Posted by The Tainted Ones [Wolf Sign-Ups]

Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2016-09-09 10:04:44

The Tainted Ones


* Ask all questions in the Chat thread. They will not be answered here. *


The Tainted Ones



A great threat lingers in this world, wishing to destroy all of it. Hideous creatures emerge from the depths of caves deep underground, making their way to the surface so that they might taint the lands. They look just like regular animals; except they are twisted and deformed, their faces appearing to have been doused in acid, but they are clearly animals. It is said that they are caused by Man, who has corrupted the Earth and thus caused these horrendous monsters to be born from the far reaches of what many humans know as Hell. These creatures are killing off all the food, tainting the water—and they must be stopped.

The beings in this area are wolf-like entities, and the local wolf packs have decided to band together into one superpack in order to defeat these monsters. But with how twisted these things are, can they really escape unharmed from them? And can they survive the night, when these monstrosities come out to play?



- All Lioden roleplay rules apply. Please read them.

- Powerplaying, godmodding, and metagaming are all forbidden.
- Your character is not perfect. Please give them some sort of flaws as well as strengths.

- This is a literate RP. Proper grammar and punctuation is expected. Because of the level of this RP, there is a 250 word count minimum per post.

- This is a semi-realistic RP. Fur colors must be realistic (whites, blacks, grays, browns) but eye colors and markings do not have to be.

- Respect your fellow roleplayers, and hate the character rather than the person playing them. Insulting, cursing, harassing, or otherwise attempting to harm another player will get you removed from the RP.

- Characters are limited to wolves. I will not allow wolf hybrids of any kind.

- Put “tainted” in the other section so that I know you read the rules.

- You may have as many characters as you can handle.



Alphas – The two wolves that run the pack and lead the others into battle. Must be one male and one female.

Betas – The two in charge of battle training, and putting everyone into group formations when in battle. Must be one male and one female.

Medics – Up to three wolves that help keep the pack physically healthy and patch up wounds.

Subordinates – The fighters, hunters, and patrollers of the pack. They all work together to keep things safe for the young.

Adolescents – Those that are learning to fight but are still too young. (Under 1 year.)

Pups – Those too young to fight. (Under 6 months.)

Omegas – Those that have no fighting ability whatsoever. They watch the pups instead.

Elders – Those too old to fight.









(250 word minimum)

(250 word minimum)


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Edited on 19/09/16 @ 15:12:00 by Zesha (#15997)

Zesha (#15997)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-09-09 10:20:04


name – age – rank – player – page

Kano – 5 years – Alpha Male– Potato Lord – Page 1
Sylvia – 5 years – Alpha Female – Zesha – Page 1

Kaia – 3 years – Beta Female – S23melsy – Page 1

Sanare – 9 years – Medic – Kamme [Keys] – Page 1

Aaliyah – 2 years, 5 months – Subordinate – ❀Adaria❀ – Page 1
Athenadora – 3 years – Subordinate – Kefir – Page 2
Daniel – 4 years – Subordinate – ~| Alexis |~ – Page 1
Grace – 3 years – Subordinate – Xerxes – Page 1
Jeremiah – 4 years – Subordinate – ~| Alexis |~ – Page 1

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Edited on 18/09/16 @ 15:42:51 by Zesha (#15997)

Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2016-09-09 10:20:24



5 years



Image | Source

I am too lazy to write out a description right now.

Sylvia makes it a point to be aware of whatever is going on in the pack, whether it be with the young or the old. She has a more dominant nature, but knows how to interact with others without putting them down or acting like she's better than they are.
Decisions are something all the wolves have to make, and Sylvia seems to make a lot of them. In tense situations, she doesn't hesitate to intervene in an attempt to calm everyone down. She does her best to choose decisions that would be best for everyone involved, though she has no problem collaborating with others to come up with acceptable plans.
If she sees someone has done something particularly good, she'll praise them, trying to make sure to do it where others can hear. However, if they've done something wrong, she'll quietly pull them aside and explain why their actions aren't acceptable, or how they can improve themselves and work past their difficulties.
Because of this, she feels accountable for everyone, sometimes even those that aren’t part of the fighting. Whenever she's not with her friend Kano, being checked on by the betas, or other important duties, she's poking her head in to see how all the others are doing. This is usually how she spots problems, which she promptly tries to find a solution for.
Confidence and optimism seem to radiate from her very being. She tries to be a source of positive energy for everyone around her, and to be there for anyone in need. While it may seem like she just wants to be top wolf, she really does care about the others. Perhaps the thing they love and hate most about her is her honesty—she doesn't have a problem telling you the truth, even if it's a painful one.

