Posted by Whispering Jade {Warrior cats RP}

Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-11-04 17:54:50

Welcome to Whispering Jade

Want to sign up and read all of the information? Please go here:
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Rules for this thread:
-Post your characters on the Sign Up thread first. Once accepted there, move them to the Character Sheets thread.
-Everything here must be in character. Out of character talk needs to go to the sign-up thread.
-Don't post here until you have been accepted on the sign-up thread.
-All rules should be followed; site and roleplay rules alike.
-Once a few people have joined, I will start us off here. Please don't post until then.

Clan Currents!
Both Clans:
Season: Mid Leaf-fall
Weather: Cooler weather, slight winds, leaves on ground.
Dawn and Dusk are pretty chilly, but the days are comfortable
Current time: A few hours before dusk
Stormstar has taken over.
A new litter of kittens has been born to Bluefeather
Deputy is Mottlefire
Ryestar has taken over
Deputy is Rustpelt

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Edited on 06/12/16 @ 13:38:19 by Leopardess (#98076)

Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2016-11-20 12:08:06
Mottlefire | She-cat | Warrior | JadeClan

Mottlefire looked around at the other cats around her. There was a mix of warriors, queens and kits, all shuffling over to say goodbye to their beloved leader. Her golden gaze flickered towards Bramblefur, and she curved her tabby tail around and touched it gently against his shoulder, a gesture of reassurance. The little kit, Willowkit, called her attention then, speaking with conviction and assurance that was uncommon for little kits, especially for her. Mottlefire allowed her gaze to wonder towards Stormheart, "Do you need help getting ready for the journey?" she offered. For as long as she could remember, Fallenstar had been her leader, she was unfamiliar with the switching of leaders. Of course she knew the rituals and everything, however it was the first time she experienced it herself. "I can also help prepare Fallenstar for vigil." Mottlefire offered. She felt awkward standing around doing nothing, not knowing what to do.

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MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 08:51:52

Littlecloud cocked her head at Mottlefire, grinning a sour smirk she padded over. "I mean, come on, your over thinking. Just pick a duty, Mottlefire. Besides, best cats right? You can help me prepare Fallenstar for the vigil." the warrior said, her tail flicked. Ears perked forth, her voice was held solemn but the pace she spoke at was jittery. Her orange spotted face directed at the fellow warrior she was soon standing next too.


The queen sighed as she watched Littlecloud fail immensely to try and be social with another. It held some hopeless humor but it was obviously far off at the wrong time. Their leader had died and she was speaking at a hastey tone like she was racing to get first call on border patrol with the deputy. Or a new apprentice becoming a nervous wreck in front of the entire clan. Her ears flicked as she looked back at Fallenstar, "I can also help preparing the vigil." the queens said.

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Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 09:10:20
Mottlefire | She-cat | Warrior | Jadeclan

Mottlefire shot Littlecloud an annoyed glance, not appreciating the she-cats sass and sarcasm. Although her voice was rather haughty, Littlecloud held truth at the end. Perhaps it would be best that she helped prepare Fallenstar. Her attention was then called onto Bluefeather, the queen. There was a look in her eyes that Mottlefire did not recognize, but she appreciated her attempt to make the interaction less awkward. But why was it awkward? Who knew. Littlecloud was strange sometimes, it was probably just from her lack of social skill. "Alright, let's gather some things to make her smell sweet." she suggested, thinking of some herbs that would make their deceased leader smell better.

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MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 09:19:47
(Eyebrow wiggle)

"What about some Rosemary, or, oh! Lavender" She chimed a bit at the last herb, seeming to pipe up a bit seeing she wasn't turned down by Mottlefire, her smile grew a bit more. hey at least she wasn't getting crushed because of her poor social skills, "I think Fallenstar will like lavender!?" she seemed to hold a hint of question in her voice, getting a bit awkwardly hyper. Maybe joyful she wasn't told off. As for thinking Fallenstar might like lavender? She pondered, she never really interacted with the leader unless she walked up to her or when she became an apprentice or warrior. Eh, she didn't really take time to ponder what the leader liked for long.

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Mossycry (#100044)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-21 09:20:23
Ciderkit runs tries escape by running to her mother's left, Rainkit taking the right side. Silvermist pulls Rainkit back to the nest, allowing her to dash out of the nursery. She makes her way over to her clanmates, cunfused as to why they are all gathered. Her tail twitches as she sees Fallenstar "what is happening to her? Why is she not moving?"

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Edited on 21/11/16 @ 16:21:24 by Mossycry (#100044)

Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 09:27:51
(whatt xD)
Mottlefire | She-cat | Warrior | Jadeclan

The warrior could not help but allow the laugh that bubbled at her throat escape. Littlecloud was very amusing, but her voice seemed to rise with a hint of anxiety. Now that she thought about it, Mottlefire had never really seen Littlecloud interact very much with the other clan members. Well, that would change. "I think lavender would be perfect, every she-cat loves lavender." she mused. "Do you know where one could get some lavender? Should we ask Tinyheart?" she thought out loud, glancing towards the medicine cats den.

