Posted by Beware of the Dogs {RP Thread}

🐾Howell🐾 {Um,
I'm dog} (#87467)

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Posted on
2016-08-12 23:24:29
Welcome pack mates. (Ugh, this is very weird)
Will edit later.

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🐾Howell🐾 {Um,
I'm dog} (#87467)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 00:40:35
Skye | Male | Pup | Interacting with: None | Location: Camp |

The awakening sun beamed on the land as it had risen. Everything illuminated in the light creating a beautiful sun rise. Everyone in the pack was still sleeping, and it was very quiet. A pup had stirred from it's rest from the sun's glow. It gazed back to see that it's mother and siblings were asleep. The pup carefully slipped from it's mother's grip and into the open sunlight. It yawned and stretched it's stubby legs; the pup's name was Skye.

Skye gazed back at his dozing family one more time before scampering off. He could finally go exploring for a while now that his siblings were asleep. He'd never been able to go around the camp since his snitching siblings would tell his mother and then he'd get in trouble. Skye stubby tail thumped against the ground. It took him a second to get moving and he hopped away out of sight.

His first idea were to go the to kill pile and to look at the yummy fresh kills there. He didn't see much but some rabbit carcasses, and what appeared to be a leg? of some sort? It'd look like a prize to him. Since he was 3 and 1/2 months old, it meant that he could finally eat solid food. He grabbed the leg and struggled to drag it to a nearby cherry blossom tree. He then begin to pick the meat off of it, the meat appeared to be very stringy but he didn't mind.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 01:08:04
Fenna // Female // Head Hunter // Mentions: Mel // Location: Outside Healer's Den

Fenna groaned and rolled onto her side as the morning sunlight filtered into the den. She had wanted to sleep in for a little longer, since she had done some hunting training the previous night and she was tired, but now that she was up there wasn't much of a chance that she'd go back to sleep. With yet another dramatic groan, she stood up and shook the dust out of her fur. Once she was happy with her appearance, the small female padded into the sunlight, glancing around camp to see that hardly anyone else was awake. She spent a few moments wondering what to do. She could wait for the hunters that were under her command to wake up, but that just sounded so boring, so she decided to go see what Mel was up to. Maybe today she'd get a chance to touch his fur and see if it really was as soft as it looked.

She padded over to the Healer's den and stuck her head in, peering around to see if Mel was there. "Hello?" She called out softly, pricking her ears up. She knew that he was probably asleep, but hopefully he wouldn't be too cranky.

(Sorry if Fenna peters Mel too much, she just wants a fluffy friend. X3)

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 01:11:11

Hades | Male | 4 years | Beta Male
Location: Clan's Territory; Hunting Part of the Territory-> Camp | Mentions: None / Open for Interaction

Hades padded in the hunting part of their territory, planning on catching a decent meal for some dog in the Pack. Sure, he was Lead Guard, but that didn't mean he couldn't hunt. Besides, when was hunting a bad thing? Food was always needed, and extra food was good. The sun hasn't risen yet, so he still had some time to hunt before he started heading back. The wind gently ruffled his fur as he walked on the grassy forest floor, in the part of the territory where the dogs mostly hunted. But, sniffing and observing the ground before him, a good sized deer soon caught this tiger's sharp eye and he crouched to the ground, his tail above the ground. Stalking the baby deer, he got closer until he couldn't go any father without being noticed. Then he ran and pounced, claws digging into its back as his powerful jaws latched onto its neck, biting hard. In a matter of seconds, the massive canine had pulled it to the ground and killed it with his powerful bite.

Seeing the sun begin to rise, Hades began dragging his kill back to camp, knowing he should be there when the morning began. Soon enough, he arrived back home and brought the female deer to the prey pile, setting her down carefully. Eyes landing on the Alpha, he would dip his head respectfully. "Good morning, Addison." he would as he walked over to her, ready to listen to whatever her plans were for the day. What were his orders? "What are my orders for the day?" he asked, his posture straightening up, towering most. Statistically, he was actually taller than most dogs in the Pack, barely any canines sizing him up.

