Posted by Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (30 Supports! Yay!)

RiskyKitten (#97943)

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Posted on
2016-11-03 13:48:10
I would like to see a chronically painful genetic connective tissue disorder in lions!

An example image: (You may find the image disturbing, extremely stretchy skin is a symptom of this disorder, it is shown on a cat here, with some loss of fur due to damage.)

I’ve been working on this for the past few days, and I’ve managed to scare up some fascinating research!

First off, I don't even know if it's possible for lions to have this. The best I can find, after googling "EDS in animals" are a few articles about how it seems to occur very rarely in dogs? Since I see a lot of mutations with only human examples, I figure all the dog examples won’t be a problem here. And I found at least one article specifically about EDS in cats, which was interesting to read.

An article about EDS in animals, in general:

Right out of US National Library of Medicine! Sounds official!

Some interesting parts in that article, which may help us to determine how it could affect gameplay:
"-affects mainly skin in these animals. The involved skin is thin and hyperextensible with easily inflicted injuries resulting in hemorrhagic wounds and atrophic scars. Joint laxity and dislocation common in people are less frequently found in dogs. No systemic complications, such as organ rupture or cardiovascular problems which have devastating consequences in people have been described in cats and dogs."

Since it affects the connective tissues, perhaps we would have lineart of wrinkled, saggy, or loose folds of skin, a droopy mane, and abnormally bent joints. Since the skin is so soft and vulnerable, it could result in higher scar decor chances, as well as the following:

- Very high chance of lethality, perhaps?

- Huge negative impact on stats?

- Random chance of scar decor, with flavor text, when visiting the lion for the first time every day?

- Inability to spar with, train, or tussle with this lion, or alternatively a higher chance of scar decor when doing so? One would be unable to send them on hunts or patrols, and they cannot be made king (or maybe kings simply suffer far more damage from NPC battles).

- Joint pain could lower stats, like speed or agility, or even prevent them from hunting or patrolling.

Also, lots of ideas from this article, about dogs with EDS:

Some interesting parts in that article, which may help us to determine how it could affect gameplay:

From the article: "As a result, the skin is weaker and may tear easily, be very loose and may not seem as attached to structures under the skin. The mildest amount of trauma may cause a large wound. Wounds will heal but are more likely to leave scars. The skin of dogs with EDS can be stretched to extreme lengths. You may notice that you can stretch the skin on the back high in the air or the skin around the neck may seem to hang low. Some dogs will develop instability in the joints, bleeding under the skin or fluid accumulation around the elbows."

Another article, specifically about cats! (contains the same image as above, may be disturbing)
This talks specifically about cats with a variety of EDS, and once again we see loose, easily damaged skin, lots of scarring, hyperflexible joints, and so on.
“Clinical features include fragile skin from the time of birth, wounds that heal with thin scars, delayed wound healing, pendulous skin, and haematoma and hygroma formation.”
So all these things occur in cats! High chance of lethality, maybe?

TL;DR: A chronically painful and sometimes lethal connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, causes skin to be very soft, stretchy, and easily damaged, with a ton of scarring. It also causes hyperflexibility of the joints, as well as joint pain. Fluid accumulates in the joints, and joints get inflamed.
The ways this could effect gameplay are:
Lineart of soft, saggy, stretchy skin with tons of scars, and awkwardly bent joints.
Huge negative stat impact.
Higher chance of scar decor.
Possibly a lethal mutation.

The wiki article about EDS in general, and all the dozens of health complications and the negative ways it can affect people and animals: (One last time, imagery in this article provides examples of extremely stretchy skin and hyperflexible joints, which quite frankly looks real freaky, and may be disturbing to some)

There's so many problems it causes, it seems to have a lot of potential. If you go to the "genetics" section of the above article, you can see that it is clearly a "mutation".

In conclusion, this condition seems full of mutie potential! I eagerly await suggestions, feedback, support or no support, and maybe even the great Xylax to tell me if it’s any good as an idea!

There are three different types of EDS, differences between them explained in this extremely helpful article:
The genetics portion is particularly interesting! 50 percent chance to pass from a parent to a child, though that percent chance seems way too high to put into gameplay. I guess exact medical accuracy isn't necessary?


Revenge {0/165GB} (#4695) :
The cub survival meter would drop faster without protection, with more negative encounters.

cake ⛱ (#53239), (Their comment is full of good info and suggestions, some highlights here) :
Begins affecting lions as adolescents, dies randomly between 4-7 years due to organ prolapse.
These lions could get specific events like the personality ones that are like "X is happy and smiling today, bouncing around with the cubs like there's nothing wrong with them." and "X is curled up and whimpering. In your heart you wish you could help them with the pain."
Perhaps with females they can have a small chance of aborting their pregnancies as some EDS sufferers can have their womb tear during pregnancy. Or pregnant females could just flat out die if not nested?

This suggestion has 63 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/01/17 @ 23:58:38 by RiskyKitten (#97943)

GummyGabe [6k
Hoarfrost Breed] (#4695)

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Posted on
2016-11-03 13:50:49
Love it!!!!