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MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 09:46:52

Littlecloud huffed, breathign quick for a few moments, "I think? I saw some growing outside camp. C'mon!" she said, scurrying off. Hesitating at the entrance of camp befoe slinking out. Tail flicking as her pelt twitched. What if Mottlefire wasn't truly following? What if she hated the area they had to go to get some? What if the lavenders are gone only because they were there for that time being? No,no, they'll be there! she tried to reassure herself as she continued to move along, glancing back at make sure Mottlefire wasn't left in the dust.


Bluefeather sighed when she heard Cinderkit's question, "Ah, young one.." she chimed gently looking at Cinderkit. "Fallenstar no longer is our leader, she-" the queen hesitated, "--she move don with the stars, Cinderkit. Where she will watch over us now instead." Bluefeather spoke reluctantly picking her words. Her ears held back in a sorrowful respect for the passed leader, "Stormheart will take on after her to lead us."

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Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 09:57:48
Mottlefire | She-cat | Warrior | Jadeclan

The lynx tabby glanced after Littlecloud for a moment before she followed. She was not in quite as much of a rush, but the enthusiasm the other she-cat had was a little bit contagious. Mottlefire trotted so that she wouldn't get left behind, only slowing down when she was shoulder to shoulder with Littlecloud. She did not know where exactly lavender grew in the territory, but she trusted that the warrior knew what she was doing and allowed herself to be guided for a time being, hating relinquishing control. But when the turned around a tree, she could see the lavender and picked up a trot to reach them quicker. "Good find, Littlecloud! How much do you think we will need?" she asked, looking up at Littelcloud.

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MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 10:10:29

"Uh, maybe three or four?" the warrior said, shifting in the failed mock of a shrug. her ear flicked eyes glanced back at the area they came from. "We could gather more for Tinyheart if you want?" Littlelcloud said a bit questioning as she neared. Blue optics gazed down at the lavender as she neared, lifting a paw to tap on of the leaning, purple herbs. She really liked lavender, they smelt nice, they looked cool, she just liked lavender in general. "I'm tempted to take one for myself." she said with a small smile.

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Mossycry (#100044)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-21 10:18:13
Cinderkit looks at Bluefeather, then at Fallenstar, and puts her paw on her former leaders flank "How can she be in the stars if she is right here?" Her fur spikes up as she turns back to Bluefeather "Are you trying to tell me about the cats in the stars?" she pushes herself agianst Fallenstar "She can't have joined them yet! She just fell, and can't get up!" she curls up on the ground, giving up on trying to 'wake up' Fallenstar, small shivers coming from her tiny frame.

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MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 10:39:41

She sighed, nearing the small kit she gave them a few licks, "You should alert your mother. And always feel free to join the vigil for Fallenstar, Cinderkit." Bluefeather spoke, her voice nurturing and heartbroken as she whispered to the kit. Blue eyes held a sympathetic stare as she looked at the quivering frame of Cinderkit.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 10:44:21

Willowkit watched as her clanmates bustled around trying to get Fallenstars vigil ready. She looked over to her adoptive mother, Bluefeather, and meowed "Mother? Is there anything that I can do to help? I feel like I should do something to help!" Looking back at Fallenstar behind her, she stood up and walked to Bluefeather.

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MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 11:06:20

She looked at Willowkit, her ear flicked, "You could help finding a good spot for burial of Fallenstar or find herbs to make the scent of death weaker?" the queen suggested, tilting her head. Shifting to a comfortable sit. The nearing time of the kits made her anxious, when, tomorrow, somewhere today? Her heart raced at the thought. What would happen, would the kits be healthy? she sighed, clearing the thought from her head.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 11:41:58

Willowkit saw how Bluefeather was shifting around her belly and knew that her kitting was near. "Muder! You should be in da nursery! You are going to kit soon!" she meowed anxiously as she headbutted her mother to get her to her feet. She looked up at Bluefeather and pleaded her to get up and go back with her eyes. "Muder pwease! I will get you da softest feathers and moss I can! I pwomise! Just pwease go back so you are safe and comfortable!"

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Svenny (#20813)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 11:43:25
Mottlefire | She-cat | Warrior | Jadeclan

The warrior glanced over at Littlecloud when she suggested the idea to bring some to Tinyheart. That wasn't such a bad idea. It would make his den smell sweet, and it would help would probably help with other things, but she wasn't too sure. She had no clue about anything related to herbs. When she heard the blue eyed she-cat muse about getting some for herself, a smile cracked Mottlefire's maw. "Go for it." she said, her voice firm. It wasn't every day that warriors got the chance to collect lavender. Littlecloud loved lavender, so that was all the reason that she should have it. Smiling softly she plucked lavender and stepped towards Littlecloud, placing the lavender on her such that it balanced perfectly from the top of her head to her nose. Mottlefire laughed softly and shook her head in amusement, "There you go! Perfect." Bending her head down she grabbed a few more stalks for Tinyheart.

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