Posted by Genosses: Pack Hunting

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 08:24:11
New? Please refer to our Main Page.

You are currently on the Vermehren: Hunting Page.
[Here is where the pack's Group Hunts are role-played.]

Whereas the mission is to take down a full-grown cow or an injured buck, this pack always seems to succeed as a well-formed team. Below you can find our Group Hunts being Role-played. This thread is purposed to help not flood the Main Den Role-play. Sometimes hunts will FAIL! It's an epic twist on general role-play.

Currently Hunting?
Not at the Moment
Started 12/16/2016

What is being Hunted?
Lame Elk Cow

Current Participants
Vladimir [Leading to location]
Mercy [Hosting Activity]
Aedeian [Assistance]
Silk [Assistance]

Hunting Rules & Success / Injury

1. A max of three animals can be brought back per SOLO hunt. All three animals must be smaller than a fox.
- Or just ONE fox. A fox has two portions.
- Anything smaller has one portion.

2. Every THIRD hunting trip, your character will find their hunt UNSUCCESSFUL.

3. A party of 2 wolves can hunt things larger than a fox, but smaller than a buck:
Either x2: Fox, Wild Piglets, Wolverines (Etc, things in that size group)
Or: x1 'Young' or injured Doe, Fawn, Wild Boar,
[If one of the two wolves is on their third trip -fail trip- than the duo has to refer back to the SOLO hunting regulations]

4. A group of three or more can take down large prey, and perhaps multiples.
x1 Buck, Doe, Etc.

5. We will have pack hunts of 4+ for Buffalo on the occasion.
Buffalo percentages only lessen -7% per 1 wolf feasting.
This option is good when prepping for Winter but can result in wolf injury and failure.

[A track sheet for myself on success counts]
This Slate has been wiped Clean

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Edited on 06/06/17 @ 06:31:40 by Soltero (#9059)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 08:30:58

Elk Cow | Mature | Condition: Lame / Old
Brief Description:
Sports an infected cut between hips and stomach, with the effected hind leg seemingly made lame. She's been lagging behind the other cows in her company and seems exhausted. She's lost some girth what with refusing to eat, constantly alert of her surroundings whilst aware of her obvious injuries. Might put up a fight but moving will be very restricted.
Will post when attacked.

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Edited on 16/12/16 @ 15:32:24 by Soltero (#9059)

Kelshand (#19565)

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Posted on
2016-12-18 15:28:01


Vladimir | Male | 5 | Beta of Genosses

Onyx pads would caress Mother Earth’s skin in a gentle manner, fluid and silent, as distance would be traveled. Vladimir’s gait was unmarred by disturbances in movement and his broad obsidian figure appeared to float across the terrain. Powered by both memory and keen sense of smell, he would navigate against the wind’s resistance, a benefit bestowed upon the hunting party before even reaching their intended prey. The trek would not be short, as the elk would have moved farther from their morning terrain, but a typical wolf’s stamina would be untouched by even this small marathon. Attention would be spread across the other wolves, especially his sister, though he would have no real need of words currently.

Eventually the group would find their destination found, medium sized group of elk foraging across a nearby mountain clearing. Keen eyes would scan the crowd thoroughly, assessing multiple factors of the impending chase at once. At first the lame cow was not immediately obvious, as she was hidden by another nearby grazing cow with a calf at her side. At the sight of an ambush, the other herd members would leave the injured cow behind, though a mother would not be quick to abandon a calf. Survival of the fittest, you know. Vlad would turn to look at the others then, everyone easily hidden from the elk’s sight by the shadow casting trees overhead. If everyone was accounted for, and hopefully not lagging behind, keen orbs would find themselves looking towards Mercy with anticipation of her plan.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-19 10:56:50

Mercy | Beta Female of Genosses | 5 years |

The journey would not test her stamina to much, as the terrain had become more easy to navigate with the change in seasons. As they continued the thrill of the hunt was already starting to cause Mercy to get excited. Eyes would glance to her brother, her tongue lolled to one side of her mouth giving her an almost goofy sort of grin. As their pace would slow, tongue would recoil, and expression would grow more serious.