Mercy | Female | 3 years | Rogue
Location: Pack's Territory; Border. | Mentions: None

Mercy walked across a scented border. She was well aware it belonged to a Pack of dogs, most of this information given to her by her allies, most were rogues that had come across the Pack once or twice. Mercy had been born in a rogue family and had grown up in a rogue family, and her life had super hard as a pup. There was a certain quote she lived by; what doesn't kill you makes you stronger- and she was evidence of that. Her father had been abusive and she hadn't defended herself until she was too hurt to deal with it anymore, finally defending herself against the evil brute she refused to call her father. That had made her stronger in the end. As well as cold and not trustful of anybody. She didn't trust a single dog and wouldn't unless some dog proved themselves to her.

Nose sniffing, she picked up the scent of hare and lowered herself to the ground and stalked it. Then it realized she was there and she bolted towards it, pouncing on it and her paws pinned it down, razor sharp fangs biting its throst. Her pretty eyes watched as the life drained out of its eyes, she sat back in satisfaction and bent over, beginning to feast on her kill. Yeah, she just killed a hare on the Pack's territory, and that was dangerous, but she was confident and she didn't plan on getting caught.

OOC: Bad entry is bad. Ugh. Bleh. My entries suck.

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🐾Howell🐾 {Um,
I'm dog} (#87467)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 01:53:39
Mel | Male | Healer |Interacting with: Fenna | Location: Camp |
Mel had stirred from the sound of someone calling his name. It took him a while to understand what was going on and eventually he did. He peaked one eye open and then the other and shifted around in his bed of moss. He lifted his head and let out a loud yawn. He gazed around slowly and then he heard the calling. He turned around to see Fenna.
"Oh, hello Fenna," Mel sat up and began to scratch himself. "What may I do for you?" he had spoken in a calm voice.
Addison | Female | Alpha Female | Interacting with: Hades + Skye | Location: Camp|
Addison had already awoken due to the bright sunshine that almost blinded her. She came out of her den, and stretched out her legs; claws shifting in the dirt. She had noticed that one of the pups had woke up well rested, she trotted over to go see it. "Hello Skye, what'ya doing up?" she'd asked calmly and politely. Skye gazed up to see Addison hovering above him. "Oh! um, hi Addy!" Skye greeted her with a nuzzle and a bunch of happy yaps. Addison had loved when he called her Addy, it simply brought joy on her face. Where's your mother?" Skye pointed his head towards the nursery. His mother wasn't up yet? hmm. Addison went over to the nursery.

"Uh, Charlotte? are you awake?" Addison's voice echoed in the den. A Great Pyrenees had stirred from it's slumber. She had spoke, "Oh hello, Addison. Hmm? morning already?" Addison nodded her head, the dog that assumed to be Charlotte held a surprised look on her face. "Oh god! I must had overslept. Are the puppies okay?" Charlotte had yelped, noticing her own litter was gone. "Oh don't worry Charlotte, they're fine." Addison purred softly. "Oh okay, I better keep watch over them. Sorry about that."" Charlotte rose to her haunches and went outside of the den. "Nah it's alright. I understand your job is tiring. Well, I better get going." Addison began to trudge away.

Addison looked to see Hades, the beta, trotting towards her. "Good morning Hades, your only duties today is to keep watch over the pack and make sure nothing bad happens."

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Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 04:32:02
Kay // 2 years // Border Collie // Female // Hunter // Location: By a tree XD // Mentions: Skye

Kay awoke by the sun's rays in her eyes. It took her a minute to wake up. She had a job to do today but she really didn't want to do it right now. Kay sighed through her nose and finally, stood up. She trotted slowly towards nowhere in particular and she found herself by a cherry blossom tree with a pup by it. She recognized the pup as Skye. Kay laid down next to him and closed her eyes. "You really think you can finish that whole leg?" Kay asked groggily.

