Posted by Wishlist suggestions

Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2016-12-02 04:26:23
I know the wishlist feature is brand new. It's great to have a wishlist feature, it's a very useful tool, but I already have a couple of suggestions floating around in my head to improve it!

First of all, it would be nice if the "Add Items to Your Wishlist" section was moved to the top of the page. It's just minor annoyance to have to scroll once you have a page full of stuff on your wishlist.

Second of all, that drop down menu has got to change, it's far too long and far too inconvenient to use. It would be nice if the items were sorted into different categories akin to how the catalogue is.

And speaking about the catalogue, it would be nice if "add to wishlist" buttons were added to it, so you could pick items straight from the catalogue. If this happened, then you could maybe even link to the catalogue in the wishlist feature and completely get rid of that long, annoying drop down menu.

And lastly, for now at least, it would be nice if "quantity" was optional. Sometimes you just don't care how many of an item you get, maybe you hoard an item or whatever. And then if there are some items you only want a set amount of, then you can add a number under quantity.
Or at least put 1 in as default, it's just annoying to have to type in a number over and over again when you don't really care about the quantity.

This suggestion has 11 supports and 0 NO supports.

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kittenlily 🐈 (#50738)

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Posted on
2016-12-02 04:28:33
Also... i would like it if we could type stuff to add? Like a 'Custom Wishlist Request' because if i want a leopon, i cant search 'Leopon' in the item. It would be nice if would could also add currency.

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Flamers (#76071)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-02 04:29:51
Most definitely. Rofl. I was already thinking of these things myself.

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Mish 🐾 [G1 Primal
Leonid] (#82643)

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Posted on
2016-12-03 03:03:02
Support! I also support kittenlily's.

I think it'd be nifty if we also had a way to pin certain items so they show up first in order to show higher interest in those items?

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