Now dark orbs would scan through the herd, locking on to their desired target. A lame cow who had placed herself near one with her young. Already the wheels in her head turned, assigning positions and objectives to those who had followed. "Silk I need you to take right flank, Aedeian you take left. Calypso and Vlad take rear. I will take lead and seperate the cow from the herd. Silk and Aedeian once she has been seperated fall in and keep her moving back to the herd. Vlad and Calypso I need you to hit her back legs and slow her. I will go in for neck from there." her voice remained low as she explained how this hunt was going to go.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-19 12:12:30


Calypso | Female | 3 years | Caretaker (Head)

Calypso felt every muscle in her handsome physique twitch and become alive in active suspense for the hunt. The new addition to the diminished food reserves would be greatly welcomed by all of the pack, perhaps especially by that emaciated newcomer. She still needed to learn his name.... Ah well, this wasn't the time to be thinking about packmates; the hunt needed her full focus. As the group slowed, the she-wolf's own paws fell into patience and she listened contently to the Beta's words. A simple nod would be offered in place of vocals, a confirmation of her assigned role. Amber eyes scanned the herd, something she probably should have done before, and singled out the injured cow who was trying to blend herself with her companions. The cow was smart for sure.

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Kuma ™ (#16165)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 02:14:54


Silk | Brawler of Genosses | 4 Years
Location: Hunting Grounds

* * *

Silk moved in motion with the hunting patrol, paws striding along the sludge and mud, body floating amongst the group. With her tail out straight and ears perked, the large Grey followed her superiors in silence, taking the utmost serious attitude towards this hunt. Silk knew she had to impress the Betas, and Roman, to solidify her rank in the pack, and she will do just that. As a harsh wind blew through the terrain, lifting up the black pelt of the wolfess, the mighty Brawler angled her chin towards her chest, avoiding her eyes and snout from the sudden gust of wind. She could feel the oncoming warmth of Spring, albeit the cold ground beneath her pads and the bare trees that reminded her of skeletons. Swirling yellow orbs blinking ahead, Silk trudged on, keeping her gaze on Vlad whom was leading the patrol to the herd.
Upon their arrival Silk had stopped nearby Mercy, keeping her head low but hackles high, observing the herd in the distance. The smell of elk felt like a hit to her maw, a sudden rush of blood and flesh and warmth, along with dirty fur and dung. With flaring nostrils, the furry black fae flexed her immense muscles, catching a hint of infection. Lowered ears and a stiff stature, Silk looked forward, knowing that this injured doe would more than likely become their kill. As Silk was fixed on the herd, the sound of Mercy's voice startled her, causing her withers to twitch and ears to flick. She played it off though by ruffling up her jet-black fur, causing her bodice to look intensified. With keen ears, the Brawler listened, dipping her chin in and nodding to Mercy's words. When she heard that her and Aedeian would be initiating the chase, Silk's excitement grew, and despite not being able to tackle the doe, the importance of her job was immense. It didn't take long for Silk's hypnotizing yellow eyes to scan the herd and pinpoint the targeted elk, hidden amongst the herd; though the injury was apparent. Silk didn't hesitate to attend to her position, and began slinking down the right side of the tree line. Her seductive bodice low to the ground and silky fur just barely hitting the muddy terra, the wolfess stalked the herd carefully, and only departed from the dark treeline when she was far enough from the group, and the herd, ready to pounce once the signal was given. Although the Brawler was out in the open, she remained absolutely low to the dirt, ears pinned against her skull and tail dipping into the sludge beneath her. She was a fair distance from the herd, but her stamina would allow her to catch up to Mercy and elk quite quickly. She eyed the hunting patrol in the distance, waiting for Aedeian to get in positon. All she could do now was wait, like a prowling lioness, for Mercy to bound out of the darkness and sprint towards the herd. It was then that Silk would make her move.

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LOff!!! (#83166)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 15:47:38
Aedeian | A Worthy Genosses | 2 1/2 Years |
Location: Courtyard

Extra Notes: Champion of Previous pack, with no losses.