The other wolves don’t know a whole lot about Sylvia yet, but her past isn’t horribly exciting anyway. She grew up in a pack of wolves known as the Red Talons, a group of wolves that valued strength rather than cunning. Her mother had been an outsider that joined the group later, and she constantly imprinted her ideals onto her young pup, Sylvia. So while the pack taught the young pup how to fight and become strong, her mother would sit her down in a foliage-heavy area of the woods and teach her everything she needed to know to one day become a good leader.

Sylvia took her mother’s words to heart, but that didn’t change the fact that in this pack, you had to challenge others to become the alpha. So after several years of training, she finally become powerful enough to take down their current alpha, and begin changing how the pack looked at everything. It has been a hard journey this last year, and now with this new threat cropping up things are about to get even rougher.

In order to keep things mediated between the many packs, she chose another wolf—Kano—to help her join together all the packs in the land to fight this growing threat. He agreed, and with the two of them together, they have so far managed to gather quite a few wolves. These two are not mates. Sylvia made that clear to him in the beginning, and they have an understanding that while he will help the pack in one way, she will help in another.


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Edited on 09/09/16 @ 17:21:19 by Zesha (#15997)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-09-09 11:38:19






5 years old.


Heterosexual + Heteroromantic.




Kano is a thick-furred, large reddish-brown brute with black tipped hair along the neck, shoulders, back, tail and around the face. His deep set eyes are a startling pale gray, nearly white. Kano's paws, legs, underbelly, cheeks, area surrounding the nose and inside the ears are lined with creamy white fur. His frame is more heavily built and solid than the average wolf, which has led to the circulation of rumors he may have dog blood in him. These rumors are untrue, but once gossip gets started it's hard to shut it down. His pelt is heavily scarred.

Image | Source


Kano is a solemn wolf with a somewhat gruff and detached disposition. He tends to favor order over free-form and will not look kindly upon rule breakers or those who purposefully cause conflict among the pack. Kano isn't completely lacking in compassion or empathy, but his past has left him more than a little jaded. He has a hard time expressing most emotions openly, but that doesn't mean he is careless or needlessly cruel. Despite being a leader he doesn't often exert dominance over the other wolves. Their opinions and views are important to him. He wants them to feel they can always speak their minds or come to him with ideas or concerns. So long as they are behaving and respecting each other as well as him and Sylvia he has no reason to put them down. Have no doubt about it though, should anyone push his limits or challenge his authority he will have no issue putting them in their place. Kano does still have moments when his old self will rear it's ugly head, compelled to violence by flashbacks or inexplicable anger. He chooses to separate himself from the pack on those days in order to avoid injuring anyone. As much as he wants to blot out his fighter history altogether and forget the days he was used for man's selfish desires it is something that will always be a part of him. He fears growing close to others will lead to accidents, not trusting his own temper, and thus keeps his packmates at arms length as a result.


Kano was born the only pup of an Omega and the Beta of a neighboring pack. For obvious reasons he was shunned and treated poorly by his packmates. It got to the point where his mother couldn't bare to see it any longer. Eventually she took him and left to live on their own as lone wolves. His father did not join them, but she hadn't really expected him to. When he was around six moons old his mother was shot and killed by a farmer after snatching one of his goats for food. The farmer trapped Kano rather than killing him and sold him off to men who attempted to use him in dog fighting, thinking they would have the advantage by using a wolf. Needless to say, things didn't go quite as planned. His bulk made Kano both powerful and menacing, but the dogs were much smaller and slimmer in comparison, making them faster. If he could get his teeth around their throats they were as good as dead, but he was normally left so scarred and battered after fights (especially since he was often pitted against more than one dog at a time) he didn't make them as much 'profit' as they would have liked.

