Posted by Prides of..: Applications

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 05:23:36

Prides of the Lands
You are currently on the Application Page.

"You're Interested In Joining?"

Please refer to our Main Page before Applying.

~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .

Two Kings
[Protectors of the Pride]
-Normally the ONLY mature males-

Two Queens, for Two Kings
[The Kings' Favorites]
(Rank defended by both Kings)

[Lower ranked Queens]
Control the ranks when either or both Queens are enjoying a lazy day.
-Most likely most dominant. Bow to higher Queens.-

[Also know as Warriors]
- First line of assisted defense for the pride. (Excluding Male Challenges.)
These lions are not tasked with caring for the young, instead they are encouraged to remain observant. They are usually courtyard-bound but occasionally perform tasks that a scout would to relieve tension.

[Main providers of the Pride's meals.]
- Will be listed in order of hierarchy/dominance.

[Best experienced with Cubs]
- These females are den/courtyard-bound and seem to always leak milk. Any Pride member can dump her newborn cubs here to be properly reared. Broods get to eat before Bulk members. Their supply of milk can never fade! Keep them well fed, pamper them, and steer clear of their hormone-filled attitudes.

[Bulk of the Pride]
- Either lions that have not ascended the ranks yet, or that are comfortable simply helping to raise young lions and help produce future offspring. They are encouraged to teach adolescents.

[Lions between the ages of 1 - 2 1/5 years]
- Females and Males alike. Females are encouraged to begin training and aiming for a rank among the adults. Males should be eager to gobble down as much information as they can chew before possibly being chased from their home.

[The Pride's Babies]
- Any and all Pride members should be willing to lay down their life to protect a cub. To kill a cub is to have yourself killed, unless you are a King.

~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .~ . ~ .

Application Process

After being accepted, we will try to decide on which pride members you will be related to and how. Then you can make your character on our character sheet. Please wait until permission is given.

- Please read up on the characters already posted so you can get an idea of relationships and try to fit your lion in accordingly.
- - -

Sentry Application

(Please Refer to description above)
Female Only Position
How are you related to the Queens?:
Remember: Sentries normally stay in the courtyard and act as guards/warriors. They are allowed to venture off though, as long as at least one other sentry is present at the den. A good rank for anti-social lions.
Roleplay Sample Scene: Refer to Scene #2 below.
Your responding post sample: - - -

Hunter Application

(Please Refer to description above)
Female Only Position
How are you related to the Queens?:
Remember: Hunters supply the food for the pride. As well as act as a second line of defense. These lions must be able to work together with other lions, and be very social.
Roleplay Sample Scene: Refer to Scene #4 below.
Your responding post sample: - - -

Follower Application

(Please Refer to description above)
Female Only Position
How are you related to the Queens?:
Remember: Follows are lions that havn't reach rank yet or are comfortable just being a bulk member of the pride. They help teach the adolescents, and assist brood mothers sometimes. These are lions that seek protection in numbers. CAN be non-relative to the Queen(s) but you need a good backstory.
Extra Information?: - - -
Roleplay Sample Scene: Choose the scene of your liking.
Your responding post sample: - - -

#1 Scene: You're an adolescent, probably a couple of months shy of being one year old. An adult is attempting to introduce you to the idea of hunting, within the safe environment of the courtyard. She carries over a half mangled, squealing piglet. When she drops it, it takes off with a wobbly gait but the adult lioness ensures its capture by cutting off its escape routes within a twenty foot radius. "Try to kill it." she states simply with an uninterested gaze. [You're young, and this is a first attempt.]
#2 Scene: There is a rogue female on the horizon. Your pride really doesn't tolerate rogues. She seems keen on sticking around and happens to kill a mongoose as you're watching. On your territory? Awe heck no! You snarl, but she laughs at your attempt to scare her off... She'll throw an open-taloned paw your direction if you get too close.
#3 Scene: A fellow pride female comes your way, swollen with pregnancy and eagerly panting. You know she's in labor and she's not keen on taking care of her young after their delivery. Has she even given birth to cubs before? She looks young. Dear Lord..
#4 Scene: You've been watching a herd of wild Zebra, finding yourself alone deep in the Pride's territory. You notice at the rear of the herd, two horses are dragging behind. One is an injured foal, and its mother is desperately trying to encourage it forwards. You might have a fight on your paws if you go in alone, but pride fills your chest as you think of the reward. Go kill it.
#5 Scene: It's your big day! Today's the day you get to show off the skills you've been working on. No one really expects you to be perfect as you're still an adolescent; but nonetheless, you can feel everyone's hopeful stares. Being an adolescent male, while the girls go on their first real hunt, you've been sent on your first real patrol... With Kondo! He's explained what the tasks are; ya know, .. peeing everywhere and roaring at things unfamiliar. You get the point and you've heard the stories. But what happens when you spot a full grown hyena in the distance? At the border of the territory? Kondo seems content with sitting back and watching you work.