Aedeian came to a stop with the rest of the hunting arty, her copper-tinged fur glinting in the light, tossed up by the wind in fiery golden strands. She listened to Mercy's words, mind spinning fast to assess the Beta's strategy. As far as she could see, the she-wolf had found and eliminated all possibilities of the elder's escape, and she found herself relaxing, sinking into the bliss that was her hunting mind-space.
The scent of prey close by causing her to salivate, she lowered herself into a crouch, watching as the others took up their positions, before moving parallel to the large , well-defined wolfess that was Silk. She was a strategic thinker, and as such, all thoughts of proving herself to these other wolves dissipated, replaced with the intense hunger of success, the only reward the sweet, thick scent of blood on her paws.

She stalked forward to take up her assigned position, lithe, agile body pressing lower to the ground with each sure step. She honed her exceptional senses on the sickened cow, the almost sickly sweet smell of infection bringing a twitch to her ear, and her muscles flexed in anticipation. She turned her head, the dark orbs of her eyes catching the swirling yellow of the black she-wolf, where they shared a nod of their heads.

The hunt was on.

[ Sorry it took so long :( ]

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Edited on 20/12/16 @ 22:51:09 by SmokeOnTheWater (#83166)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 02:36:31

Elk Cow | Mature | Condition: Lame / Old

"Run!" .. Of course it was THIS doe whom had spotted one of the not-so-stealthy wolves, that or she had caught a whiff of them. It was reasonable for her to be the most alert of the group, seeing as the injured cow knew it was only a matter of time before her life was ended. Those kinds of thoughts work you up, keep you on your toes, make you more nervous than usual!

Her obnoxious blurt rallied the entire group into motion. High speeds were reached in an instant, every able-bodied deer taking just seconds to switch through gears. All except this lame cow whom quickly fell behind. She had even stumbled over the calf that had been near her, almost crippling the frail child in her attempt to escape the assured death sentence. No doubt these predators would be on her heels, a desperate cry pushed from the doe's lungs.

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 09:38:12 by Soltero (#9059)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 13:08:05

Mercy | Beta Female of Genosses | 5 years |

A bellowing cry would be echoed through the herd, the injured female alerting the others to her hunting parties presence. A low snarl would exit her maw as she pushed off, surging forward with her bellowing call. "Move!" formation would be kept, Mercy was driving the herd forward working to seperate the cow. It wouldn't take long before it was obvious she was lagging behind. She would take her chance to move in close to the lame fae.

The silver she wolf would switch gears to gain distance ahead of the elk. By doing so she was allowing the others to form into their designated areas. Her job now was to keep the cow moving, tire her out further, and then go for the take down when the opportunity presented itself.

(Bad sorry)

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LOff!!! (#83166)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 15:27:32
Aedeian | A Worthy Genosses | 2 1/2 Years |
Location: Courtyard

Extra Notes: Champion of Previous pack, with no losses.

Aedeian shot forward as the eldered cow shouted, bringing the herd into a stampede. She shot forward, lean muscles rippling beneath her wildfire coat, dark ruff bristling with her excitement. Her swift paws carried her between the fleeing animals, dodging with incredible agility as she closed in on the cow, Mercy's silver fur a flash in her peripheral vision. She began to flank the elk, keeping it from rejoining the herd, snapping at it's heels every time it tried to break past her, blood beginning to stick to her muzzle.

She almost ran into the wayward calf, jumping at the last moment to avoid the crash. She landed nimbly on the other side, snarl erupting from her throat as she urged another quick spurt of speed from her limbs, dark eyes focused on the blood on the elk's ankles, from where her teeth had ripped through the tender skin.
She wanted to sink her fangs into the fleshy part - the thigh above the knee- but she held herself back, knowing that they needed Silk to take her position before the frontal attack could be made by Mercy.
Then, Aedeian would hobble the animal, crippling it momentarily so Mercy could bring it down, with her fangs in it's throat.

She grinned, almost manically, at the thought.