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RiskyKitten (#97943)

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Posted on
2016-11-03 13:52:00
@Revenge Thank you! I have a very mild form of it, and so does my mother. I thought it would make an interesting new mutation!

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Edited on 03/11/16 @ 20:52:16 by RiskyKitten (#97943)

Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-11-03 13:53:09
I honestly couldn't read all that cause it sounds terrible painful and I probably don't need those mental images before bed lol, but it sounds like a good lethal mut (probably ) so support.

Edit: yeah just looked at the picture. Gonna rregret that

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Edited on 03/11/16 @ 20:54:50 by Phantom StarsX (#92256)

GummyGabe [6k
Hoarfrost Breed] (#4695)

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Posted on
2016-11-03 13:53:24
Possibly for lethal, that the cub survival meter would drop faster without protection, and even them maybe drop one or two or more per day. More negative encounters.

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RiskyKitten (#97943)

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Posted on
2016-11-03 13:55:18
Thank you both for the support and I love that suggestion @Revenge!

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RiskyKitten (#97943)

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Posted on
2016-11-03 14:08:29
@Phantom I'm sorry! I didn't know the picture could be considered disturbing, do you think I should add a warning before it? How should I phrase said warning, since I don't think it's gore? Body horror or something of the like?

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Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-11-03 14:13:28
No no no it's fine. Lol I'm just going to bed soon so I tend to try to stay away from anything that might creep me. It's really not that bad, my mind just makes things creepier then they should be. It looks more sad then anything, really.

If you do put a warning I think simply stating it might be considered disturbing for some would do the trick.

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RiskyKitten (#97943)

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Posted on
2016-11-03 14:14:16
@Phantom Done! Thanks!

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cake 💫 (#53239)

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Posted on
2016-11-04 23:46:29
I'm gonna tentatively support this for now buuut give you some tips about joint hypermobility.

Now I don't have Ehlers-Danlos (the stretchy and fragile skin) but I do have the joint hypermobility. It only began affecting me when I was a teenager, so perhaps this could start affecting lions when they are teenagers? (I'm not totally clued in on whether or not EDS affects someone from birth or is triggered at a certain age)

I think this should be a lethal, but not a cub lethal. Given the NHS Choices site says hernias and organs can prolapse with either EDS-HT or classical EDS, I think a lion should die at any age between perhaps 4 and 7 years old. Maybe older, if you want to make this very severe or not.

Given that all EDS comes w/ joint hypermobility, I don't think these lions should be able to patrol, hunt, or become kings. Joint hypermobility can be debilitating. I myself walk with a limp because of it, and I'm in near constant pain (though that level varies day to day, so perhaps these lions could get specific events like the personality ones that are like "X is happy and smiling today, bouncing around with the cubs like there's nothing wrong with them." and "X is curled up and whimpering. In your heart you wish you could help them with the pain.")

Perhaps with females they can have a small chance of aborting their pregnancies as some EDS sufferers can have their womb tear during pregnancy. Or pregnant females could just flat out die if not nested?

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RiskyKitten (#97943)

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Posted on
2016-11-05 08:02:32
@Cake Thank you very much for the support, and especially for adding all the suggestions and info to this! You're extremely helpful, thanks.

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Lavinium (#101464)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-20 09:11:17
as someone with EDS I love this idea :)

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frozen_pond (#149551)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-28 19:50:35
Oh my goodness, I saw this and got so excited! I have Hypermobility EDS and this made me so happy! It would be absolutely amazing to see this! Is it alright if I make a little suggestion though? sorry I’m not trying to be rude and I don’t know if someone else has already said something about it, but most of us appear very young actually and the saggy skin is very rare even among us who suffer from it. Sorry if that came of rude or something, I just thought I’d mention it, but seriously this made my day. I just got diagnosed this year(after having health complications my entire life) and it would make me so happy to see representation like this! Seriously, I can’t thank you enough for coming up with this. I really hope this becomes a thing!!! Sorry probably talking too much, this just made me really happy :)

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𝑰♡𝑵 (#2645)

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Posted on
2018-06-29 01:10:57
Hi hi! Fellow zebra here (someone with EDS)!
It appears at different times for everyone - mine started around 6 or 7, probably, maybe even younger. The skin really doesn't sag, though - it's stretchy!
I feel this would definitely hurt speed and agility. The pain is worse on some days then others, so maybe hunting could reflect that in females? Some days, a lion with EDS would only have 5 hunts, while receiving her full 10 another. I don't know if this lion could be kinged, but if he was, he should have a similar problem with fluctuating max energy.
I totally agree about the scars, and scar chance would definitely be higher for a lion suffering from EDS.
As for lethality, it really depends. Hypermobility-type EDS certainly isn't deadly, just painful. The organ problems are really more in Vascular-type EDS, for example.
Joints dislocate a lot, and maybe the art could reflect that instead of saggy skin? Common dislocations (for me, at least) are my jaw, knees, and occasionally hip. I think awkwardly bent joints would be a good choice for the art.
Anyway, I really love this idea! Sorry for rambling, it's late and I'm excited now. Can't wait to see how this develops!

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