Posted by Its a Man Eat Man World Out There (apocalypse rp)

Blade (message me at
98723) (#93833)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-25 13:59:31
The world has gone to shit. The apocalypse has come. And it wasnt some nuclear explosion or anything like that. No. It was a disease, spread by fear. Humans finally did it. We killed all other life that had a beating heart. All animals are dead. On top of it, over the last 1000s of years we have cut down more trees and plants then we have put back. Because of this, some humans were the products of test experiments. They were used to see if humans could live without air. This ended horribly. They didnt mutate or kill. They just.. went completely mad. Years later human kind has somewhat.. adapted to less oxygen. However there are side effects to the loss of oxygen. For one, sometimes humans may.. see things. Other times they simply pass out. However because of this spreading fear of no food and less oxygen, humans became desperate. They began killing eachother as a source for food.
This is our apocalypse. A man eat man world. Canibals caused by fear. No one trusts eachother anymore.

And we are the last of this world of hatred. We've survived this long. Now some of us have banded together.however.. we still must hunt. If you are lucky you may find some animals that survived, but for the most part we hunt humans. Or, we farm vegetables.

Prepare yourself. You are stepping into a world of fear, hatred, chaos, and canibalism. If gore freaks you out, i advise you to step away.

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_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-07-25 17:33:26
Mentions: Everyone

The south of Canada. It's late spring and the leaves have just started to fall. Frequent acid rain showers and the increasing cold hint the promise of snow. There beneath the overcast sky, among the tall buildings that now populate the land like trees once did sits a lone woman, crouched over the carcass of a man. Tumours cover it's body and it's visibly ill. Grunting with effort she slices it open and begins to cut the meat into thin long strips.
The scent of blood fills her nostrils and despite the cold she is sweating heavily. Her bare chest and hands are covered in blood.
She was vegetarian before it all went wrong. Before we started eating humans. Uncontrollably she begins to laugh. It is a high, shrill laugh that carries no joy. She sits there, shaking with it. When the laughter subsides Dae gets up and hangs the meat on a cloths line that spans the street to dry. In another world, another time she might be hanging fresh linen to dry instead of meat.
She begins to pile up plastic and dry grass under the meat than poures oil over it. She starts the fire with an old cigarette lighter. It was an every day item so long ago but now her survival depends on it. It is painted blue, with rounded edges and the slogan 'Be happy, go lucky!' printed on it. Laughter bubbles up again in her throat. The fire smokes heavily till the black mist fills the air. The woman sits back watching the flames lick upwards.

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Edited on 26/07/16 @ 00:52:48 by Morra (#90939)

Iceshard24 (#85982)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-26 05:27:04
(does this take place in Canada, cause Luna is eventually going to have to team up with someone eventually or she dead XD)

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_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-07-26 06:27:45
(I assumed it was somewhere in or near the USA, I'm pretty sure that no trees would change the climate too, harsher winters much hotter summers, I can change location though :), no problem. Any suggestions?)

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Iceshard24 (#85982)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-26 06:33:00
(doesn't matter to me, just wondering :)

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Blade (message me at
98723) (#93833)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-26 09:11:25
I dont mind it being incanada. We never set a place so sure.)
Ok so ima try to respond finally. No idea if this will work in my favor since this will be the first time i use alucard in a apocalypse situation.

Its a fiiine day for the apocalypse, humans eating humans, humans hunting humans. Everyone fending for themselves.
And alucard? Well he was just being alucard. Currently he was in a showdown with some canibalistic rat who is holding a girl against her will.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “How did all this come about?” Well, it all started on a midnight stroll through the woods. The air was clear, the moon was full. Alucard was dying to sink his teeth into something. Get it? Because its the canibal apocalypse. Alucard soon reaches a field full of canibals on the ground, skinny as hell. Presumably dead. However, one man was still standing. A canibalistic priest holding a girl hostage.
"So, you came. Too bad you’re far too late." The priest said.
Alucard looked confused for a moment. "...What?" He asked.
The priest smirked and laughed as he said "Everyone else is already dead. Except this little tart. But trust me, I still plan to kill her."
"Mmhmmmm" alucard said, raising a hand to his chin.
"But first, I’m going to rape her!" Said the priest trying to intimidate the male.
"Neat." Said alucard.
"But before I can do any of that... I’m going to kill you!" The priest said excitedly.
This had caught alucards attention.
Alucard smirked and crossed his arms. "Oh? See, that would be intimidating, if you were… well, intimidating."
"Gr-r-r, are you mocking me?!" The priest shouted.
"Oh, no, no, no, no, no… Pfft, yeah! " alucard said amused, he then brings out his gun, shooting once through the girl he had hostage into the priest. Both of them fell to the ground. "Shot through the heart!" Alucard sand for a second.
"Well, that should about wrap things up here." He said looking away. That is, till he heard the girl on the ground, gasping for air.
"Oh, yeah. Forgot about you. Sorry about that whole “shooting you” thing, but I know if you look deep into your heart, which is currently all over that tree, you’ll find a way to forgive me." Alucard said kneeling down to her.
"Awww, geez, you look like a puppy. A blonde, eviscerated puppy." He said a slight bit of guilt creeping up on him.
The girl lets a tear fall.
"Jeez if i could help you i would. But only cause you have nice tits." He said standing up. "Well goodbye. And good luck. Have fun being cut up and eaten" the male said walking away.
/someone was bound to hear those gun shots/ alucard thought.