Eventually he was sold off again, this time to a wolfdog enthusiast who attempted to use him for breeding stock, though he always ended up killing the dogs he was supposed to mate with. Eventually, not knowing what to do with him, he was released back into the wild to fend for himself. With very little survival skills of his own, he did rather poorly until he joined a lone male and his mate who were looking to start their own pack. He stayed with them for a time and they taught him how to live in the wild again as well as helped him overcome the trauma of his past. He became their Beta and then eventually the Alpha once the older male had passed. For a time his reign was filled with nothing more than moonlight and good times, but then the beasts came. It wasn't long after that he was approached by another alpha about joining her as co-leader of the conjoined packs. He accepted.



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Edited on 09/09/16 @ 22:15:33 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

❀Tree Rat❀
{#Primal} (#30289)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-09 15:11:19



2 years, 5 months

Pan-Romantic & Demi-sexual


Aaliyah is naturally petite with strong, lean legs and a shortened tail. Her left ear is scarred in more than one place and her fur consists of mainly blonde hues but her markings very much resemble that of a regular grey wolf. Although Most of her coloration is located between her shoulder blades. Her eyes are considered to be heterochromia in which each eye is a different color. The main colors are blue and brown, but the lighter one has small flecks of gold around the iris. From shoulder to paw pad she stands about 26" and weighs around 53 pounds.


The small female is usually a quiet set of eyes. She prefers to keep to herself and can be found occasionally wondering off to secluded areas. Even though she may not look it, she makes a powerful hunter but mostly relies on her quick wits and agility. Aaliyah can often times be mistaken as distant or ungrateful and although it may be half right, she takes much care into the work she does for the family. Usually in the morning she can be found checking up on the pups and elders and scouting for danger in the surrounding areas.

Even though hunting may be her best skill, she prefers to only take what she needs as she believes it would be a waste of life. Aaliyah enjoys company but likes to keep it minimal for most personalities tend to clash with hers. Most days you can find her by a small creek or anywhere near a body of water.Even though she hates getting wet. Other times she's exploring the outskirts of the clans territory, trying to catch her next meal for the day.

Although she's loyal to the pack, her attention reside somewhere in the forest, which in turn makes it a bit hard to create bonds with her pack members whether it be romantic, platonic, or some other form of relationship. She likes to feel happy though, and will always appreciate it if someone makes her laugh. Also if there's one thing she hates it's the feeling of being restrained. She will not hesitate to react if things become unpleasant.

(will edit)

Aaliyah was born the second youngest of a litter of five and was considered a unhealthy and small, she was also the second runt of her sibling group and the one before her shortly died making her the youngest. Her parents where very concerned with her size and in fear that their tiny daughter would suffer the same fate as her they decided to focus the majority of their attention to her. Much to the displeasure of her kin.

As the family grew older together the brothers and sisters began to taunt Aaliyah causing her to become more and more distant each year. One day Aaliyah's father decided it was time to do something about this and took his youngest daughter out hunting with him. Each day she grew stronger and stronger and by the time she had to leave the den, she had become fluent in the art in catching prey.

Her siblings still very much dislike her though, even more so now that she was considered the 'talent' of the family. After a few days of being out of the parents sights the den mates had come up with a plan to disable Aaliyah from ever hunting again.

As Aaliyah was chasing down a rabbit for practice on day, her brothers and sisters had ambushed her and pinned her to the ground while they took her prey and tortured it for a good hour before tearing it to shreds. After the event Aaliyah was scarred and vowed to never take or torment a life that she did not need.

(will edit)


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Edited on 11/09/16 @ 23:13:30 by ❀Adaria❀ (#30289)

S23melsy- poop
please (#93271)

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Posted on
2016-09-09 17:44:13
can i reserve spot as beta will post forum once fed all lions :)

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S23melsy- poop
please (#93271)

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Posted on
2016-09-09 18:14:14
Age: 3 yrs

Unsourced image removed by moderator.

