Posted by Creekclan/Valleyclan Signups O/A

LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-09-10 12:04:05
Life had been easy in Creekclan. Prey was easy to catch,the leafbares were short and the green-leafs long and plentiful, and they had no rival clans to compete with. Until they arrived. A strange group of cats appeared in their camp and declared that they would be taking a bit of the large Creekclan territory for themselves. They said they were called Valleyclan and promptly left. The Valleyclan cats had become extremely territorial, a single glance over the border could start a fight.



Creekclan has been around for many seasons, not even the oldest elder can recall when they were founded. Although everycat were told as kits who they were founded by. A kind tom called Whiskers started the clan with a few kittypets and a loner, and it eventually grew to the size it is today. Their previous leader, Stonestar, recently passed.


Before Valleyclan arrived, Creekclan controlled half of the forest, a good area for relaxing, and the creek. Now they control half of the sunning area, a tiny strip of the forest and the creek. Their camp is on the bank of the creek.


Leader: Flamestar(Frostpaw)
Deputy: Stonestripe(Adderpaw)
Medicine cat: Echoclaw
Medicine cat apprentice:
Warriors: Goldenclaw, Hollywish
Apprentices: Adderpaw(Stonestripe.),Frostpaw(Flamestar.)
Queens: Rowanfang
Elders: Firclaw



Valleyclan was created in a far away forest that no longer exists. When Twolegs began tearing down the trees they knew it was time to leave. They traveled far and wide until they found a perfect play of land, only to discover that it was occupied. They figured it was big enough for the both of them and took a fair share of the land.


Valleyclan took over a small valley, most of the forest and half of the sunning area. Their camp lies in the valley, and is well protected by brambles.


Leader: Nightstar
Deputy: Skyflower
Medicine cat: Smokeleaf
Medicine cat apprentice:
Warriors: Stormclaw, Pumpkinpelt(Mothpaw.), Starlingheart
Apprentices: Mothpaw(Pumpkinpelt.)
Kittpets/loners: Jenny


-Lioden RPG rules apply
-Please be active at least once a day. I understand if something comes up, but please inform me if you will not be on for long periods of time.
-As many characters as you can handle.
-Genders must stay fairly even.
-Fade when needed.
-No powerplaying please.
-If you are planning to do something huge, please contact me about it.
-2-3 sentences per post please.
-If you think anymore rules should be added tell me


Current rank:


Creekclan Rp thread

Valleyclan Rp thread

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Edited on 13/09/16 @ 18:39:33 by LunarSkies (#66248)

LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-09-10 12:24:31
Name: Nightstar
Age: 20 moons
Gender: Female
Clan: Valleyclan
Current rank: Leader
Personality: Nightstar is a fairly sarcastic she-cat with an answer for every question, whether it be right or wrong. She enjoyes relaxing at camp, and playing with the kits, and speaking with the elders. While she may seem relaxed and laid back, she is thinking very hard about her clan and it's well being.
Sexuality: Bisexual

History: Nightstar had a fairly uneventful childhood, she caused trouble, and spent most of her time waiting until she was an apprentice. When she did become one, green cough struck the clan, taking her parents, and her siblings with it. This caused her to train harder to prevent herself from falling into depression. She was announced a warrior in record time, and at the young age of 18 moons she became deputy. On their journey to these new lands their previous leader died, and she was appointed.
Likes: Attending apprenticed training sessions, kits, relaxing.
Dislikes: Rain and bees.
Fears: Letting her clan down, drowning.
Relationships: Open.

Name: Adderpaw
Age: 9 moons
Gender: Female
Clan: Creekclan
Current rank: Apprentice
Personality:Coldhearted, and arrogant and words most would associate this young apprentice with. After watching her mother be bullied, she promised she would never be pushed around. Telling her what to do will earn you a rude comment, and if you happen to be a fellow apprentice, a rough shove. She doesn't have many close friends, but occasionally she will attempt to make some.
Sexuality: Heterosexual

History: Adderpaw was born into an unstable family, with her mother a kittypet. Her father had died a moon before her birth, leaving her mother to fend for herself against the clans hateful comments. Often she would watch, terrified as her mother was bullied by her friends, which eventually led to her death. Afterwards Adderpaw was distant, and isolated herself until she became an apprentice.
Likes: Battle training, soaking in the creek, and the night sky.
Dislikes: Being bossed around, Valleyclan.
Fears: Being useless and losing a fight.
Relationships: Open.

