Posted by Kingdom Hearts RP interest check

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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2016-08-09 04:49:00
I'm baaack XD. Well I didn't go anywhere, but I'm back with my endless RP search.

I still have one Kingdom Hearts RP buddy, and friend so I am in no way replacing her. These are just ideas I had pop into my head. The first one, I am more than likely going to try and incorporate into my only KH RP I have here at the moment. But I will be happy to do it as another RP with a different plot line of course. So... anywho, here are the ideas. And sorry for the flower dividers, I didn't find any good KH related ones that didn't have Sora in it.


1. Zootopia World (I know it's not in the games yet, but it would be awesome if it was right?) - This hatched in my brain a few hours ago, probably around 6 or so my time. So I was like 'Must do Zootopia KH World!' My idea is this:

What if Sora and his friends discovered a new world with talking animals, but the only difference between this and The Pridelands is that these animals are on their hind legs and wearing clothes, plus in different boroughs like a human city. But he has to try and save them from the Organization (Which of course I know they are dead, but shh... Xemnas works in weird ways) so this would be an AU because of the fact in real game time, they are gone.

My other Zootopia world RP idea involves the Organization, it would just be opposite of what Sora is doing of course. With my friend I'm altering it to work in with our current RP plot. However, as I mentioned I can still do it with other people as well.


The fun in this? I can allow OCs, since I know there are a lot of people here who do not like playing canon for whatever reason. I play canon, but I won't have a problem if you want to do an OC with one of my canon characters.

Pairing wise, I do MxM. I personally won't care if you want Sora and Riku in a relationship, or what have you. Just don't pair him with Marluxia, and I'm good. (It's weird anyway... he killed our favorite scythe wielder, there is no relationship).

If you want MxF, I may allow more than one person for this RP, so if you want it with another RPer that may join, that's fine. I personally will not RP it.

I will also not play any of Sora's friends or Sora, personal reasons. Sorry. But of course I will not stop anyone if they wish to play him or his friends.


All I ask is for patience if this turned into a group RP type of thing. I only have two days off normally, and I get off around 11am Lioden time depending who I'm working with. Latest would be 11:30 and I'd be home not long afterwards.

But also let me know if you do want to do MxM, what bothers you with it and what doesn't. I have an idea and I don't want to be heartbroken like I have been lately.

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