Kaia is very fierce, she longs for someone who would love her, even her flaws. Kaia fears that her pack will abandon her, she’s scared that if she lets someone in they will abandon her. As the same thing happened to her mother. Despite not letting people in she is friendly and very flirtatious, she knows that the people she flirts with will find others who they truly love. Kaia is seductive and will fight for her park using whatever method needed. Kaia respects wolves who will not hesitate to fight for the pack. Kaia feels as if she doesn’t fit in with life, and finds it very complicated.Kaia is seductive and will fight for her park using whatever method needed. Though friendly she is highly manipulative which ties in with her seductive nature. Kaia fears that if she lets wolves in that they will She is swift and agile, she can manage well with an opponent who's stronger than her as long as they are slower. Even if she is well matched or out matched she will bring in tactics to find the wolves weak spot even if it means verbally taunting or distracting. Even if Kaia hasn't fully let you in she can be very loyal, if she feels as though she could trust you.


Kaia feels very protective about her pack and will do anything to protect it. Kaia’s mother was seduced by a rogue wolf who promptly left after finding out Kaia’s mother was pregnant. Which is the reason for Kaia’s trust issues. Her mother along with all the pups died during birth leaving just Kaia. Kaia feels she was the reason for the rest of her litters death. Her mother was not well at the time and was recovering from a recent battle. The rogue was charming to Kaia's mother and Kaia's mother saw him in secret sharing a close bond. The packs mothers all took turns looking after Kaia, however Kaia felt like a burden. Her mothers death has left her with a very strong resilience along with Kaia not trusting other wolves easily. Kaia has worked hard to get to beta female as thats the rank she always wanted. Kaia has fought in many battles and risked her life more than a few times, even though she is quite young.

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Edited on 21/09/16 @ 07:54:46 by Feather :: Shh, Squishy (#42722)

Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2016-09-09 23:05:24
@Adaria - Accepted.

@S23melsy - The personality and history are a bit short. If you could add about 100 words to each, I can accept your character as the beta. If you need help fleshing out your character, I can see what I can do to help you out there. :)

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 12:07:44



3 Years



Grace is a fairly large, grey wolf. Her eyes a light grey, appearing almost white. Her fur is fluffy, making her seem quite large, though the legs on her fur is flat, making them seem smaller. He has no clearly visible scars. Underneath her fur she has a few small ones but they are hidden underneath her thick pelt.


Grace is a loving wolf. She gives off a motherly vibe and enjoys teaching others. She is very patient. Although she seems like a motherly figure, she has a tendency to be far too passive. She is seldom socializing and would rather be observing away from the pack. Because of her anti-social habits, she isn't much help when it comes to hunting. However, her observant nature helps greatly when it comes to the pack's protection. She also has a habit of ignoring her pack mates. Oftentimes she will seldom acknowledge their orders and disobey. She does not do it out of a rebellious nature; she does it because she feels she shouldn't be held back by anyone. She is not interested in flirtatious acts or a mate, she would rather simply care for pups and adolescents. She is disgusted at flirting couples, but will usually try to hide it in order to keep a healthy relationship. She is a bit sexist and is not afraid to show it. She is extremely naive and believes everyone's word, no matter how much they have lied to her in the past. She is a forgive and forget type of wolf. She isn't very territorial and believes everyone has a good side. She thinks that all wolves should live in peace. She dislikes fighting and violence but understands the need in order to hunt. She, however, refuses to teach aggressive behaviour. Instead, she teaches to pray before and after each hunt. Some may think of her to be spiritual, others may find her annoying.

It was a beautiful fall morning. The sun's rays glistening majestically against the colourful leaves. The Earth was littered with orange, yellow, and red. Grace absolutely loved this time of the year for it's beauty. Her paws pressed gently against the leaves as she walked through the forest, staring in awe as leaves tumbled playfully to the ground. A soft noise shattered her focus and she came to a halt. For a brief moment, Grace was tugged away from her fantasy world and thrown back into reality. Her heart calmed when she saw her mate, Charlie, approach her. She smiled and licked his muzzle in greeting. No words were spoken as they walked side by side, returning to the den.
As the couple retreated to the comfort of the den site, four small pups bounced toward their parents. Grace watched them, in love with her small family. She watched her mate play and wrestle around with their pups, imagining the bright future they were going to have.
It seemed as though all of that was ripped away with the sound of a CRACK. A hunter had found their home and shot Charlie. Grace watched helplessly as each and every one of her family members seen their last day. Her heart was wrung of her fantasy world and her mind had escaped her head. In this moment, Grace was not a mother and lover with a home in the forest; she was a wolf with an expensive pelt. Grace couldn't remember much of that beautiful fall morning. All she knew was that by night, she was weeping and alone in the dark where all the leaves were shades of black.