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Edited on 10/09/16 @ 19:40:16 by LunarSkies (#66248)

Eve (#97141)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-09-11 10:53:58
hello, I would like to reserve a spot for creekclan deputy if thats ok? I'll do his application a bit later since im leaving

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-09-11 11:25:46




28 moons (2 years, 4 months) old.




Heterosexual + Heteroromantic.



Current Rank



Flamestar is a slender light ginger she-cat with significantly paler underfur and thin dark mackerel tabby stripes. She has an orange-pink nose that is split down the middle. Her legs are long, making her quite tall and her frame is made up of lean muscle. Flamestar's left ear has a small v-shaped notch at the tip and her almond shaped eyes are a brilliant shade of gold.

Reference Image


Distant, yet observant. Flamestar is quiet and tends to keep to herself for the most part. She has a strong sense of moral justice and will hardly ever turn down another cat in need, even going so far as to put her life in danger for the sake of a Clanmate regardless of the consequences. She has more than one life to spare after all. Despite being more on the silent side she is loving and amiable to those she holds close to her heart, but generally avoids getting too cozy with others and has a very small social circle as a result.

This isn't to say she is unfriendly. Flamestar isn't entirely against closer relationships, it just may take some time to gain her trust enough for her to consider you a friend. It's often hard to tell what exactly she's thinking as she masks her emotions quite well and isn't easy to read. Flamestar had a decent relationship with her father Lionclaw, but despises her mother Redstripe with a deep intensity that often left Lionclaw disturbed by the depth of her hatred. Flamestar is definitely at her worst when around her mother.


Life started out fairly normal for Flamestar. She was born into a small litter of two alongside her brother Foxfur to first time parents Lionclaw and Redstripe. Their father was gentle and kindly, but Redstripe demanded much of her kits. She wanted them to become the best warriors CreekClan had ever seen. This was all fine and dandy when it just related to training and encouraging them to diligently perform Clan duties, but took a turn for the worst when a dog was set loose in the territory and the young siblings set out on the false assumption they could handle it on their own.

The incident left Foxfur dead, but Flamestorm was luckily uninjured save for a split nose and torn ear. Inconsolable, Flamestorn blamed her mother for her brother's demise. Their relationship continued to sour over the next few moons as Flamestorm began noticing just now narcissistic and manipulative her mother could be for perhaps the first time in her life. When she was chosen as deputy over Redstripe, an older and more experienced warrior, the drift between them increased beyond repair. The first thing Flamestar did as leader was chase Redstripe out of the Clan, believing her a danger to everyone she knew, with the threat that if she she ever step paw on CreekClan land again she would be met with claws. Her father recently passed away from an infected rat bite and she feels a bit lost without him.


Loyalty, swimming, fish, her Clanmates.


Dishonesty, manipulative personalities, narcissism, Nightstar and ValleyClan as a whole, her mother.


Failing her Clan, her loved ones dying/betraying her.


Goldenclaw • Crush • Zesha
Redstripe • Mother • Zesha
Lionclaw • Father
Foxfur • Litter Brother

Theme Song

Up In Flames - Icon For Hire.




72 moons (6 years) old.




Heterosexual + Gray Aromantic.



Current Rank



Firclaw is an elderly light gray tabby tom with cream colored underfur and very faint stripping along the back and sides that darkens at the tail and around the face. His ears are small, rounded at the tips and riddled with scars. Firclaw's eyes are nearly always narrowed as his eyesight isn't what it used to be and the irises are a rich golden color. In his youth he was a handsome tom with a sleek coat and distinguished face.. Nearly all of his bones creak when he walks and arthritis in the legs makes his gait forever stiff. This doesn't stop him from hunting or exploring the territory on occlusion.

Reference Image


He's become a bit grouchy in his old age to be quite frank. While always blunt and a bit temperamental Firclaw was once an amicable warrior well-liked among his Clanmates. Stubborn to a fault and unyielding in his own opinions. it took Flamestar forcing him into the elders den out of concern for his well-being to fully retire. He doesn't enjoy being tended to and insists on still hunting for himself majority of the time. Accepting he's in his last years hasn't been easy on him.


He was quite the accomplished warrior. An excellent fighter, father of many kits and even the Clan deputy for awhile before an injury to one of his hind legs forced him to relinquish his position. He still walks with a limp and the arthritis only makes it worse. He's only recently retired to the elder's den and he's not at all thrilled about it.


Long naps, walks in the woods, hunting for himself, kittens, sunbathing.


Being treated like an invalid, those ValleyClan cats who won't stay off his lawn.


Being considered useless, death.


