Posted by Alshshams and Alqamar [sign ups open]

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-12-04 10:37:28

Alshshams and Alqamar

Before all of the gods of the animals had been created, there was a single entity, Alnnihaya. Alnnihaya had lived far longer than anyone could comprehend and had grown lonely in their time alone, so with their mighty power Alnnihaya toke nothing and made into something. This something was the universe. While they enjoyed all of the planets that they had created, Alnnihaya found one in particular to their interest. This planet was Earth. But as much as they enjoyed simply looking at their little planet, they wished for companionship and thus created the first two gods. The Alshshams and the Alqamar, they were each represented with a jackal with Alshshams being a side striped jackal and Alqamar a black backed jackal. The two kept Alnnihaya company, but soon they grew tired of simply talking and asked Alnnihaya to make more companions.

Alnnihaya then created, with the help of Alshshams and Alqamar, all the other creatures' gods from the bugs to the birds to the elephants to the whales. But aside from companionship the gods had no other duties, so Alnnihaya decided to give them each a little bit of their power so that they could make their own companions. These companions were not able to be gods because they did not come from Alnnihaya, however they were able to roam the Earth.

Soon conflicts arose as the gods' creations fought for food, they might have wiped each other out if it hadn't been decided that some would eat plants while others meat. In the case of Alshshams and Alqamar, both. At first everything was swell, the gods would meet together in counsel to tell Alnnihaya of their progress and enjoy each others company. But that's when conflict arose. Some say that it was Thueban's fault -whispering ideas into the others' ears-, others claim is was Alshshaytan Alttismani -always looking for a fight- and some even claim that it was all started by Alnnihaya them self. Whatever the case may be, war broke out amongst the gods, alliances were formed and broken, enemies were made and then turned into friends. It was a time of turmoil and chaos for all, but at the end of the war the hierarchy of the animals was established and hasn't been upset yet.

The once close Alshshams and Alqamar had forever been torn apart as Alshshams had sided with Aldhdhib and Alqamar with Zabi. Sensing the divide between their gods, the black backed and side striped turned against each other. But it made no sense to just kill each other off so they split apart with black backed taking to the open savannah and side striped moving into the dense forest. The two sides have respected the boundaries for millions of years with anyone foolish enough to try and cross from one side to the other having been immediately exiled or worse... But what happens when a disaster so great occurs, that the two sides are forced together once again?

Character Sheets
Just post your form directly there, I'll inform you if you're accepted ;3

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Edited on 25/12/16 @ 01:05:37 by prince (#6036)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-12-04 13:48:22


♛ Follow all Lioden rules
♕ Semi-advanced, at least five sentences per character per post
♛ High ranks are not first come first serve, you must pass a quick test that I'll message you
♕ Be polite out of character, your characters can evil af though
♛ You can have as many characters as you can handle
♕ If you need help feel free to post here or message me
♛ Please post at least every three days
♕ Don't one x one too much
♛ No mary/gary-sues, godmodding, etc.
♕ Realistic coloration
♛ Because I'm not playing any characters, that means I'll have more time to keep you in line

♕ Side Striped

The side striped jackals' territory is to the east and is a well wooded area -or as wooded as possible with acacia, marula, and baobabs- with plentiful cover that they may hide in. The river that separates the territories is their only source of water and they have a special patrol to escort iibsilun and zaeim to drink. They are larger than black backed jackals standing at fifteen to twenty inches with a length of twenty seven to thirty two inches and weighing in at fifteen to thirty pounds. Their pelts are grey with darker faces, backs, and tails, but their name comes from the white stripes along their sides. Despite being larger the side striped generally hunt small prey -mice, rats, meerkats, etc.- and are known to be even tempered and great at working together.

♕ Alfaan (0/2)
(alpha / leader over four years)
♕ Baytana (0/1)
(beta / second in command, over two years)
♕ Zaeim
(elder / jackal over eight years)
♕ Dita
Ayize || 4 yr || ♂ || Potato Lord (baytana nominee)
(adult / jackal over one year)
♕ Iibsilun
(pup / jackal under one year)
♕ Zita (0/1)
(omega / pup watcher / den cleaner)

♛ Black Backed

The black backed jackals live in the west where the land is very open with few trees and even fewer hiding places. The river that seperates the territories branches off into smaller streams with the occaisonal pond, giving them plenty of water sources. They are known to be smaller than the side striped standing fourteen to eighteen inches at the shoulder with a length of twenty five to thirty inches and weighing fifteen to twenty pounds. They have gingery tan pelts with light undersides and a salt and pepper tail and back that marks them as black backed. They usually hunt larger mammals -antelope, dik diks, red river hogs, etc.- and are known to be rather aggressive, but excellent fighters.

♛ Alfaan (0/2)
(alpha / leader over four years)
♛ Baytana (0/1)
(beta / second in command, over two years)
♛ Zaeim
(elder / jackal over eight years)
♛ Dita
Nigrum || 1.1 yr || ♂ || ⚜Moon⚜
Fikile || 3 yr || ♀ || Potato Lord
(adult / jackal over one year)
♛ Iibsilun
(pup / jackal under one year)
♛ Zita (0/1)
(omega / pup watcher / den cleaner)

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Edited on 25/12/16 @ 15:13:13 by prince (#6036)

『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2016-12-24 19:17:43
Finished my form

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-25 03:22:09
I'll most likely be joining this once I have more time to spare. :)

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-12-25 08:09:15
@⚜Moon⚜ Accepted as Dita, he's a bit young for Alfaan
@Potato Lord Both accepted, I'll add the note to consider them for Baytana

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2016-12-25 08:26:51
But may he take over the pack in about 1 year?(if the spot will still be open)

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-12-25 09:42:32
@⚜Moon⚜ That depends on which characters are the Alfaans at the time and what's going on, this role play is a lot less set than my other one

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-25 09:43:21
Thanks! I've never actually tried a jackal rp so this should be fun. Your ideas never fail to be interesting. :')

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|Plushy|Side| (#77112)

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Posted on
2016-12-25 16:34:41
gosh Prince! Another great RP I got to join. Making form tomorrow!

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Edited on 25/12/16 @ 23:35:01 by |Plushy|Side| (#77112)

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