Posted by TWW Dangers

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-12-02 08:50:21
This Role-Play page corresponds with The Wild West Horse Roleplay forum pages.

You are currently on the Dangers page.
Here will you find information on the Dangers you'll be facing.
"Safety In Numbers"

Find your dice-roll percentages here: Territory Info & Dice Rolls

The Summers are Hot
[ Summer Image Source ]

- Summer is hot and bothersome.
- Those pesky, biting insects are back!
- Water is drying up, and the waterholes are crowded.
- Some water holes may dry completely! Drought? (See Dice Rolls)
- Your horse might benefit from rolling in water, in mud, or even taking a dust bath!
- Shade is also nice, .. very nice! Mares, be sure to shade your foals.
- Predators are always hungry.

Winter is not only cold, but dangerous too.
[ Winter Image Source ]

- It's cold, and that alone is enough to get your horse sick!
- Cold winds may increase that chance if you don't find shelter.
- Not to mention the danger of a rock slide or an avalanche!
- Water freezes over. Vegetation might die! Will you starve? Thirst? (See dice rolls)
- Your hooves could slip on the ice-y terrain. Don't break an ankle!

The BLM! Don't get caught by the Humans!
[BLM Image Source]

-To keep the Wild Horse populations down and in control, humans interfere and begin rounding up as many horses as they can. They use helicopters, cowboy and pony, trucks, four wheeler, fences, gates-- Until as many as they can capture are rounded up and forced into man-made corrals. They are separated/divided up, freeze branded for record, and then decided for release or a place in the Mustang Auction.

The stress of being rounded up can really take a toll on a horses body(lungs, legs, hooves, heart, muscles, everything) and can result in injury or worse. It can be hard mentally too, very stressful and extremely scary to a horse that's only known WILD all its life. ( See Dice Percentages )

If caught by the BLM:
Your character will be suspended from the forum for 2 - 3 weeks - In Real Life.
Afterward, you can return to where your character previously WAS or start off at the Neutral Grounds.
(You can also choose to erase this character - To have them captured permanently.)

Released from BLM: (Percentage rolls are a secret / surprise.)
- Your character may have received an injury.
- Your character WILL be stressed. [ Link ]
- Your horse could be suffering mentally. (Optional)
- Your horse now has a Freeze Brand! (Capture for your horse is now optional.) [ Link ]
- If mare, there is a chance you were a victim of 'Experimental Birth Control'. [ Link / Link ]
(BLM attempts to use experimental birth control for wild mares to help decrease the population. Can result in out-of-season estrus cycles, out-of-season born foals, infertility, and twins, + complications.)

Predators are ALWAYS lurking.
[Predator Souce]

- The threat of Predators is ever-present.
- The threat of Predators lessens in Winter. (See Dice-Rolls)
- The threat is HIGHER for Foals and Loners.
- Threats include mostly Large Cats and Packs of Wolves.
- YOU can role-play predator attacks without staff assistance. Only YOU can decide if your player is injured in these non-staff attacks.

Do you have some ideas?

You can post suggestions here.
Please use this format.

Title your idea: - -
How would this idea benefit the forum and players?: - -

Explain your idea as thoroughly as possible:
(Include things like.. is it a year round thing or seasonal? Who might it effect more? What might be the results of it?)
- - -

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Edited on 05/12/16 @ 16:11:44 by Soltero (#9059)

RoosterChick (#46649)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-12-02 09:02:15
I know its still pretty early but I have an idea :3

Title your idea: Cattle Proble.s
How would this idea benefit the forum and players?: Can give a more realistic ideas in the roleplay.

Explain your idea as thoroughly as possible:
I think it'd be best for it to be a very rare thing, happening only once or twice a year, maybe not even for a whole year. Basically, wild horse's territory can become more restricted to expand land for cattle. I was thinking we could add in farmers buying new land that would erase a bit off the map. This area would be made for the cattle and barbed wires would be set up. Horses can get injuried on the wire if caught and also have less territory to live on. Like I said, this would be very rare, as it can cause I big change depending on the season it happens in. Can happen anytime during the year and any where on the edges of the map.

That is all :)

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-12-02 09:23:16
To be added!
I like it!

A tweak:
Maybe some ranchers do a cross-prairie cattle drive too.
And as they drive the cattle across the lands, there will be a new color on the map to show where they are at and it'll move with each time skip!

- Will add later.

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Edited on 02/12/16 @ 16:23:36 by Soltero (#9059)

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