Posted by -LOCKED - Stat Replacer Question

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 11:27:02
I'm confused...

I've been here a long time, and I've only stat replaced twice. However, I am just wondering one thing that I see almost all the time I see a really high stat stud. (Well higher than I've ever gotten mine... and the poor things still don't get requests)

But how is it possible to stat replace a stud a day after the initial stud has been kinged? I thought you had to wait a month to force retire a stud with GB. I've done it twice with 1000+ stat boys, but I've waited the month cooloff period.

I'm just confused is all. Not trying to raise a stink or anything. Just wondering how the hello kitty I see people do so. Was there something I'm missing?

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Kraft (#1105)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 11:30:37
Hi! I retired my boy yesterday so I'm still in the cooldown period and my retirement screen looks like this:

Right now I can retire again but I have to also pay GB to bypass the natural cooldown. That means I'd have to pay 10GB to retire AND 15GB to pass the time automatically.

Hope this helps!

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Saber (#4122)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 11:32:07
You can pay extra to bypass the cooling off period. It's 15GB I think? And then the usual 10GB to retire early

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