Posted by Raffle Adjustments

ambers. 🍊 (#15417)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 01:44:10
I love the raffle feature. I really do! I get to put up all sorts of stuff I have and get tons of neat stuff in return. But at the same time I feel that it lacks a LOT of stuff. So as a result, I decided to pitch some ideas.


Okay, BEFORE you go crazy i want you to hear me out. First things first, lion raffles are WAY too short as it already is. Two days isn't enough to get a big profit from your lions. Second, the raffle option is a thousand times more professional than the old way of doing raffles (i.e on threads) so therefore, it should be utilized more. There is no room for error, everyone gets counted and everyone has a fair chance of winning. Third, 2 weeks is roughly 1 year and 2 lioden days. So that the lion in question wouldn't age up that much. "But what will happen when the lion runs away or dies?" Then the raffle is automatically cancelled.


This will be added on soon. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

This suggestion has 81 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 03/10/16 @ 10:46:32 by ambers.🌌 | Skyward Prince (#15417)

🍷 Tilted Scene (#57901)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-03 01:48:44
100% support.
Would be so beneficial to have longer lion raffles so give more time to break even and make some sort of profit on any lions raffled off. I also believe that items like Buffy balls, gnawrocks, and other high ticket items should have an option to set a ticket limit. Like... 15 or 20 tickets for those items but this amount is set in stone and cannot be adjusted once the raffle is up and running.
This way raffles with these sort of items as an option to enter, can have a reasonable value set to them. Right now entry items and their values are treated as equals, when in reality they are not.

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Aether [4k Ice
Rosette] (#76431)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 01:53:56
I completely agree. I have repeatedly opted to use the older method of raffling because it is near impossible to get desired items or any real profit from lions using the automated raffle feature. If the time were extended and if we were able to decide ticket amounts for an item, I would be so much happier.

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🌈Lurio (#40756)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 03:20:12
Full support from me!
And as Tilted Scene said, I believe we need a way to adjust the ticket amount for different items while creating the raffle [and at no point afterwards]. This would make raffles completely automatized and should be of drastic help when it comes to minimizing promise-based transactions.

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πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita
β­πŸ’Ž (#85179)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 03:21:14
This needs to be a thing, yes. Supported. SO supported! I think 2 days is ridiculously short, and as it is, people are only using forums to run shady raffles. And they're using the short time limit of the official lion raffles as an excuse to do so. It's not right. I don't understand why there was such a tiny limit on it anyway, that's completely ridiculous. This should be fixed. I hope they'll at least take it into consideration.

I also agree with Tilted Scene. I've always thought that they should allow us to choose how many tickets each item is worth to us. Players value items differently, so it'd make way more sense.

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Edited on 03/10/16 @ 10:24:30 by β˜† Kiita β˜† (#85179)

Golden Girl (#14752)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-03 03:33:50
I completely support. Two days is not anywhere near enough time.
Even just extended it to one week would make a huge difference!!

And I love Tilted Scene's idea. That would make it exactly like a forum raffle, just a whole lot safer

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Edited on 03/10/16 @ 10:34:40 by Zanedia (Mutie Project!) (#14752)

Fea [eyup chuck] (#42722)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-10-03 03:35:41
Support, but with the option of 1 week and 2 week in a drop-down or checkbox, because for some people 1 year of aging might feel like too much. c:

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ambers. 🍊 (#15417)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 03:45:34

And again please, if you have any critique on the idea, tell me.

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🍷 Tilted Scene (#57901)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-03 04:01:40
agreed with Fea!

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Kraft (#1105)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 05:58:58
"But what will happen when the lion runs away or dies?" Then the raffle is automatically cancelled.

Perfect. Support.

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Kirafirefly (#120)

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Posted on
2016-10-19 13:04:59
I do agree that the 2 days is really short, but two weeks does seem like a long time to me, but I can agree to the 1 week ^.^ I do like that you thought of them automatically cancelling if the lion runs or dies. I shall support this.

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