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 22:29:48 by SmokeOnTheWater (#83166)

Kuma ™ (#16165)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 01:05:25


Silk | Brawler of Genosses | 4 Years
Location: Hunting Grounds

* * *

A sudden cry sounded from the doe they had targeted. With a growl to herself, Silk shot her head up and looked to the treeline as Mercy burst out from the coverage, sprinting towards the herd. Show time. A swift bunching of her haunches and a pounce sent Silk flying, darting like a bullet across the landscape towards the anxious herd. It was a remarkable burst of speed the black fae had achieved. Among the wet, white and brown landscape, a charcoal pelt would stick out, coursing through the grounds, with eyes wide and jaws parted as vicious barks were eradicated from her lungs, causing the chase to ensue. The massive Brawler's muscles rippled and undulated beneath her fur as the wolfess began lengthening her strides, stretching her fore-legs out in front of her and using her muscular hind legs to push her off of the slippery terrain. As a larger wolf, Silk found it hard to keep speed, but that burst of rapid chasing was remarkable, and stunned her. She caught up with the herd, where was where her stamina would come into play. The lagging doe was already noticeably falling behind the herd, and it was easy to keep pace. A blink of her bright yellow eyes would fall upon Aedeian, as she watched as the Worthy approached on the opposite side. The fellow huntress immediately began nipping at the deer, and although Silk wanted to wait for Calypso and Vlad to start biting at the heels, Silk pushed her bodice up next to the deer, threatening it and barking to it, attempting to trip it ever so slightly to try to make the hunt end sooner rather than later. It would take a moment for the two wolves in the trees to catch up, and so it was Silk's and Aedeian's duty to keep the doe from running too far. Cranium turning upwards to look towards Mercy who was running up ahead, Silk growled to herself and snapped her jaws at the doe's inner elbow, breaking skin within the barrel and causing a trickle of blood to swim down the leg of the prey. The infection underneath the elk's hindquarters caused Silk to grimace and wrinkle her nose up, not quite enjoying the stench of wound. With quick thinking, the Brawler slowed her pace and waited until she was running next to the hind legs of the elk, where the wound was vulnerable. This was why the elk was falling behind, and why it was lame; hit the wound, the deer goes down. The dark fae wasn't sure whether or not Mercy would want the doe to come plummeting down without Vlad or Calypso making their move, so Silk merely sped up back up towards the shoulder, guiding the elk and threatening it with harsh barks and growls. Amidst her thoughts and being distracted, the right hoof of the elk flew up towards Silk's face, kicking her in the neck, sending her underneath the elk's body. With hind hooves trampling over the Brawler's back, she winced, and let out a painful "yowl". Despite the error, Silk stumbled back up to her paws, and continued on with the chase, ignoring the shooting pain traveling down her neck to her spine. It couldn't be long now until the elk would be brought down, and Mercy would cause the fatality.

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Kelshand (#19565)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 07:05:20


Vladimir | Male | 5 | Beta of Genosses

Hardened muscles rippled beneath the onyx rogue's  pelt as he let loose on the heels of their intented prey. Although the ordeal had not been quiet the most sophisticated ambush, the herds advantage of knowing of their presence benefited the wounded cow very little, if any at all. Vladimir had been watching the others within glances stolen of their victim, analyzing each female's tendencies and hunting abilities. Agile limbs would traverse the terrain with persistant accuracy of step as the cow would begin to tire. The fear in the beasts eyes was vivid and raw, and Vlad felt the unsurity build in his gut at the unpredictability the cow could muster. Senses lurched at the sight of Silk's vulnerable position as the cow struck in her direction, a blunt blow delivered near her head. Thundering heart jumped erratically at the sight, almost sure the female had been struck in the face. Hindquarters sprang with newfound fury towards the pursuers, noting quickly that the onyx she-wolf had regained her footing although could be injured qorse than it appeared. Vladimir had no second thoughts of his next move, the cow was distracted by the ordeal and clouded with confusion. Figure left the ground with a massive forceful thrust as the cow's haunches was coming down with a failed strike. Gaping jaws were extended towards the animals uninjured rear leg, ravenous teeth seeking a locking grip on the sweaty, trembling thigh of their victim. With the force brought down from his attack countered with the already off balance kick of the elk returning to the ground, the elk should either stagger and fall at best or at least be rendered to much slower pace. Vlad's forelegs would be stiff with clenched muscle, jaws unfailing in their death grip as hot blood would seep into his throat. With the elks good rearleg hopefully immobilized, the infected neighbor would need to take on more weight which was obviously painful and unstable. Hopefully if Vlad had been successful in slowing the elk exponentially, the other wolves would already be making their holds so Mercy would be able to choke the animal. Subconscious would be concerned for Silk's well-being even if she were still standing, hoping the fae was not internally damaged. Powerful jerks of entire frame would continually repeat in hopes of downing the cow or at least keeping it as immobile as was possible.