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 10:01:58 by Soltero (#9059)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 05:23:46
Queen 1

Queen 2

Advisor Rank
Relation to Queens? - - - -

Huntress Rank
Sister to one of the Queens (Which one tho)

1 year 4 months
(Half-sister or daughter to Queen, which one tho)

Pending (Preferably 2-3 years old if Niece)
Pending: Hunter or Sentry?
Niece to one of the Queens (Needs deciding)

Rank Pending

Siter/Half-sister to a Queen? (Who tho)

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Edited on 15/12/16 @ 08:18:24 by Soltero (#9059)

xXDruidXx (#74535)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2016-12-13 05:40:47
I'm not sure on relation yet, I'll probably decide this after I've been offered some ranks, so it suites the lioness!
#2 Scene:
The female appears to advance, is this a challenge? Is she threatening me on my territory, I smirk. This should be fun She bares her teeth and walks closer, unfazed by the danger she is surrounding herself by. I take a singular step forward to show I'm not wasting my time playing her games, but I will fight. She growls before leaping towards me but I had foreseen her move and easily dodge, not by much, but it was enough and then as quick as her I dug a paw-full of claws into her shoulder. We were fairly evenly matched females, stature and speed, but I was smarter, her moves were clumsy and predictable. It was like toying with food, then one of her claws struck my side. That was enough, I slammed the female down, only winning by sheer determination and stubbornness, my claws dug into her chest, forcing her down with my weight. She let out a cry but I pressed on. Then, just before I caused any permanent damage I released the grip and jumped back in case of retaliation. She didn't retaliate, she quickly stood up, wincing as she did, before scurrying off, far, far away from my territory.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 10:42:22
Relationship? Anything needed/whatever fits.
Dominance? Dominant.
RP Thingy #4

Annular, bister-hued eyes intensified, fixating on the weakling foal and its fraught mother. A sandpaper tongue scraped along the sleek lioness's jowls and whisker spots with craving. Her ears lay level to her skull, which was ducked low below her shoulders and kept painstakingly still. It would be very easy for Johari to snag the foal now, but she remained still. Any respectable huntress desired a challenge from her prey and Johari was to be respected. Besides, the pride was alright on food and would survive without a measly zebra foal. Finally, the striped equine stumbled forward and began to walk shaikly, limping heavily and favoring one side.

There was the signal. The bloodthirsty dame lifted a front leg, her shoulder blade falling below the other, and crawled forward through the dead grass. No matter how much the bulk of her body moved, her thin skull stayed level as a practiced strategy and allowed her full attention to be geared toward the hobbling foal. Black nose broke from the savannah grass shelter and only then did Johari begin straightening her legs and rising. A steady trot began, her legs methodically placed, driving the muscular frame towards her target. A whinny erupted from one of the herd's several sentries, signaling Johari to break into a long-strided charge. The injured foal's dam urged her spawn on as she herself broke into a canter, not wanting to leave her child nor be eaten. He tried as he might, and finally exploded into an obviously pained gallop. The huntress surged forward, pushing off with her hind legs and pulling forward with her extended front claws. Her spine was a spring, contracting and constricting powerfully. A wayward hoof was sent in her direction, nicking the end of her rump and throwing her only slightly off-balance. The lioness was gaining quickly on her quarry, earning an urging squeal from the dam. She was a half-lion's length from the foal when her thick shoulder was met with a heavy hoof. The blunt force nearly threw her side to the ground, but the experienced huntress knew how things like this worked and powered on, outpacing the mare just enough. She righted herself and, before the mother could return another kick, thrust herself into the air, outstretched paws aimed for the colt's behind.

Claws raked down the colt's hindquarters, throwing his back half to the ground. His front hooves lifted off the ground for a moment and he screamed, one final plea for his mother. The mare knew better, though, than to pit herself against an obviously skilled lioness for the sake of her already-doomed colt and carried on, combining with the fleeing herd. The colt tried to struggle to his hooves again, desperation to follow his mother, but was again tackled by its pursuer. Wide jaws grasped for hold on its striped withers and scraped backwards to the center of its back. Johari dug her claws into soft flesh and crawled forward, fangs finally finding hold on her quarry's thin withers. She shook her head and applied dead weight to its back, hearing the loud snapping of a front appendage. The zebra's head was forced sideways, giving the lioness ample opportunity to clamp onto and crush the trachea. After hour-like minutes of grasping and crushing, the colt fell still and Johari was victorious.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 11:02:23

For her relationship I was thinking either a sibling or a cousin. It will simply depend upon which fits in best.

