Posted by 15+ Years Lions Banned From Trades

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Sidereal [BLM] (#69126)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 11:27:58
Hello ^^

I was talking with my partner and we thought that the trading centre could use a tiny adjustment for lions of a certain age.
I don't think lions aged 14 years 11 Months should be allowed to be offered in any trade.
Lions can die anytime between the ages of 15 to 16 and it just isn't fair to get a lion and have it potentially die the next day.
I say 14 years 11 months mainly because there is a chance of the owner accepting the offer whilst the other player is offline, and then they roll over and end up getting a dead lion for their money.
It can help stop scamming in the TC as well, as they wouldn't be able to get away with selling very old lionesses that have no heat left or will die soon.

I think that if you were planning to sell an old lioness or lion for stat replacement or for freezing then you would do it between the ages of 13-14, so these ages would still be allowed in the TC.

On a similar note, I think that Cubs under 40% survival should be exempt from trades so you don't have a chance to get a dead lion upon rollover.

Any suggestions are welcome ^^

This suggestion has 59 supports and 21 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/12/16 @ 13:06:27 by Doodally (Callagas main)[S2D] (#69126)

Fush (F6 Gold
Rosette Primal) (#29304)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 11:34:22
Tbh this is a good and bad idea. how would someone say looking for a old leopon or dwarf to freeze get it if its banned from the TC? plus people should look at ages before they click buy so its kind of half on the buyers side if they some how get scammed by someone. Plus that is why asking questions is a good thing.

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Doods | Clean
Sidereal [BLM] (#69126)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 11:44:30
I agree with the fact that people should look before they buy, but as I stated in my original post this would be for lions that are 14 years 11 months and over (basically lions that could die at rollover due to old age).

If you're planning to sell a lion/ess/mutation for freezing then you should do it before they reach 15 for the reasons stated above. They can have their last litter at 14 years exactly and then there is a 5 month cooldown for the cubs to be weaned (Unless you get rid of them or age them up) which gives you 6 days to sell it before 14 years 11 months.

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Pardalis (#28323)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-16 05:01:45
No support. There's already a feature in the TC that allows you to filter out lionesses above a certain age. People should be allowed to play however they want, even if this means selling lionesses at 14 yrs 11 m.

I do think it would be nice if, rather than just placing an over/under restriction on your TC searches, it was possible to set an acceptable range. Then you could search for a lioness between 2 and 14 years and not have to worry about this at all without restricting other players. :)

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MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 05:23:43
Imagine this:
You put up a trade offer on a lion, they're 14.11, you've offered in excess of 30GB so that you can freeze this lion.
You log off for the day because you're human and need sleep, the person sees your offer after you log off and accepts it.
Next day you log on, you receive two notifications, one is that your offer was accepted, the other is that your lion has died.
You just wasted whatever was in your offer.

If a lion is over the age of 15+ there is a very high chance it will die upon rollover. There is absolutely no point to selling a lion that will die as soon as the other player receives it, and if you're going to sell your lion for freezing you do it as soon as she's had her last litter (which can be between the ages of 12-14). There is plenty of time to sell for freezing between 12 and 15, and you always get between 12 and 20 days to find a buyer.
If people with lethal cubs can sell theirs in 1-3 days then you can sell an old pon in 12.

The only other reason for selling an older lion is to scam people, so I'm not sure if that's what you mean by letting people play how they want?

It's basically you have this OR you have a massive red flag warning at the top of trades/the lion's page to let you know that the lion may die upon rollover, which is kind of obnoxious (and we all know that people would still complain if they somehow missed it).

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Pardalis (#28323)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-16 05:28:55
Or you check the lion's age.

Edit: Sorry if I seem a little curt - it's been a rough day. However, it does just seem like these are some very convoluted scenarios, and at a certain point some of the responsibility needs to rest with the buyer. If you aren't willing to take that risk, don't bid on the trade. Everyone playing this game is supposed to be older than 16. At that point there has to be some sort of autonomy. Do you really need constant reminders to check a lion's age?