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 15:21:28 by Kelshand (#19565)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 07:14:20
[Same here... will finish soon.]

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LOff!!! (#83166)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 15:40:37
Aedeian | A Worthy Genosses | 2 1/2 Years |
Location: Courtyard

Extra Notes: Champion of Previous pack, with no losses.

Aedeian saw the ebony bodice of the Brawler wolfess stumble and fall under the cow's flailing hooves, snarl echoing from the copper hunter's throat as she launched herself forward, vengeance boiling in her blood as she made a decision, strategic thinking taking over her sense of self preservation. Her eyes took in the bunching muscle of the cow's front legs, predicting the injured animal's next move.
As the eldered cow stretched her legs out farther, Aedeian saw a flash of pure onyx speed attach itself to the left, uninjured hind leg, and she didn't have to look back to know it was Vlad. Pure muscle and of an immense size, it was impossible to miss him, fangs and claws sunk into the cow's flesh, blood marring his muzzle.
Aedeian was brought out of her thoughts, by a hoof being thrown her way. She successfully dodged it, but lost her footing slightly in the wet grey sludge of the previous snows gone. Losing her lead on the animal, she snarled ferociously, frustration urging her on. She bounded forward, ducking beneath flailing hooves, the shadow of the elk's stomach passing over her momentarily as she passed beneath it and lunged, all precise muscle and agility. Razor sharp fangs latched on behind the cow's right shoulder, parting flesh and muscle, and tearing the tendon almost in two. The animal's desperate bleating did nothing to keep it standing upright as the fiery huntress savagely shook her head in determined vigor, the last of the muscle giving to the power of her jaws. She fell with the elk, muscles locked as she used her weight to assist the cow's momentum, hind paws jarring as they all crashed into the snow, Vlad's weight finally bringing it down, narrowly missing the hulk of Silk as white sprayed up in all directions, red spattering the ground as Aedeian and Vlad held on for dear life, giving Mercy her chance.

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 22:45:13 by SmokeOnTheWater (#83166)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 16:32:25
Well, there is no fun for me roleplaying the elk when it's being god modded! Carry on, I'm not posting!

Its quicker this way anyway.

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 23:36:39 by Soltero (#9059)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 16:59:57


Calypso | Female | 3 years | Caretaker (Head)

Calypso burst from the bush like a racehorse out of the starting gate, her snowy paws gliding effortlessly across the emerald blades of grass at a determined gallop. Her barks and growls preserved themselves for when she reached a wolf's length from the hind legs and only then did her jaws part and snap together again while churning out vicious noises. The cow lurched forward again, bleating and bellowing in unbridled fear. It was easy to tell that the elk knew of her impending, futile doom, but who could blame a girl for trying? The mottled she-wolf surged on, straying from the mass of wolves clinging on to the poor doe, keeping the herd at bay and driving the quarry into further separation. She winced as Silk fell under, being kicked by hard hooves, and banked to rejoin, biting down momentarily on an ankle once she had the chance. The vixen skirted out of the way as the cow fell, growling and barking as to frighten her into staying down until Beta Mercy performed the execution.

[Craptabulous post... I had the write something....]

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