Posted by LF RP Partners

SourHour (#97337)

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Posted on
2016-10-02 11:10:48
Seeking people interested in small group RPs or even 1x1 who are fine with a slower pace but longer replies(One to two paragraphs?). As far as types go, I'm pretty open to suggestion- my only rule is that it can't be 18+, plus I'm reasonably certain that isn't allowed on LioDen's regular RP forum anyway. I don't have any plot ideas at the moment, but some of my personal, super general ideas are:
- Something pokemon-related? Preferably not gijinka
- Anthro/Shapeshifter sort of things
- Something about dragons/raising mythical animals?
- I have a werewolf character because I'm a huge dork, could do something with that??
- Warrior Cats??
- Lab experiment, even if it's super common as an RP topic
- Steven Universe???

Some other things to note:
*In any setting based on something that already exists, I don't like to use canon characters.
*One paragraph is my minimum/average, I cannot do one-or-two sentence per post RP
*Your characters shouldn't be perfect, I try to make mine believably flawed.
*In any type of RP, character bonds should grow or worsen over time- unless the character is extremely judgmental or naive, they probably won't instantly love or hate anyone.

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