Chico // 2.5 years // Miniature Alaskan Klee Klai // Male // Omega // Location: A den // Mentions: N/A

Chico just kept on sleepin'

Vetro // 3 years .. Boxer // Male // Warrior // Location, All around the terriotry, then the border // Mentions: Mercy

Vetro was up bright and early like always. He wanted to play. He knew most of the pups would be sleeping but it's good to text your ability on prey. He went out of the camp at sunrise to look for some unsuspecting victims. He found a rabbit. Or a hare. They all looked the same to him plus he didn't care. Vetro wanted to see how fast he can run. The rabbit/hare heard him and it took off, Vetro fast on it's trail. Pretty soon, he got tired and slowed down to the pace of walking. He let the mammal take off. After a minute or two of catching his breath, he followed the scent of the rabbit. Vetro saw it. He hid in a bush. Now, he saw two new things. A dead hare and a strange female dog that was on pack territory. Vetro couldn't help himself. He rumbled a low growl at the canine, still hidden in the bush.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 04:52:48

Hades | Male | 4 years | German Shepherd | Beta Male
Location: Pack's Territory; Camp | Mentions: None / Open for Interaction

Hades nodded as she greeted him back, one paw lifting before touching the ground again, his other paw doing the same before returning to the dusty ground. He nodded, a bit disappointed, "Okay." he said, dipping his head respectively before turning around, observing camp. Okay, he had to make sure the pack was safe. Which meant he had to watch them. Which meant no hunting. He let out a huff before he saw Kay, his friend, and he brightened up a bit. He could take to her for a little while maybe. She was with Skye, the rather adorable pup. Padding over to Kay, he arrived just in time to hear her ask the pup a question and smirked. "If she doesn't, I will." he said before sitting down. A bit of amusement was hinted in his deep, masculine voice, as well as in his eyes. There were few who saw that emotion; amusement. If and when the Border Collie would look at him, he'd greet her with a simple "Good morning, Kay." before lifting his paw, licking the blood stains off of it before putting it down and lifting up the other one, licking the blood off of it as well.

Mercy | Female | 3 years | Australian Shepherd | Rogue
Location: Pack's Territory; Border. | Mentions: Boxer

Continuing to eat the hare, Mercy's ears stay perked, though her posture showed she was confident, as well as her tail- which wagged confidently. Then she heard a bush's leaves rustle and looked behind her, her stunning blue eyes observing her surroundings to find the sources But, seeing nothing, she went back to eating the rodent, regardless of the fact that she smelled an odd dog scent. Was it a dog in the pack? Was one near her? Na, surely not. It was probably just old scents from when a dog last hunted there. Then she heard a growl, her ears perking as she heard it. Beautiful form standing up and turning to face where the growl came from, the Aussie's blood-stained maw started growling, figure standing up straight as a sign of confident dominance. "Who's there?" she called in a hostile, yet smooth voice, a snarl following her question. She knew it was in the bush and, judging from the scent, she guessed this dog was a male. They smelled different; males and females. Taking a step back, she made sure the hare was under her body, behind her front paws and in front of her back paws. It was her kill.

OOC: Worse post is worse. Ugh. Bleh. In a rush. it's so short D:

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Edited on 13/08/16 @ 11:53:29 by Christicat15 (#54511)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 08:13:35
Poppy|Female|Adolescent|Mentions: Sarid, Hades
Location: Packs territory, her den

Poppy opened her eyes when the sun started rising, looking around, then glancing at Sarid. His little body, he needs to get bigger. Poppy parted her jaws in a yawn, licking her lips, before carefully standing up to not wake up Sarid. She arched her back in a stretch, stretching her legs away from her. She heard Sarid roll around, so she turned around to look at him.

"Hey Poppy!" his voice said behind her. She turned around, again, to see his happy face, wagging his tail. "Hey Sarid" Poppy yelped, licking his face before smiling brightly. "I want to play!" Saeid barked, trying to jump on her face, but failed. "Hehe, can you catch me?" she yipped, nibbling on his ear. "You bet I can!" Sarid laughed, biting her paw. Without warning, Poppy started to run, until she almost ran over a dog, with black and brown fur. Hades.. she thought, looking begin her to see Sarid ducking under him and coming closer to her.