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-26 09:24:42
Nick glared at everything around her as she dragged a screaming girl by her hair, the screaming girl being her younger sister. "Shut up, Lil, this is what you get for sneaking off.." Blood tightened her grip on her sister's short black hair with a bloody hand.
Her naive, or most likely stupid sister had ran off thinking she could save some stupid girl from a cannibal, which ended with lil getting bitten. "

Lil was crying, screaming and throwing a fit from the pain in her arm and head, still struggling, "stop, stop, stop, nick!" She shrieked out, kicking and clawing at her sister with bloody hands and feet.

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Iceshard24 (#85982)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-26 13:40:05


|Luna|Age: 8|Female|Heterosexual/heteroromantic|Location: Canada|Mentions: Nick & Lil -Indirectly: Alucard

Luna was huddled by a fire she built eating some unappetizing human meat. Though she has had to eat this way for most of her life she still could not get over the certain taste and texture of human flesh. She heard a gunshot not far off in the distance and quickly burned out the fire with some water she collected earlier. She grabbed her bag and headed in the opposite direction as she knew she would not win against someone with a gun or a person 2 times her size. As she headed in that direction she heard a scream this time and was starting to get a little anxious. Should she head towards the gunshot, the scream, the dense clouded forest or the raging river.

After a moment of thought she decided to head in the direction of the scream, and hoped that she would be quick enough to be able to get the jump on the person. As she made sure stay as quiet as possible, she couldn't help but to shiver at the thought of killing someone in cold blood once again. Her clothes were still dripping with blood from her recent meal, as she held the katana strapped to her waist for mortal comfort. As she looked out from behind a cluster of bushes she saw the hazy figure of a poor girl being dragged along by a annoyed looking person.

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Edited on 26/07/16 @ 20:40:19 by Iceshard (#85982)

Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-26 13:47:17
Nick rolled her eyes, yanking her sister by the hair once before releasing her, letting the young girl drop to the ground. "I should rub mud in that stupid bite and get it infected for that stunt you pulled, Lil. Be glad I haven't already..." She snarled, turning before she started to walk away, hissing out, "get up lil and stop being a baby..."
With that she Ducked through the brush of the woods, leaving a small blood trail behind her.

Lil sat in a fetal position, sniffling as she stubbornly stayed where she was at, poking her bite wound before letting out a strangled yelp, slapping a hand over her mouth as the tears came shooting down her cheeks.

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Blade (message me at
98723) (#93833)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-26 17:25:25
Alucard heard the wails of pain. The male calmly walks through trees and bushes to see a girl and presumably her mother. "Neat." The male said, smirking. "What have we here..m?" He said with a dark laugh, stepping out into the open, unafraid. "Need some help miss?" The deep voiced nale asked

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_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-07-26 17:28:10
Mentions: Everyone
(I though that there were no(almost none) trees left and that huge cities cover up almost everything)

Dae stood up. For a moment the world seemed to spin around than it flickers back into focus and the screams begin. The woman listens with a quiet intent, her head cocked slightly to one side in a bird like fashion. She gets up and pulls on her shirt to cover her bloody chest than gets her pack and most of still raw meat. The tall woman walks confidently towards the screams. Tall buildings rise up all around her, casting shadows on the broad street. It becomes a maze in her minds eye. There out of the shadows two children step and to the lone woman they become prey. Quietly she stalks, among the shadows the buildings cast her knife at the ready and her muscles taut. Bright eyes of silver shine out of a face darken with dried blood and dirt. They are afraid. She can smell it. She can hear the young ones screams.

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Blade (message me at
98723) (#93833)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-26 17:29:36
Oh yeah.. shiz i am forgetting my own plot

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Edited on 27/07/16 @ 00:30:29 by Murder Princess (#93833)

Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-26 17:36:00
(*totally didn't forget either* xD)

Nick froze, whipping around to glare at the man, "Lil, come here..." she made her way back to the still crying girl, grabbing her by the arm, keeping her eye son the man, "no, I don't need your help..." she bit out, her body tense.

Lil now shut her mouth, hiding behind Nick, peeking out to stare at the stranger.

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Blade (message me at
98723) (#93833)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-26 17:38:17
"If you say so. Im not going to hurt you. Not enough meat on your bones for me to care about eating you. Although... you do have a nice lair of honkers on ya" the male said, smirking. "Mind if i have a feel?" He said stepping forwards.

Ashhole be showin

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-26 17:44:18
Nick's glare became more intense, in a flash she held one of her daggers in her hand, "you touch me or lil, and ill cut your balls off!" She sneered out, her grip on the knife and her sister tightening.

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Blade (message me at
98723) (#93833)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-07-26 17:53:26
"Are you trying to intimidate me? Because its not working" the male said, crossing his arms. "You are like a pathetic little girl trying to impress her drunk dad" he said with a smirk. "If i was going to do anything i would have by now." The male said, laughing in delight.

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