Posted by Breeding older beetles

🐶 FlipicusPup
main [S2D] (#22800)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 06:32:30
I bred a beetle at 30 days and it died without me being able to get the larvae, so what I'm suggesting is

A) Make 30 day old beetles unbreedable because it's frustrating to still have the breed feature for you to use, despite it being useless. Lions don't have breed anywhere close to their natural deaths on here, so we don't have that problem for them.


B) Make it so you don't have to go to the beetles page for you to get the larvae, because reasonably a lion (or human) caretaker wouldn't have any part in hatching a beetles eggs. Again, we don't do that for lions, and beetles have the same other basic features as they do.
- Maybe the clutch could be somewhere else, like a separate page, or in the unsorted beetles section.

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