Posted by Rex/Curly Coat Mutation

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 09:53:00
(Using this idea, but expanding upon it since the thread seems a little dead ^^)

We have a few mane mutations, so why not coat mutations? Specifically, a curly coat.

This mutation has been seen in felines (domestic) and has been bred to produce unique breeds that accentuate these mutations. Domesticated cats have three types of hair structures in their coat-- Guard hairs (straight and stiff, provides insulation), awn hairs (usually thicker and softer than guard hair), and down hairs (short, soft, very fine). To achieve a curly coat, the cats must have missing or altered versions of the typical coat layers.

Different altercations to the coat produce different curly coats, which in turn has produced different breeds that have them, which is generally called the 'Rex' coat:

The Cornish Rex
Cornish Rex's are born with just the soft, fine down hairs, thus producing a wavy, rippled appearance. This feline does not do well in heat or cold, as they are very unable to control their body temperature with only one type of coat, and therfore must reman indoor compainions.

Devon Rex
This breed has a very sparse to almost non existent topcat, and are prone to bald patches. Because of this, the have a rather frail and fragile appearance.

Oregon Rex
Coat is silky, short and tight, with no or very short guard hair.

Coats have a soft, tousled look, and might include tight curls.

Selkirk Rex
This feline has a loose curl throughout it's coat, in the whiskers. Their kittens are seriously the most adorable things I have ever seen.

We can assume a lion's coat is at least similar to a housecat's, as it has its uses in protecting the animal from temperature changes and elements; therefore it's possible that these mutations could exist, in theory (I really couldn't find any information on a lion's coat anatomy, if anyone else can, that'd be helpful!).

Continuing with that assumption, there could potentially be five different curly coat mutations, which have chances of passing down when bred (could possibly be a MoD: Curly Fur with chances at getting one of the five mutations):

Cornish: A wavy, rippled coat.

Devon: sparse coat, almost sphinx like appreance, with bald patches appearing as the lion ages.

Oregon: Short, dense, silky.

LaPurm: Tight curls, "gypsy" look.

Selkik: Fine, loose curls, curled whiskers. If male, curls would affect mane. Cubs would look adorable.

If not created as an MoD, some of these could possibly be a lethal at any age, as the lion would overheat or dreeze due to being unable to control it's body temperature properly.

This suggestion has 193 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/01/18 @ 03:52:27 by Voodoo (#49710)

Doods | NIB Sidereal
Ferus (#69126)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 10:00:14
I would love this ^^
I used to own a Devon Rex and he was the softest little thing.
But Rex animals always look so good, I'd love to see lions with little curly whiskers <3

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Dinocanid (#69182)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-12-15 10:04:06
I support (even though I think you could've just bumped the older topic but ah well)
I don't think it should be lethal, since we have the overgrown fur mutation that certainly looks like the lion would be burning up under the hot sun, but it's not lethal.

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Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 14:28:51
Thanks for the support!

@Dinocanid, I could've but it was a bit lacking in information of what curly haired mutations coulde be, since they're a really wide range. ^^' I figured it may have been best to create a new thread than bump it and hope people read a comment I made.

As for overgrown and lethal, since I'm not sure what specific mutation it is and what parts of the coat it effects, I can't say they would or wouldn't survive. I was more eyeballing the Cornish with this suggestion, as the feline breed that has the mutation absolutely cannot be outside for extended amounts of time, if at all.

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Edited on 16/12/16 @ 08:54:25 by Lassie (#49710)

Interstellar/Ennedi (#86434)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 23:06:15

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cake 💫 (#53239)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 01:53:55
inb4 people say these are breeds - all breeds come from people specifically breeding animals born with those certain "desirable" mutations (such as the Rhodesian Ridgeback's ridge, the short legs of munchkin cats, etc).

Also, supported.

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Attic of The Sky (#12149)

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Posted on
2016-12-19 06:35:21
*Grabby hands* YAASSSS (Support!)

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GrimCamel (#99374)

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Posted on
2016-12-25 01:51:34
Fun idea, especially since this is a thing existing in many animals such as rabbits, guneapigs and even horses to just mention a few. You have my support fam

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Katia (#134163)

True King
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Posted on
2018-01-10 18:52:23
Bringing this up rather then making my own topic about it.

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