As for her dominance she is a rather dominant female.

Scene #4

She had been watching these zebra for a while now, eyes gently scanning each individual to pick out those that were weak or injured. Her breathing was kept steady, nostrils flaring slowly with each breath she inhaled. The smell of zebra filled each breath, making her want to drool with the thought of meat. It was then her eyes landed upon two at the rear of the herd, a mother and her foal. From what she could see the foal appeared to be injured, it's movement hindered by the injury it had sustained. Part of her had wished that it was in fact the mother who was injured, it would've made it easier for her and a bigger reward. Going for the foal was the sensible option, enough to feed her but there was the mother to deal with. She had learned the hard way that a zebra mother defending her foal can land some nasty kicks, it made her wince simply at the thought. Her stomach growling then made her decisions for her, it was time to hunt.

She lowered herself so her belly was no more than a few inches above the ground, strategically she had made sure she was downwind of the herd. The gentle golden colour to her pelt provided the perfect camouflage for sneaking up on the unsuspecting creature. The tip of her tail twitched, a sign of her anticipation and excitement. Each move was calculated, precise. Every paw step taken slowly and carefully, taking her closer and closer to that foal. She could practically taste it. Forty yards away now, it was so close. Then she hard the zebras begin to bark, closely followed by the sound of thundering hooves. Leaning onto her haunches she leapt into action, speeding towards the foal. As the herd ran the foal and its mother fell further and further behind, unable to move any faster than a steady trot. Barreling into the young creature her claws came out, digging into its bi-coloured skin.

It's cry of pain seemed to echo throughout the savannah, although it wasn't to last long. Turning her head she clamped her jaws down upon it's throat, beginning to suffocate the poor equine. Soon the crunching sensation was felt, it's windpipe was broken and there was no going back. Just as she thought it was over an almighty force hit her rump, sending it flying sideways. The mother had joined the fray, desperate to save her young. A snarl came from her lips, teeth revealed and ear pinned backwards she confronted the mother. A series of growls and swipes began to cause the hooved animal to move backwards, after all it had noted that it was too late for the youngster. Soon it went and rejoined the herd, although she had left the lioness's rear end particularly sore.

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Edited on 13/12/16 @ 18:04:35 by ~Kiannia~ (#27008)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 11:12:21
@Druid could you roleplay in 3rd person?

@Insert, accepted. I think you would fit the advisor role well. Unless you had another position in mind.

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🌸M e l i n e h n
o✨ (#94879)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 11:36:14
Relationship? Cousin.
Role-play sample #4

Descuna sniffed the warm Africa air, her head lowering just beneath her shoulders. Her curved black tipped ears pressed against her furred head, making her way towards the left behind Equines. Her shoulders blades moved tensely up and down each time she put one paw in front of the other, her body lowering towards the ground as if she were water running down a current. Her slender body moving quickly, but gracefully as she stalked the stripped hoofed creatures.

Descuna made it closer and closer by second, finally making it about 2 feet away from the Zebra's, still hidden in the dead African grass. She lowered her up half, and raised her behind, giving it a slight shake before leaping at the distracted Zebra mother on the neck, digging her canine's into it's neck. The creature jumped in startle meant, hitting the Lionesses belly with it's sharp hoof, pulling Descuna from it's next. She landed shakily on all her fours, but stood tensed once she regain her full balance. She gave a snarl, but had her mouth wide open to show her sharp fangs. Her eyes laid on the frightened foal, making her head lower to pounce, but before the lioness could, the mother jumped in front of her sight with a winnie making Descuna jump back a few centimeters. She gave a fearsome roar at the mother. only to have the hooves stomped back in front of her. She swiped the horses chest, then leaped for its neck once again, wrapping her hind paws claws on its shoulders to prevent the hoof attack again. She dug her fangs into the Zebra's neck in the same place as before, making blood seep through the holes. The stripped horse wined as she shook her head furiously, having Descuna being knocked into the injured foal. Descuna hissed at the Zebra, her ears flattening lower until her paw stepped on the foal, she looked down at it, then at the mother with the same snarled face, she quickly turned around, wrapped her fangs around the foal's neck and ran, but tripped every stepped. The mother chased her, until realization of being even more torn away from her herd, signalling she should go back and return, leaving her in grief.

Descuna ran a good few feet from the herd, taking a quick rest from the tired fight she had with the Zebra, and her small wound on her stomach from it's sharp hoof. She panted, as she laid, setting the limp body of the foal close beside her, no way would she lose this carcass after that battle. She made a slight smile at her success, causing her gaze back towards the dead foal. She stood, still a bit tired, wrapping her jaws around it's next once again and made her way back towards the pride with her trophy.

