Posted by Different notification for message inbox vs game

(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2016-10-25 13:13:09
Okay, there are lots of times when I don't want to rollover that day but i always try to check and make sure no-one is trying to get in touch with me who might really need a quick reply. So if I check the rollover screen and see "you have a new message" I will usually roll over to read the message even if I want planning to roll over that day. Well 9 times out of 10 the message turns out to be a game notification that someone's raffle had ended or something like that and it's super irritating to realise I rolled over for that and so now I have to spend a large part of my day making sure my pride is taken care of just because of some stupid game notification. I would much rather only roll over when I know I can devote the time to really work on my pride and put something into the game or for something really important like an actual member trying to contact me.

My suggestion is simply having a different red text message pop up at the top of the screen for when you have a new member/inbox message vs for game notifications. Perhaps even just have it say "you have a new notification!" for game notifications and "you have a new message!" for a new message in your inbox. Super simple.

This suggestion has 9 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Turk (#89191)

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Posted on
2016-10-25 13:29:20
You should be able to check the rollover screen throughout the day. If someone has messaged you, it will tell you before you rollover. Same with subscription notifications. Notifications that have something to do with rolling over are only sent after you press the rollover button. Also, when someone messages you, it will have a circled number beside your inbox. Game notifications don't have that.

I could be wrong, though! And if I am, this is a great idea! ^^

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2016-10-25 14:58:00
Yes Turk I know! :) I am saying that i check the rollover screen before I rollover and if it says "you have a new message" in red at the top of the screen then I rollover to see what the message is. But this same message is displayed whether you have a new inbox message or just a game notification in the "game notifications" section of your messages ( such as notification messages that say "raffle ended" and "item purchase").

I am suggesting that the red words at the top of the screen that you see BEFORE you roll over say different things depending on which message box you have a message or notification in. So if you have a message in your inbox fron another player it would say "you have a new message!" but if you have a notification message such as "raffle ended" in your game notifications message box it would say "you have a new notification!"

This would be so you can tell before rolling over which type of message you have. Otherwise, you think you might have a message fron another player and roll over to read it only to find out it's just a notification message saying "raffle ended". You see what i mean?

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2016-10-25 15:00:19
However if there is the circled number by the inbox thing then you have a point. Can anyone confirm if this is true? And if so can it be seen before rolling over?

Still it would be nice for it to say which type of message you have.

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Edited on 25/10/16 @ 22:01:40 by Cerrates (#49783)

Turk (#89191)

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Posted on
2016-10-25 15:17:37
I'll see if I can get a snapshot of it for you. Before you go offline for the day/night, you can experiment yourself with your side account. Have your side send you a gift, and see if the numbered circle is there. If it isn't, send a message to yourself and see if it shows up. Then do the same right before you log off so the next time you come on, you can see if it works.

And yes, I agree. Having it tell you the difference would be really helpful. I know I've rolled over a few times mistaking one message type as another, despite having/not having the circled number up there. It would be very simple to add, I assume, but right now I'm not entirely sure if it's "worth" implementing. I guess we'll just have to see what others think about it.

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2016-10-25 17:52:52
Thanks Turk! :)

It would be a very simple/small tweak so I'll leave this suggestion up anyway as it would still be nice to see this implemented but i will keep an eye out for the number thing!

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