Sarid|male|omega|Mentions: Poppy, Hades
Location: Pack Territory, his and his sisters den

Sarid had a dream of being back home with Poppy and her mother, and his 2 other siblings.. But that dream didn't last long as he heard his sister getting up. He opened his eyes and looked at her, before sneaking behind her when she turned around and barking, "Hey Poppy!" she looked at him in suprise before She said hi back. "I want to play!" he barked, wagging his tail and jumping up, trying to get her face, but instead, he fell on his side. "Hehe, can you chase me?" Poppy yipped, nibbling his ear. "You bet I can!" Sarid barked before biting her paw. Poppy butt into a run, Sarid following quickly. She nearly ran into Hades, but jumped, a side ways jump. Sarid just ran under him, getting closer to Poppy.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 11:25:21
Fenna // Female // Head Hunter // Mentions: Mel // Location: Healer's Den

Seeing that Mel had woken up and that he didn't seem very mad with her, Fenna trotted a bit father into the den, her tail wagging. "Morning, Mel! Sorry if I'm bothering you," She began in a bit of an apologetic tone "but my hunters are not awake yet, and I got bored, so I was wondering if maybe you needed help with anything?" She asked hopefully. Fenna sometimes acted a bit like a pup; if she didn't have something to do, she'd get bored within five seconds. This fact about her might annoy some packmates, but at least it meant that she helped out as much as possible instead of lazing around.

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Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 11:49:26
Kay // 2 years // Border Collie // Female // Hunter // Location: Cherry Blossom Tree // Mentions: Hades, Skye

Kay smelt a familiar scent but figured that he had some job to do. She ignored the smell until, Hades showed up by them. She opened up one eye and found him sitting there. Kay sat up immediately, somewhat excited to talk to Hades. "I know you will eat that." She laughed. "You big dogs have to eat too." She looked at him and noticed the hint of amusement in his voice. She smiled. "Otherwise, Good Morning Hades." She bent her head respectively.

Vetro // 3 years .. Boxer // Male // Warrior // Location, All around the territory, then the border // Mentions: Mercy

Vetro stayed within his hiding place although she knew where he was. It was if she was protecting her kill. "Who do you think?" He replies harshly. He was crawling out of the bushes, in attack mode/body language(??) "I'm someone from the pack that owns this territory." He emphasize the last part. Vetro growled yet again, his eyes staring right at hers. She was quite a pretty dog with a merle coat but it felt like her eyes stared into your soul. He did not move a single muscle as he asked her. "First of all, why are you here? And why are you hunting here?"

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EllaBear (#92690)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-13 12:10:13
Riley /:/ Male /:/ 7 months /:/ German shepherd mix /:/ Pup /:/ Location; Packs camp /:/ Mentions; Skye, Kay & Hades /:/

Riley exhaled deeply as he stirred within the den, rolling left towards his left side he managed to roll himself onto his back. His forelimbs resting curled upon his chest as he tongue lolls out the side of his open maw. Fluffy auditories perking slightly as he hears the faint sounds of chatter of his awaking pack mates he quickly gasps in excitement, rolling back onto his belly as he clumsily heaves himself to his paws, stumbling forward slightly however he managed to regain his composure fairly quickly. Thick stubby tassel wagging high in the air he quickly bounded his way over the other sleeping canids towards, accidentally having trodden on ones tail which caused his irises to widen slightly and quickly he scampered his way out of the den, dreading having been caught by whoever it may have been he had stepped on- he really didn't have the chance to take a look. Upon exiting the den his dark brown irises immediately landed upon 3 frames on the far side of camp as he recognized as Hades, Kay and Skye a pup like himself, only younger. Barking excitably he quickly bounded across camp quickly, his physique lowered slightly as she quickly made his ascent towards the 3 dogs. "Morning!" He barked cheerfully as he reached the three dogs, bumping into Skye slightly however not enough to inflict any possible harm as he dug his paws into the ground to prevent himself from sliding forward. "Oh sorry!" He chuckled to the younger pup with a grin playing at the corner of his maw.

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Edited on 13/08/16 @ 19:10:37 by Ella (#92690)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-13 13:55:14
(Well.. You go driving for the day in your new car and miss everything XD)

Female / 3 / GSD / Warrior
Mentions: Anyone in camp Location: Camp

Defined muscles rippled beneath a short pelt, long strong built legs moved confidently across the ground, amber eyes staring blankly around the area, settling on the shade of a tree not far off. A gorgeous German Shepherd moved across camp and settled in her favorite spot. Under the shade of a glorious oak, she had dug up part of the ground, creating a small dip in the ground with the dug up dirt acting as a slight barrier around it. Lucifer huffed as she settled down, her tail curling to her side and her head resting atop the 'wall'. The females eyes watched the hustle and bustle, landing on a certain dog (Hades) before moving to the others. Ignoring some while inspecting the others. She chuckled at a certain fluff ball (Riley) before the GSD moved to lay her head against her side and drift into a light sleep. She had been patrolling for a good chunk of the night, though she was a warrior she refused to sleep until she was forced to do so and sighed lightly. Wishing the dreams would just go away and huffed. -school drained my creativity-

