Posted by Trade # Limit

🐝 Detective (#19805)

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Posted on
2016-07-27 09:07:17
This is a suggestion for the Trading Center.

I enjoy checking the Trading Center frequently, and it is a daily occurrence where the TC is completely swamped with dozens of trades made by one user. Seeing a wall of trades with the same things gets a bit old.

My suggestion is to have a Limit on how many trades you can have up at one time.

This would help clear up a lot of the spam trades you see. Rather than selling 50 feathers/gb/skulls/NCLs singularly, people would be encouraged to bulk trade, use their branches, and second guess whether their trade is really necessary.

No more walls of trades where you have to go back several pages!

I think 10 or so trades at once is a fair number, but this is just a thought :) Feel welcome to share your opinions and ideas!

edit 2018;; New year, same problem,...

Perhaps a limit to how many different trades you are allowed to bump per 5minutes? So you don't go bumping 20+ trades and having them always spam the front page?

I'm just trying to brainstorm solutions to this issue-- feel welcome to offer your ideas!

This suggestion has 75 supports and 25 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/04/18 @ 12:49:52 by Detective 🐝 #B@H (#19805)

🐝 Detective (#19805)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-13 13:22:14
Bringing this back due to the usual april egg yolk/lucky foot trades where the whole first page is just trades by one person v.v

I'd love to see some kind of solution to this issue!

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Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-04-14 15:05:07
I support, 10-15 trades per player at a time, it is rediculous.

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