He probably has a ton of kids. Let me know if you'd like to play one.

Theme Song

Warriors - Imagine Dragons.




36 moons (3 years old).




Bisexual + Biromantic.



Current Rank



Starlingheart is a stocky tom with a predominantly white coat. Large patches of black fur cover the back and top of the head while the tail is solid black save for a white tip. His eyes are round and a light shade of yellow with a hint of green surrounding the pupil. His face is marred with claw-marks and the right ear is rather ragged looking.

Reference Image


His moods seem to change day by day. He's always rather quiet, but sometimes he could spend a whole day in company of the Clan and others he proves so gruff and aloof it's better to just leave him alone. He's a proficient warrior with a reserved nature, but Starlingheart is never afraid to speak his mind. He appears to be morally ambiguous, never seeing things as solely black and white and always looking for the varying shades of gray in-between. He can be more open and playful in the presence of close kin and friends, but otherwise might come across as unsociable. Darkness appears to spook him a great deal and he's so claustrophobic he can't sleep in the warrior's den.


Raised in the Twolegplace away from the Clans. He was the pet of a child who didn't know how to properly handle animals and she, unintentionally, tormented him. The girl had a habit of locking him in her closet to play hide-and-seek and forgetting he was in there. He's not a fan of darkness or closed in spaces as a result. He made a grand escape out a window when he was around 6 months old and lived on his own for a good while before coming across the ValleyClan cats on their journey to greener pastures and joined them.


Daylight, mice...I'm so bad at this.


Nightfall, being crowded, bossy or passive-aggressive attitudes.


He'll claim he fears nothing. The truth is he really doesn't like darkness or enclosed/cramped places.


None yet.

Theme Song

Who We Are - Imagine Dragons.



Will leave her apprentice/warrior name up to Nightstar.


7 moons (7 months) old.







Eventually ValleyClan.

Current Rank


Eventually Warrior Apprentice.


The result of two flame point parents, Jenny is nearly the striking image of a purebred Balinese despite her father's possibly mixed heritage. Her pelt is medium length and lacks the usual fluffy undercoat shared by most long-haired cat breeds, soft and silky in texture with a healthy sheen. Predominately white, her face, ears and tail are a light reddish cream color. Her paws and legs are also just a shade darker than the rest of her body and have creamy overtones. She has the typical light blue almond shaped eyes shared by many cats in the Siamese family along with a slender, fine-boned build, oval paws, large ears, long legs and a tapering muzzle ending in a bright pink nose.

Reference Image
Image Source


When in the presence of her housefolk Jenny is everything you might expect. Spoiled and pampered to the extreme, this young queen lives a life filled to the brim with luxury. She is given only the finest foods to eat, more toys than any cat could ever hope to imagine, any number of lovely pet beds and the adoration of nearly every Twoleg she meets. She finds no shame in this lifestyle as she truly believes she deserves it. She has an ego the size of Texas and there isn't very much that can knock her off her high horse for long.

Despite preferring she didn't, Jenny's owners allow her to wander outside during daylight hours or else she can become quite destructive if kept cooped up in the house. While her confidence and haughty nature remain Jenny does a 180 from coddled kittypet to neighborhood enforcer as soon she leaves the den. She is temperamental and highly territorial, guarding her house and those of her neighbors form intruders with fierce intensity. Regardless of her own less than friendly habits she also can't stand bullies and will confront cats she catches harassing others. Recently she's taken to wandering the wilderness, curious about the Clans of feral cats living beyond her borders.


Jenny was born her mother's only offspring before the queen was spayed. Blossom was always a rather small and dainty she-cat so it's not surprising her body could only nourish a single kit. Jenny's kithood has been average thus far beyond being treated like a Goddess by her loving owners. She still lives with her mother in their home and will likely be taken to visit the vet sooner rather than latter herself to prevent another litter from being born. Unbeknownst to them becoming a mother is the last thing on Jenny's mind. She would much rather push herself as a leader among the community, someone to be respected and obeyed by all, or perhaps make a name for herself among the Clans someday.


Hunting, fighting, attention.


Bullies, obnoxious cats despite being a bit haughty herself, rain and water in general.


Rejection, being forgotten.


Blossom • Mother
Gato • Father
Kaven • Older Half-Brother

Theme Song

Ignition - TobyMac.

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Edited on 11/09/16 @ 23:17:17 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 12:08:50
Of course c:

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Maddie (#96364)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 12:09:48
may I reserve the creekclan medicine cat and the valleyclan deputy? i don't know how many high ranks we're allowed to have so i hope to is okay.