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Edited on 13/09/16 @ 20:29:37 by Xerxes (#52637)

Kamme [Keys] (#59487)

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Posted on
2016-09-12 13:38:02



9 years



Image |~| Source

Sanare is an old, black furred wolf with small, dull yellow-amber eyes. White hairs have began to dust his muzzle. His build is unremarkable; he's on the thinner side of average. Small scars cover his body.

Sandare is a restless, odd wolf. He will often disappear only to return several day later, usually with a few new mysterious scars and a bundle of experimental medicine. Large groups of wolves make him uncomfortable, so sometimes he needs to get away from and be alone, no matter the risk to his safety and well-being. When he talks, which is not often, he is blunt without much of a personal filter. He often insults wolves without meaning too- he simply says what he means. Luckily for him, he does't get insulted easily himself. Insults slide off his pelt without much impact. Even the most vile words can't penetrate his thick skin.

Despite his affinity for solitude, Sandare does get lonely. Unfortunately for him, his friendships rarely last very long. His off-beat personality and tendency to ignore the wolves he has fashioned a friendship with drives most wolves away. Living the majority of his life alone has left him socially stunted and awkward. However, he rarely minds. His short-lived acquaintances and his work are enough to keep him satisfied, most of the time.

Sandare is not a dominate wolf. He respects and listens to those above him, and doesn't challenge decisions. But in his healing den, the rules are different. If anyone challenges his methods he will gladly argue to his last breath.

Healing is his one true passion. He's observant, a scientist, constantly testing and retesting he methods to ensure their effectiveness. When he is not on one of his expeditions he can be frequently found muttering over his stash of medicines as he tinkers with concentrations and amounts. Mostly, these new creations fail, however, every so often, they will heal with remarkable effectiveness.

He doesn't talk much about his puphood, but there's not much to say. He was born into a small, unimportant pack to loving parents and a small collection of siblings. If he stood out for anything, it was for not standing out. He was capable enough to survive, but not strong enough to ever make an alpha or beta. His family taught him the basics, but he never felt any great attachment to his homeland.

Sometime during his first year, he stuck out of his own as a dispersal wolf to form his own pack. He traveled far and wide, surviving off small prey and getting into his fair share of trouble. He learned a great deal from the wolves and creatures he met, including the art of healing. He took a special interest in this art, questioning and shadowing healers whenever he could. However, learning was never the main goal of his journey. Again and again, he attemptd to court a mate and began a pack of his own, but could not make himself truly interested in a mate. Every relationship he managed to get off the ground crashed and burned. Eventually, he abandons the pursuit.

He lived alone as a nomad healer for many years, sometimes hopping from pack to pack to provide healing services in exchange for temporary food and protection. It wasn't until monsters began terrorizing the land that he stopped wandering and joined the superpack. Reluctant to settle down, he only joined after several near-death experiences with the tainted animals. He could not defend himself against the creatures on his own, especially in his senior years.


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Edited on 18/09/16 @ 18:42:05 by Kamme [Keys] [Side] (#59487)

S23melsy- poop
please (#93271)

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Posted on
2016-09-12 15:15:15
Just edited :) character

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ZABA (#53989)

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Posted on
2016-09-13 08:58:40

Daniel and Jeremiah
Usually known as The Twins


Four years old

Daniel is Bisexual and demiromantic, while Jeremiah is Heterosexual


The Twins are almost exactly the same, except for their eyes. Daniel has striking yellow eyes, and Jeremiah's are a rich brown color. Though no wolf usually gets close enough to see this. Both of them have the same black pelt with a white underbelly. Their build is very slim with long legs that allow them to run quickly. They are mostly built for hunting, not strong enough to fend off another wolf alone. Another minute difference is that Daniel has black toe pads and Jeremiah has pink.

The Twins have a reddish patches along their flanks and very long fur. They have no scars, making them almost impossible to tell apart. They both stand a bit less than three feet at the shoulder, giving them a gangly, puppish look. Their legs seem to be too long for their slender bodies.

