (#72736)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 11:33:48
Thats ok, I see where that fits in actually

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Artwolf 🐺 (clean
svelte) (#59509)

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Posted on
2016-07-14 04:50:11
No support from me.. :c
If you want to feed your lions fast and with a good amount of reduced hunger you should feed them big(ger) carcasses (for example zebras)... but then you'll be left with the small meat scraps which are not worth to sell..
If you want to make beetles out of your carcasses then you should invest the time in feeding your lions the small meat scraps to sell the big(ger) carcasses which are worth much more..
So you have the choice already.. and if you want to have both you have to buy "Feed all, Play all" from Oasis which is like a premium item since it's only available there for (5) golden beetles.. (just as @Manete Aurum {Paul Landers} already said)
hope this made any sense.. english is not my first language and I'm pretty tired haha c':

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Edited on 14/07/16 @ 11:51:10 by chaodise (#59509)

CreepDemon {Wine
Personnel} (#72736)

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Posted on
2016-07-14 04:55:08
Yea, my point was if you are trying to sell bigger ones, you only have smaller ones and/or don't have time to hunt, or the smaller ones are expiring then it's easier and faster. :)

But thank you for the input

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Tallion [Icy Smilus] (#82904)

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Posted on
2016-07-14 05:18:03
I agree that the small stuff, especially meat chunks, are wildly annoying to deal with, especially right now when I have a ton of NCLs in my den for the stone and don't want to Feed All and end up wasting food on lions I'm going to sacrifice in an hour.

One thing I would like to add to the idea is that for people without Play All, using all of the uses of a toy might be helpful, too, if you had lion/esses who are Really grumpy and ready to run.

I believe people would still buy Feed/Play all even if it were implemented because that's one button instead of what amounts to, still, many, many buttons for a large or even medium den. I would absolutely continue to buy it. Playing/feeding my two dens by hand drives me mad.

I do have the feeling that the devs will toss the suggestion because of Feed/Play all existing, but in all honesty... I know plenty of people struggling with severe real world poverty who can't buy GB and don't have the time to do the kind of in game stuff that lets you accumulate it, like hunting beyond your pride's needs every day and selling the excess, because they work and have kids.

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Edited on 14/07/16 @ 12:18:56 by Tallion [Ice] (#82904)

CreepDemon {Wine
Personnel} (#72736)

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Posted on
2016-07-14 05:21:13
Thank you! Glad someone else sees what I mean :)

Good idea though, I might add that as well, but as you said, there's little to no chance this will be added but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who gets irritated with it

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era (#89104)

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Posted on
2016-07-14 05:41:09
I also like this for the players like me who can't afford the feed all play all feature.

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Joshark (#81415)

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Posted on
2016-07-14 06:43:32
No support, 'cause the Feed All Play All is really not that hard to get. Just by participating in events, selling lions/items and playing actively, you can easily earn GB.

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