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LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 12:18:28
Two is fine

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Maddie (#96364)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 12:20:40
thank you, i will have them up shortly

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Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 12:31:17
Just making a note that I'll be posting the characters Goldenclaw, Redstripe, and an unnamed one. Possibly an elder too. Literally only posting right now to reserve those names. xD But I shall get to working on my bios now. >:3



22 Moons



Current rank:

It’s very rare to see Doc angry, and few cats want to relieve the memories of when he does. The only time you’ll ever see him like this, however, is if someone is threatening one of his friends—of which he has very, very few. Normally, Doc is calm, completely in control of his actions and decisions even if others might not think he is. His demeanor remains cool, unfazed by insults but only too happy to make smart comebacks himself, which tend to rile up whoever he’s talking to. Some may even say he seems collected, like he has all of his kits in a row at all times, and knows exactly how to handle a situation. Of course, he’s no mind reader, and really he’s just good at thinking on his paws. One has to be when there are those without your best interests in mind just behind that tree.

Doc is a fantastic fighter, and can slash at another cat’s face in the blink of an eye. He’s quick from all the time he’s spent practicing. He also has a streak of good luck coming through that he’s deserved since the death of pretty much all of his family, so he’s able to remember battle moves quite well. Or maybe he just has a good memory, but that’s not what he’s attributing it to.

However, he is actually sick with a feline form of tuberculosis that he hides from other cats. It is his biggest weakness right now. He usually stays in the sunning area where the air is drier, which helps, though he still has coughing fits from time to time where he spits up blood. Also, never let him eat catnip. He becomes rowdy and wants to fight then. Mostly though, he tends to come off as a snake-hearted tom because of his need to make sarcastic comments.

Oddly enough, Doc likes to get his paws wet. Unfortunately for him, damp air makes his tuberculosis worse, and so he can’t go swimming in it anymore. When he isn’t out patrolling or hunting, which he finds very relaxing, he tends to sharpen up his fighting skills. He wants to make sure he can defend his friends from enemies.

Doc isn’t a fan of those that get angry easy, but then again, who is? They make him have to tense his claws and ready himself to strike if they make a move, and he doesn’t desire to hurt anyone if he doesn’t have to. He also can’t stand drinking water from anywhere but a running body of water, like a stream. Above all, however, he despises cowards. Don’t run away from your problems.

His greatest fear is dying of his illness. He’d rather die in battle, which may be why he tends to be sarcastic and goad strong looking cats into fighting him. He became afraid of having kits when his sister died at six moons old, and it also made him nervous about getting a mate.


A longhaired red chinchilla/shell cameo cat with the stripes on his face seeming black and the rest a darker golden color. The tip of his tail is also black. He sports a lovely pink nose surrounded on two sides by white, which stretches out onto his cheeks and drops down into a V shape on his chest. His toes are white as well. Doc’s eyes are a pale green, and rarely do they ever look stressed.

His father was close friends with another she-cat who died and left an orphaned kit, Waspkit, who was only a moon younger than Goldenkit. Waspkit was adopted as Goldenkit’s brother, and the two grew close, becoming nearly inseparable for a time. Even as kits, Applefang taught his two sons battle moves.

Goldenpaw had a sister at one point, but she was sickly growing up. Little Tansykit was only six moons old, had almost been given her apprentice naming ceremony, when she succumbed to her illness. To this day, no one is sure what exactly the cause of the illness was. The cold fingers of leaf-bare took her in her sleep one night. At this point Goldenpaw was 11 moons old, and he began to grow distant from his family, fearing that being too involved with them would lead to more heartache in the end.

And it did. At 15 moons old, he watched his mother and adopted brother die of a feline form of tuberculosis. Despite having distanced himself, the blow hit Goldenpaw hard, and he grieved by practicing fighting moves more often, even when he wasn’t with his mentor. Even after his father got a new mate, he preferred to only speak to him in passing, staying as far apart as he possibly could.

At 22 moons old, he contracted tuberculosis himself. The medicine cat decided to keep this a secret, though it’ll become harder the longer he has it. The coughing fits will get worse… and eventually, the whole clan will know.

Swimming, hunting, fighting

Those who get angry easily, cowards, stagnant bodies of water

Dying from his illness

Flamestar (Crush)
Applefang (Father)(Alive)
Honeycloud (Mother)(Deceased)
Waspfur (Adopted Brother)(Deceased)
Tansykit (Sister)(Deceased)

Feline TB is only contractible by eating or drinking after an infected cat—basically getting their bodily fluids inside the other cat’s body. So Goldenclaw kills with his claws rather than his teeth.