Daniel and Jeremiah seem to be, at first glance, completely the same both physically and mentally. To others, they might seem distant and antisocial. They are not ones for talking, usually keeping to themselves at times.

Daniel seems to mainly be the leader of the two, though he isn't the best at making decisions quickly. Danny is an intelligent wolf but he tends to over think things and gets nervous rather easily. He enjoys a chat every once in a while and is generally good-natured. His way of thinking can be confusing to other wolves.

From the beginning Daniel has always had potential to be a good leader, but never got a chance to express this other than the time spent with his brother. He would rather run then fight and tries to always take the easy way out. He could be described as lazy, but likes to find a quicker alternative to things. An extremely skeptical wolf, Daniel does not believe things easily and needs evidence for other's claims, no matter how small. He is a generally even-headed wolf. Danny dislikes cocky or melodramatic wolves, usually trying to lead a more humble life. His favorite season is fall. There's just something about the crisp blow of wind, or the tornado of colorful leaves that makes him want to savor autumn. Daniel has a tendency to ignore other wolves, not including his brother. Though not the strongest, Daniel is a decent hunter when hunting in a group. He likes to see both sides of a story.

Jeremiah, on the other hand, is a very different story. He is more antisocial than Daniel and rarely speaks to anyone, even his own brother. Antisocial to the point of being considered stupid or mute in the eyes of others. But that is far from true. Jeremiah lets his packmates think what they want about him, or just lets Daniel speak for him. He is a genius, outshining his brother heavily. Usually he can be found with his brother or studying the land in the pack's territory. Not much is know about Jeremiah since he avoids speaking in general, but on occasion he will speak if he feels his opinion is needed. Idle chit chat is boring to him. Friendships he forms are deep and meaningful, usually lasting a long time. Jeremiah usually speaks the most in the winter when he re-tells morals and other stories after a hard day's work hunting.

Jeremiah can seem cold and stuck up when you first meet him, but is a truly kind and soft spoken soul. He is passionate for those he is friends with, and would die for them. He values loyalty more than honesty. Sometimes his fierce and undying loyalty can get him into a bit of trouble. His favorite season is spring; when the snow melts and things begin to 'spring' back to life. Jeremiah has a deep understanding of nature and tries to pass on his knowledge to those who he feels would understand it. His knack for teaching is not well known, along with many things about him.

The Twins have been inseparable since birth. Their mother, a loner called Sasha settled down with a male that went by the name of Olsen. The Twins were the second litter their mother had, born in spring along with many other pups in the area. They grew up happy, though their mother thought it strange that they never seemed to go anywhere without each other. From a young age Daniel and Jeremiah had a very close bond, often sneaking off to go play in the woods alone.

As pups, their mother and father joined a pack. The whole family, including their older siblings Lilah and Tobias all moved into a communal den for the entire pack. Things seemed to start to get worse for The Twins. They were mocked for always hanging out together, no matter what. It seemed that this time in their lives seemed to only make the two grow closer. They grew quieter, keeping to themselves.

At the age of two years old they set off just as their siblings before them had done the year earlier. Daniel and Jeremiah set out to join a pack or possibly start one of their own, leaving their past behind.

After a few weeks of wandering aimlessly, they stumbled across a group of packs banding together to make a superpack. With the new threat of the strange creatures that destroyed the ecosystem, they thought it best to join a pack rather than stay alone. So The Twins joined the pack, at first straying on the outsides, unsure if they had made the right choice.

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Edited on 16/09/16 @ 21:46:06 by ~| Alexis |~ (#53989)

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2016-09-13 13:30:44
Finished my WIP post.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-14 03:32:48



5 Months






This wolf, but as a pup.

(250 word minimum)
Clumsy, Goofy, Lonely, Clever.

(250 word minimum)
Dakota was an abandoned pup growing up, hunting by himself, and sleeping by himself. He was found by the pack and was taken in.


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Edited on 14/09/16 @ 11:28:45 by FearedLion (#67784)

Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2016-09-14 04:26:11
@Xerxes - Accepted. :3

@Everyone else - Let me know when your bios are done!

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-14 04:30:23
Finished with my post! ^^

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