Soldier (Cookie)
Male / 3-4 / Doberman / Warrior
Mentions: None really.. Location: just outside of camp

Chilling at the edge of camp was a large doberman, caramel eyes glaring at anyone that tried to approach. Cropped ears remained upwards and alert, flickering around every so often while listening for anything out in the woods. Only allowing a few select dogs close to him, one being his main man Jasper who had been sent off on a secret mission (Until signed up) for their alpha. Soldier snarled at nothing in particular and snapped to his paws, taking off into the woods and running for as long as he could. Ending up at a stream and huffing, snapping a paw into and out of the water. A large trout flopped onto the bank and flopped around wide mouthed as the doberman swiftly killed it. If he was good at anything it was catching fish and fighting. Often having to fight off stray dogs from the junk yard during his time living there since pup hood. His cold heart ached at the thought, he had had a nice bed in an old dog house with fresh raw meat and treats every night. Sure his human paid them no attention other then training and feeding, he loved it there. He had free roam of the junkyard and could do whatever he damn well pleased. Unlike here, life was good but he had no real shelter like that trusty doghouse.

Male / 4 / Tibetan Mastiff / Guard
Mentions: Everyone in camp Location: Camp
(No one updated views for Charger XD don't know who to avoid lol)

"Hey!" "Good Morning!" "Hows it going?" "Whats Up?!" The large male walked through camp, greeting all the dogs that were awake, smartly avoiding those who didn't like to be bothered, and hanging around the pups. "Morning Alpha, beta." He greeted with a large toothy smile. His fluffy tail wagged quickly, creating a small breeze for anyone standing close enough. Charger was always a cheerful dog, taking orders with a broad smile and happy attitude. And if anyone ever seen the Tibetan quiet or reserved they knew to steer clear of him. Something set him off and one wrong move could send the male into a frenzy he wouldn't remember. The black and caramel colored brute chuckled lowly as a butterfly skimmed across his nose and flew off, he was like a pup some of the time. His attention snapping between different things in moments. Though when ordered to do something his attention never wavered, his focus spot on and his attitude serious but friendly still.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 15:55:13

Hades | Male | 4 years | German Shepherd | Beta Male
Location: Pack's Territory; Camp | Mentions: Poppy, Sarid, Kay, Riley, Skye, Lucifer / Open for Interaction

Hades sat there until he felt fur brush against his fur and immediately, he looked overdown, staring down at the source. It was Poppy, an adolescent. He narrowed his intense eyes, looking at her before he felt something go under him. In surprise, he growled and looked down, seeing a tiny dog run under him towards Poppy. Observing the dog, he recognized him; it was Sarid, the chihuahua sized omega. With a quiet, disturbed snarl, he looked back at Kay as she spoke, her talking able to make him not unhappy any longer. "Yes, we do." he said, tongue drawing across his charcoal lips. He nodded, "Yes. Good morning, Kay." he said with the kindest tone he could offer. It was the best he could do. His intense gaze was directed towards as a playful 'morning' was barked to the three. The large German Shepherd kept a neutral face, but nodded his head to the cute pup. "Good morning, Riley." he said, ear flicking. Randomly deciding to observe his surroundings, he turned springs just in time to see Lucifer's gaze on him. Their eyes met and he cocked his head before she walked away. Turning back, slightly confused, he pushed his attention back onto the dogs in front of him.