If you do, I suppose that's fine. It won't really affect me at all since I would never buy such an old lion, or even sell them. Anyway, I offered another suggestion that I think is more useful for a wider range of players. As it is, this is a very niche suggestion.

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Edited on 16/12/16 @ 12:35:40 by Pardalis (#28323)

MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 06:03:41
The problem is that it isn't as niche as you think. Plenty of people advertise and try to sell rarer lions that are very old, not for freezing, but for scamming.
It's what's known as 'borderline scamming'.
Basically it's the same as putting "MUTATED STUD!!!!!!!! Already fathered 17 mutations!!!!!!" in your stud advert after you spammed a load of GMO cows, "rare item goodie bag" on a load of zombie decors, or "grandson of a leopon!" as your trade name when being related does nothing. Technically they did nothing wrong because it falls within advertising rules, but it's still pretty shady and can lead to a lot of disappointment.

Not to mention age isn't always the first thing people check if they see a sidereal/celestial/skyward/lilac/sepia for a decent-low price, and age lines (what I go by) aren't always obvious on certain lions.

This suggestion eliminates a load of the potential for users to scam others, just like when admins banned being able to advertise promise transactions. Yes it was supposed to be at your own risk, but admins still stepped in in that case as well.

And from firsthand experience, I have a 16 year old brother: Whilst I love him to pieces, he's a pretty rash individual who skim reads a lot and I wouldn't trust him to notice every detail (even on a lion sim) so I'm not going to trust that newbies check everything, or for that matter know everything about lion breeding/deaths/freezing.

EDIT: And lastly, if it doesn't affect you and you aren't planning to buy or sell old lions, why are you so vehemently against a suggestion to protect people who might?

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Edited on 16/12/16 @ 13:04:54 by 🌟MajestyCoal🌟 (#23607)

🐏 Al 🐑 (#101639)

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Posted on
2016-12-25 10:15:23
Voting against. You know the risk when you look at the lion's age. If one fails to look at their age, that's their own fault.

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💰Green1Chaos (#32339)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-25 10:24:01
I too am against this...The above reasons are why and to also add:

People should be able to read the and click on the lion/lioness to check for age before purchase. If the lion/lioness is at the 14 year mark, they have a right to say no

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MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 15:14:02
It says 15 in the title, i.e. random death age.
At least replace the "X no. of days cooldown" message on lions 14.1 and over with "This lioness can no longer breed" (in red) so people can easily check if they're for freezing or not.

It's not really unreasonable, there are many rules and restrictions on features to prevent things like this. Remember when they changed the button colour on branches/trades to gold for a price containing GB? That was our responsibility to look and double check as well, but it still got added.

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 15:27:31
Personally I just think that a buyer needs to be responsible enough to check a lion's age, period. If you don't check the age, that's your own fault and that's all there is to it. No one needs to put restrictions on trades, at least not something of this nature. If you don't have the simple sense to look at every aspect of a lion you're buying, it's no one's blame but your own. It's quite an obvious feature to the game, if you don't know that a lion over 14 is essentially useless then perhaps you should find that out on your own with a nice lesson of "I spent 20 GB on this lioness but I can't breed her anymore because I didn't bother to check her age". Because after you spend that much on a useless lion, I can guarantee you'll start checking the ages after that.

This isn't directed at anyone, really, just a statement. And I am in no way sorry for being blunt.

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Micah [Mandarin
Ferus] (#68002)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 15:31:44
Yeah no support, it does make sense to have this implemented, but it seems like too much to do. There are already various ways to tell if a lion is already old and about to die. Age lines, and age itself. Boom, all ya need. If someone skims over those important details when they see a (celestial or leopon I guess? This wouldn't happen with reg lions) lion then that's the player error sadly. No intention of scam needed.

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