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Edited on 11/09/16 @ 19:42:55 by Zesha (#15997)

Maddie (#96364)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 12:52:45

name: echoclaw
age: 30 moons
gender: female
clan: creekclan
current rank: medicine cat
personality: caring, outgoing, strict, stubborn
sexuality: pansexual
appearance: she has a long gray pelt that is unruly. she has a darker gray belly and bright green eyes.
history: echoclaw was born into creekclan but her father was a kittypet, as her mother had been a kittypet before she join the clan. she always knew she wanted to be medicine cat, even if she could never have kits or a mate. she did become a medicine cat and plans to always be one.
likes: healing, her clan
dislikes: water, forbidden relationships
fears: water, being alone
relationships: forbidden

name: hollywish
age: 22 moons
gender: female
clan: creekclan
current rank: warrior
personality: loyal, respectful, secretive, scared easily
sexuality: bisexual
appearance: she has short a red pelt with dark red striped and a tawny underbelly. she has yellow eyes.
history: she was born in creekclan to a father and mother both born in creekclan. she was always very quiet and also very skillful. she became a warrior quiet early and plans to stay as one, afraid to be a queen.
likes: being alone, quietness
dislikes: recklessness, rude cats
fears: being a queen, being in small spaces
relationships: none

name: skyflower
age: 25 moons
gender: female
clan: valleyclan
current rank: deputy
personality: loving, compassionate, sly, anxious
sexuality: demi-bisexual, leans towards she-cats
appearance: medium length black pelt. she has amber eyes.
history: she was as a loner and was a loner up till she was ten moons old. she found valleyclan and soon joined their ranks. she became a very loved cat and not long after she back a warrior she became the deputy. she hopes to get a mate soon, but not too soon.
likes: she-cats, calm and relaxing days
dislikes: rude cats, disobedience
fears: storms, moving to fast on relationships
relationships: small crush on nightstar

name: stormcloud
age: 27 moons
gender: male
clan: valleyclan
current rank: warrior
personality: ambitious, calm, blunt, critical
sexuality: bisexual
appearance: short white pelt. he also had green eyes.
history: he normal history. he was born into valleyclan and was raised well. he became a warrior fast and soon gained the respect of his clanmates.
likes: kits, clanmates
dislikes: creekclan, sass
fears: losing battles, deep water
relationships: none

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Narisa (#97419)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 12:54:28
ayyy i'll post some bios in a lil bit! edit: probably just gonna stick with one for now, but i'll take on more if need be.


Name: Pumpkinpelt
Age: 21 moons
Gender: Tom
Clan: Valleyclan
Current rank: Warrior
Personality: A very outgoing tom that always has something to say. Very flamboyant and loud, often fussing or joking around with his clanmates. Isn't too fantastic of a hunter or fighter, yet is great at getting cats to work together and calming down any rowdy apprentices.
Although he's known for his peppiness, Punkin' tends to feel very alone at times, especially at night. He's quite good at hiding this, however.
Sexuality: Panromantic, doesn't really want to have kits but if any abandoned one is found he'll gladly take it in.
Appearance: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
History: Raised a kittypet, was abandoned and joined Valleyclan at apprentice-age. Doesn't remember his family very well and doesn't intend to go back.
Likes: Playing with the kits, grooming, relaxing, being a lazy noodle, helping around with little tasks, basically acting like everyone's dorky uncle, etc.
Dislikes: Fighting, bloodshed, watching anyone get picked on, rudeness, and fish. Ick.
Fears: That one day the clan will no longer need him and leave him behind.
Relationships: ~it's a mystery~
Other: B^)

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Edited on 11/09/16 @ 20:44:21 by Narisa (#97419)

LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 12:59:12
All accepted. I'll add them to the lists soon and I'll make a few toms to even the genders as well c:

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LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 13:40:12
I'm going to move Hollywish and Pumkinpelt to Valleyclan to even things out if that's ok with you, Narisa and Maddie

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Narisa (#97419)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 13:42:35
fine by me! C:

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Maddie (#96364)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 13:53:10
I kind of want to keep hollywish in creekclan because I wanted to have a cat in each clan that could have a relationship that is not forbidden. I hope that's okay. I might be able to make another cat if needed, but I'm not sure I can keep up with five.

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Zesha (#15997)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 14:08:37
Redstripe will be in ValleyClan, so don't worry, you'll be getting another cat in that Clan soon. :)

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