Mercy | Female | 3 years | Australian Shepherd | Rogue
Location: Pack's Territory; Border. | Mentions: Boxer

Mercy waited for him to answer her question, eyes narrowed. She growled, a bit confused as he answered. Well how would she know? She watched with curiosity as he moved out of the bushes in attack mode, recognizing his breed. It was indeed a male dog, a male boxer to be precise. And a handsome one too, if she did say so herself. Hmm... Pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind, she waited for him to clarify. Hearing his second answer, she nodded, "Ahhhh.. You're part of the pack that lives in these woods.." she said. Her pretty body was in a defensive and offensive position, ready to defend or attack if needed, her front paws still in front of her kill and her back paws behind it. She rolled her eyes, "Obviosuly, I came here to hunt. And I decided to come hunting for food because I'm a hungry Aussie. And because I can." she said, putting an innocent tone on the 'hungry Aussie' bit, before it changed back to a normal voice. She lashed her pretty, fluffy tail, "The name's Mercy, by the way." she added, stunning blue eyes meeting his.

OOC: Horrible post is Horribel. Ugh. Bleh. it's so short D:

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Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2016-08-14 05:49:25
Kay // 2 years // Border Collie // Female // Hunter // Location: Cherry Blossom Tree // Mentions: Riley, Hades, Skye

Kay noticed as Riley came running to them. He slightly collided to Skye. She laughed at the young pup. Kay loved to see how the puppies acted, it made her wish that she could've acted like that. "Hello, Riley. You seem energetic today." She turned back towards Hades. He seemed to act in a good mood. But she figured there was a catch. "So, Hades, what do you need to do today?" The border collie asked him. She licked her maw, hungry herself but she rather wait until she got something for the pack. Maybe she can take a pup or two with her while she went hunting. Kay turned to see where Hades was looking at and saw Lucifer. She didn't care for Lucifer that much so she turned her head away.

Chico // 2.5 years // Miniature Alaskan Klee Klai // Male // Omega // Location: Bed, Outside // Mentions: Charger

Chico has just awoken to the sunlight. The Miniature dog knew she had slept in my omegas don't do anything anyways besides getting picked on. He stood up, still drowsy from waking up. He scurried off out of the cave, not seeing well but he knows where he's going. A big brown and black blob was in the distance, and Chico thought is was a tree of some sort. He ran a bit faster, hoping nobody would notice him. When he got to the "tree", Chico accidentally ran into the, wait. Why was this tree soft and fluffy? He realized that it was another dog, so Chico ran around in a circle, hoping to find a place to hide. Unfortunately, there was nothing and he was stuck. A tiny whimper escaped his mouth and he looked up at the enormous male.

Vetro // 3 years // Boxer // Male // Warrior // Location: In the Woods // Mentions: Mercy

Vetro flinched back in shocking disgust. Of course she was here to hunt and eat. She did, in fact, looked a bit thin. He decided, a spur of the moment idea, to relax a little. The Boxer is now standing upright although his shoulders are still tense. It was a bit unfair to let another dog starve while a whole pack ate. "I'm sure we don't have to have one little hare." Vetro replied, giving a little hint that she may have the prey. "I'm Vetro, a warrior of this pack." He sighed and looked back to where he came from, to make sure that nobody followed him. He looked back at her blue eyes with his brown eyes, and just stared, studying her.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-14 06:18:51
Female / 3 / GSD / Warrior
Mentions: Hades Location: Camp

She had caught Hades' eyes for just a moment and her heart fluttered gleefully. She furrowed her brows in confusion at the reaction, her fur puffing up slightly before she once again had curled into a tight ball. Listening to everything around her with perked ears. If anyone glanced over her she wouldn't appear to be a dog, instead she'd look like a mass of dead brush or something similar. Perfect for guarding the camp and the precious little fluffballs (Pups lol). Her mind drifted to thoughts of the navy and she instantly snapped awake with a startled yelp. Her body shaking, eyes wide and lips curled upwards in fear. -so short D:-

Male / 4 / Tibetan Mastiff / Guard
Mentions: Chico Location: Camp

Something ran into his fluff, sure he barely felt it but it was there. His instincts demanded a growl to bubble deep in his throat but he shoved the majority of it down. He looked to see what ran into him to see Chico, the mini alaskan klee klai, "Oh... Hi!" He smiled at the omega. "Why so scared? I'm not gonna hurt you." He chuckled lowly, laying down to be ever so slightly more at the dogs height. He knew the omega's were picked on but the giant dog had no ill intentions towards them. Amber eyes looked at the smaller dog and gave another broad smile. Tail thumping loudly against the ground. (^^^)

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