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Edited on 13/12/16 @ 19:21:10 by M e l i n e h n o 📦|💩 (#94879)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 11:39:44
Sure! Jo would fit Advisor well!

@Kiannia: Hi! Long time, no see!

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 12:16:08
Daughter (I realize this is unlikely) or Half-sister of a queen, possibly. Adolescent
Neutral dominance
RP Sample #1

Two great golden orbs stared out at the squealing creature. She hadn't ever killed anything, let alone a hysterical hog. The young lioness looked at the lion who had been assigned to teach her. Achi was given a hard stare, alerting her she was to kill this pig. Excitement did surge in this young cat's body, though the excitement was not totally positive. She gave her pelt a shack, hoping to remove negative thoughts from her mind. The lioness lowered herself to the ground in a poorly executed hunter's crouch; after all, this was her first experience with hunting. Achi crept forward, her tail tip twitching impatiently. The pig's squealing was getting unbearably loud, which would encourage the learning cat to finish it off quickly. Growing impatient, the adolescent charged forward with a growl and lunged for the little hog. It screamed and ran away. The older lioness stopped the pig from escaping and turned to look at Achi. "You need to be more patient. And quiet. You are much too loud," she advised. Achi's ears lowered.

Taking a deep breath, short legs trotted to the tail fronds around the teaching area. By now the pig was getting slower, its wounds bleeding out. Achi once again lowered herself to the ground into a more composed hunter's crouch, however, it was still sloppy compared to the hunters of the pride. Serrated tongue slipped out and over her whiskers. She knew she'd get the taste of blood on her taste buds soon enough. Achi slowed her pace and waited in the tail grass. The piglet was making pathetic squeals now, tiring from its futile attempt to escape. Shoulders relaxed as the young lioness prepared herself to jump. Achi used her powerful hind limbs to leap at the dying pig. She land on it, bringing the squealing thing to the ground. Razor teeth sunk into the spine of the hog. It was a sloppy kill and there was much to improve on, but it was a kill nonetheless. The older lioness nodded in approval. "Good. We'll make a hunter of you yet." Achi looked up at her, red-stained whiskered twitching with pride.

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Edited on 13/12/16 @ 19:19:02 by RoosterChick~ #poopfordays (#46649)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 12:16:08
@Kiannia, Accepted. Do you have a specific role in mind? I think you would make a great huntress or even a adolescent in training :)

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 12:17:09
{Double Post}

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Edited on 13/12/16 @ 19:17:25 by RoosterChick~ #poopfordays (#46649)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 12:18:04
@Rooster, Accepted of course :)

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-13 12:53:58
A huntress would be great, my ideal role actually =3

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 14:07:03
I love Rooster as an adolescent. The scene was designed to test if one could roleplay a cub knowing they arent perfect. I give an a+.

Rooster, what age would you prefer for starts??

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 14:10:16
Aww, thanks, Soltero!
I was thinking she'd be a few months over 1 year. She'd still have lots to learn.

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Polaroo (#100378)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-12-13 14:29:29
I was hoping perhaps a niece, or distant cousin.
Neutral Dominance.
#1 Scene:
Methodical, despite how meticulous, the cub-turned adolescent flounced towards the ever bawling piglet. Unafraid of the private tuition, nor the one scrutinizing her no matter where she went, the female rounded about the prey. Seen as a sort of shepherdess, the minuscule dame went about her business, toying elegantly with her food, leading it to where she wanted it. Swine was not uncommon in these parts, an undemanding challenge really. Doesn't falter the lioness' frolicsome attitude as she quickly grew bored of chasing the imp, deciding on playfully butting her head against it and rubbing her frame in an uncannily sort of temporary camaraderie even as the disfigured infantile wheezed.

There is clearly no negotiation however, upon daring a fastened glance at the broad to her left, she is soon to realize. Rid of it now. Impressing your elders was as important as hiding your fares from your many eager siblings, and that says something mighty. Viridescent tinted eyes kept Kibwe informed on what to do next, her toned bodice striking forward after many hesitant moments to finish off the now lounging boar. Sizable paws gripped at the poor stray young-in's hips, drowsily dragging the somewhat hefty contender back to sanctuary for the other felines to finish off.

Engulfed in two conflicting emotions, Kibwe slumps in the shade of a great baobab, facing away from the bloodied corpse of the wild yet seized animal. Padding to a nearby thicket, the lioness began to groom the caked mud away from her unkempt fur. This would eventually become normal; she was not naive to this.

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Edited on 13/12/16 @ 21:34:05 by Androcackles (#100378)

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