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Posted by | Account-Bound Purchasable Poses! |
![]() ★Rascal4488★[G1 Ennedi] (#34765) ![]() Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-09-12 06:37:21 |
Hello everyone! I'm going to be quick and cut to the chase here! :) I love the new poses! (Evil, Good, Kind, you know the bunch) They're gorgeous and I want them on all of my lionesses, however that would add up very quickly in GB for me haha. ____________________ The suggestion! I'd love it if we could purchase the poses permanently for your account, like the "Extra Cub Stages". "Pose Replacer Pack" or something like that, which replaces all your lioness' poses with the newer ones. The pose would of course match their personality. However; -Mutated Lioness are unaffected/ don't get their pose changed. (If that's possible for the Lioden Team. Unless the new poses get mutation edits in the future. ) -It would probably be more expensive, I assume at 15-25Gb. As the Cub Stages only bring in two new poses and it costs 10GB -It might not be possible for Lioden to do coding wise...? Also I'm not saying I want the single-purchasable poses gone. I'd love both options to be available. Please feel free to add other suggestions! _____ Other Suggestions! Mei (#53317); Being able to override a pose by applying a different pose on it. (Such as putting an Evil pose on a Good lion, or putting Jolly Pose on.) Kaiidth(#63305); Being able to have the options to purchase a bundle or purchase one type to unlock. (Such as only account-unlocking the Evil Pose). MajestyCoal (#23607); Or it being a subscription-like transaction- such as "Play all Feed all", and buy them monthly at a lower price than above. (And have Lioden benefit extra in the long run.) |
Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)
![]() Resurgent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-09-13 05:14:42 |
@Ashy Trashy Seeing as once you use a pose in a lioness, it is permanent, I really don't see how it could be applied multiple times. You mean that it would be permanently applied to more than one lioness , or applied like a decor? You got me a bit confused. ![]() |
MajestyCoal, Wenet hoarder (#23607) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-09-13 05:16:13 |
If you put in the main post that the price would be 50gb, the number of supports/no-supports would tell you if you were in the minority. Right now you've written it would be 15 - 25gb which to most players seems like a bargain for 30-40 lions. But it was just a feeling because some players complain that the cub stages are too costly even. The more you pay to combat staff losing out on money, the longer you're likely to stick with your account because you would feel like you've lost out if you quit or go inactive. However, the longer you stay using your account and having more lions, the more they lose potential income. It's really a no-win situation the way I see it. If you are spending gb on CRB already, then the site is making money through you putting premium currency back into the Oasis, so they aren't actually losing anything through you personally not buying poses. Chances are, I think, that other people are saving their gb for other things like you are right now, so the site is still being supported in other means with no loss of potential funds the way things stand. Of course it's up to them to decide, and your idea is a really nice one, just from a business-minded standpoint you're asking for free coding and (essentially) free poses once you've gone past a certain number of lions on your account. IF you made it like the feed and play all tool, where you pay for a certain number of days, then based on how many lions you had you might still save money without the site losing income the longer you play. If they made it 10gb every month then medium to large prides would still get a good deal compared the current system, but not at a massive loss to site income. ![]() Edited on 13/09/16 @ 12:17:44 by MajestyCoal (#23607) |
★Rascal4488★[G1 Ennedi] (#34765) ![]() Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-09-13 06:42:44 |
@Ashy Trashy I agree completely! The Cub stages felt perfect for me, and well worth saving up to- I didn't have much at the time. I'm not sure how they would make poses have more uses in a decor-manor, but that might be interesting too. I like the poses in an ascetic manor, and in a RPing manor. As for the conflict situation, in truth I feel that it's just something Lioden themselves would have to talk about. As we can only speculate. @Kaiidth I'll add it above for you. :) @MajestyCoal I have 15-25Gb as I feel they'd price it around there or a bit higher- at tops 35. (Purely judging on the Cub Set.) I was saying that I myself though, would be willing to spend a lot. :D I had no idea people complained about the cost of the Cub Stages- but people complain about anything so I shouldn't be so surprised. I simply can't agree, and we'll most likely continue to disagree due to different views. (Which is okay!) There's normally a compromise for every situation- but I also think positively. As for a business stand point I see it as coding for a small profit and happy customers, but once again I think we are just going to end up having different views. I would still be willing to pay for that, despite me not actually liking 'subscription' based transactions , and I'll happily add that in as a suggestion! :) ![]() |
Gen (#89069)
Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-08-21 06:29:40 |
I just had the same 'problem'. The colors and markings on the 'claim a lioness' screens are very different - in some cases they look nothing alike! - from the normal pose. So to actually get the lioness I claimed I'd have to use a pose - that easily adds up and considdering that they can only be used once on every lioness with every generation passing it becomes an unpayable thing for me. I'd gladly spend 40 even 50 GB on an accountbound pose-addition for all my females and be done with it just like with the newborns. Cause as it is right now buying them for one GB just to loose that pose with the lioness after just a few days just doesn't pay for me. That being as it is the site is going to loose out on money, I loose out on the poses and as far as I'm concerned the thing is a bad ad for the site - teasing you with newer and better quality art but only 'renting' the good quality to you. Imagine buying a game where you not only have to buy the 'ultra' graphics setting but also keep on buying it again and again each time you play. ![]() |
FossilKat🐾G2Smilu s|Albino (#98472) ![]() Cold-Blooded View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2020-07-06 13:07:22 |
Love this idea {and more than absolutely the preferred} or at the very very least they need to add uses to the poses like they have the tiger's eye and eye of the fierce roar ect-ect I still think that the poses should be available in Oasis for people who don't want this package and not to mention then we could change the pose of a lioness ourselves if we had bought the package ![]() |
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