Posted by african pygmy hippo decor D8

Trafalgar Water D
Law (#37201)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-08-22 03:56:51

 What it is:  African pygmy hippo

 The cuteness factor is very strong in this one, it's possibilities are endless and the species is an endangered one. Not very many exist in the wild because hunters can probably easily get them they are a nocturnal and a very shy, version of their larger cousins and they seem to be just perfect for a decor that accents the orphaned baby rhino. I don't have any art skills that are good enough to draw them but i have real pictures of them for people to see. maybe if someone had the skills and the patience?  In real life their adult forms aren't all that big and the babies are like the size of Chihuahuas in some cases.

 i know this doesn't help my case, but it could be maybe an oasis or event decor that could help towards raising money to save some endangered species? I'd be very open to anyone else having great ideas for this too.

This is the size of a baby pygmy hippo next to a caretaker at a reserve.tumblr_inline_ocbof2x0Q01uqiyuo_500.jpg

That's an adult one to the right next to her baby.tumblr_inline_ocboffjmw71uqiyuo_500.jpg

Bellow is the same hippo out in the wild and his cute sassy face.tumblr_inline_ocboegvZ1o1uqiyuo_500.jpg



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Marshie (#74770)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 04:00:43
Awww, the baby looks like the real life "house hippo" ( im talking 'bout this commercial ) Support!

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Trafalgar Water D
Law (#37201)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-08-24 04:22:07
the aussie commercial? yeah kinda like that but it's real.

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