Posted by Albino Tweak

Isilneth (#96049)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-15 01:54:53
Now, I don't want to get rid of the Albino base and I'm not suggesting to rename it.

What I am suggesting is that since both Albino and Achromia function as mutations is to either change Albino into a normal base, or to change Albino so it is actually in every color group. I was unsure of which subform this fell under which is why it's in the main Game Development form.

Currently the Albino base has a chance of showing up in any breeding, which is great if you like the base, but it makes understanding the already confusing base system a little more difficult and with the addition of Achromia this feature is redundant.

Make Albino an actual base

  • The simplest solution from a user perspective would be to have Albino function as a normal Black Light Solid Common base. My understanding is that Albino used to be rare before the change, so I understand that this isn't for everyone.

Make Albino belong to each color group

  • This keeps the functionality of the base mimicking the real life mutation but adds transparency to how Albino works. This is actually how Albino was initially explained to me.

The only mention I could find of how Albino works is in old news posts or posts from old users. At the very least the information should be accessible even if the functionality of the base is not made more transparent.

This suggestion has 56 supports and 1 NO support.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2016-09-15 02:00:59
I'm wondering, how could the albino base belong to every color group? How can that be coded? Would the albinos just pop up random group solid common bases? It would be easier if they weren't part of any group color at all, and let the other parent's genetics be that of their offsping, no? But then again, there'd be a lot of people angry with this change, for what I understand albinos are the easiest base to breed white lions without actually being white, apart from the new eggshell base.

Please note I'm not against this or witht his - for now - I'd just like to understand this better.

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Isilneth (#96049)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-15 02:50:42
Quite frankly the only people that know how that can be coded are the people familiar with the site code.

My thought is to effectively have four Albino bases, Cream Light Solid Common, Black Light Solid Common, Red Light Solid Common and Golden Light Solid Common.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by letting other parent's genetics be that of their offspring, could you explain?

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2016-09-15 02:55:22
@Isilneth I thought that, since it would be rather difficult to have a base belong to the four color groups, then albino would belong to none. Then the next step was thinking "What about their babies?" and the easies way would be that they would only inherit their genetics from the other parent, the non-albino one. I know, stupid, because, what would happen if the other was albino?

So, four different albino bases, one for each group? I take it it would be the same base, no?

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Isilneth (#96049)

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Posted on
2016-09-15 03:01:54
That makes sense, but that actually sounds like how Achromia works! And yeah, visually they'd be the same.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2016-09-15 03:15:43
Actually, what you are proposing sounds like the achromia mutation to me, because the achromia lions do have the base they would be and their markings, only overlaped by the default achromia lineart. Right now, to me at least, the albino base is like a leucistic lion, with the light base, but showing different eye colors than pink and showing their markings. Ideally, I'd prefer the albino base to be such, but it is one of the points authomatically rejected.

What I don't get is how this suggestion would make breeding easier to understand. Every cub born has had a 25% - I think it was 25%, but not sure now - chance of being an albino, regardless of it's parents genetics. To suddenly have the albinos belong to four color groups would be more confusing to me, if I think back when I joined Lioden. There'd be only one base, but you'd have to be extra careful and check each albino lion to see their genetics when planning a breeding project, and new players would be confused as to why this albino popped up a light golden while this other one popped a tawny.

I think I'd like this being implemented, but that it would be more confusing to new players that the current albino base.

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Ragtatter (#96806)

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Posted on
2016-09-15 13:27:36
It would keep albinos from ruining breeding projects, though, and it'd be a hell of a lot closer to how real-world genetics work. If you breed two red lions, and get an albino baby, that albino should still be of use in a red breeding project.

I breed rabbits in real life. If I breed two blue rabbits, and get an albino, "underneath" the albino that rabbit is probably blue. So if I breed that albino kit to a blue rabbit, I will most likely get more blue rabbits.

If I breed two chocolate rabbits and get an albino, "underneath" the albino that baby is probably chocolate. So if I breed it to a chocolate, I will most likely get more chocolates.

The "blue" albino and the "chocolate" albino would look the same, but genetically they are not the same because they come from different color lines.

((And do you seriously think that new players aren't smart enough to look a centimeter under where it says "albino" to see whether it's black-based or cream-based? It's too confusing to just read to see what group that particular albino lion is in? You really think newbies are that dumb?))

It would make breeding easier to understand, because the way that albino cubs would breed would actually be based on their ancestry and make sense. You wouldn't have that moment of "Wait, I've only been breeding reds. Where did black come from?"

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Edited on 15/09/16 @ 20:31:13 by Ragtatter (#96806)

Isilneth (#96049)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-15 13:32:52
What I actually want is to have Albino simply work as a Black Light Solid Common base only. i.e., you wouldn't be able to get Albino from a Ginger x Brass pairing or from a Onyx x Black pairing. There's no reason for it to occur 25% (I don't know if that's the percentage because I couldn't find this anywhere on the site which is another problem) of the time from every breeding since Achromia exists. This is a redundant, outdated feature and redundant, outdated features are not new-player friendly.

The making the four albinos thing is supposed to be a compromise between what I want (For Albino to follow the rules) and how it currently functions (Laughing as it tears the rules apart).

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2016-09-15 19:28:16
@Ragtater Perhaps you're right, and I'm making this out more confusing as it ought to be.

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MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 01:59:33
I really don't think that albinos should have a random chance of popping up at all, because achromia exists.

If you're breeding a "one parent has to have it" special then the chances of getting an albino are pretty much the same as getting your desired base because they're less than the standard 15% chances. Factor in medium breeding where you only get 50% for a medium and albino is more likely to occur from inferno x Inferno than actual infernos and that's ridiculous to me.

I support the first option because it makes breeding much simpler, and albinos are hated only because of the random factor

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MissingJay (#79194)

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Posted on
2016-09-26 13:40:44
I'd support albino being made into a special base. It is far too common to be realistic genetically and the base is certainly deserving of a special classification. The rarity of special bases would give it the feel of a mutation without having to do to much coding work.

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Equagga|G2 Vagabond
Splash (#105402)

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Posted on
2017-06-17 14:28:11
Bringing this post back to the first page because I was just thinking about how annoying it is again and didn't want to make my own thread if I didn't need to. I agree that it should either function as a normal BLSC (so that people who like it can still breed for it by breeding within that category) or there should be a version for each of the four color groups that can appear randomly in the appropriate breedings. As OP says, getting a red based albino out of a red pair is an okay fail since the genetics may still be useful, but getting a black based fail is just frustrating.
I also think the random chance of it popping up should be considerably lower - 5% max. Unless, of course, you are actually using a cross where BLSC is a possible outcome - then they should roll with the same chance as the other bases in that category after the random albino chance is rolled. There are people who enjoy building projects around the base. Those of us who do not like it should not have to deal with so many of them.

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Isilneth (#96049)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-14 22:14:57
Well, I just came back and can't find anything saying this has been changed so.....time to necro and old gut good thread

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