Posted by Smythe Academy for the Gifted (OOC Thread)
etherealToaster (#70732)

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2016-08-18 09:43:08
In the misty forests of Great Britain, there lies a school for children like no other. For you see, this is an academy for those gifted with unique abilities, such as telepathy, as well as mutants of all kinds. But this place is not filled with all the joy you dreamed of, but also enemies at every turn. Despite the dangers, not many cower in fear, but most work together in order to survive.

It is the year 1992, and you are a student at Smythe Academy for the Gifted. Your parents were slightly worried about sending you here this year, for the government has gotten wind of there being a school for abnormal students somewhere on the coast of Britain. Even the school administrators are concerned. Maybe the government has installed spies on the inside. Maybe something sinister could happen this year. Who knows what’ll happen?


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Edited on 18/08/16 @ 16:51:06 by etherealToaster (#70732)

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