Posted by Tabs for Journal

Starrykins (#70127)

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Posted on
2016-12-23 12:15:59

Having only 1 page, that goes on to infinity gives us lots of room, but it's not organized. I find myself using the Journal less and less now because it's just all clumped up on one page, and I can't stay organized.

I propose we have tabs in our Journal so it's more organized and all of our notes for many things are separated and not clumped up on one page.

How would it look like?

Under 'Your journal is a place to leave notes for yourself. Nobody else can see this page.' Implement the tabs/pages we can go click to back and forth from. To the farthest right, you might want to add a (+) sign, so you can add another tab/page if you need to. Next to each tab would be a (-) sign, if you want to delete or remove that tab. You can rename each tab, so I maybe I might want one tab to be named art sales/commissions, another named Lioden goals, Plans for King, etc.
Each tab will have the same editing tools as the first.

There should also be a character limit to the title, 20 characters or so.
( I don't know how to make an image to show you what it would look just try and picture it)

How about having the option to color code each tab or just default color, (White?)
Limit to how many tabs you can have?

If you don't like having more than one page, or this idea at all, you don't have to make a new tab. You can stick with the one page you have right now in Journal.

Questions, comments or concerns? Post em!

This suggestion has 36 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/01/17 @ 03:05:28 by ➹Fallenheart➷|Symmy Pie (#70127)

shadowqueen (#77712)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-05 15:00:59
I love it!

There should definitely be a character limit for the title, 20 characters fits, as well as a limit to how many tabs you can have.

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Starrykins (#70127)

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Posted on
2017-01-05 16:06:21
Glad you like the Idea! I was thinking maybe 4-5 tabs max, not sure.

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Gyrendolen (#106188)

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Posted on
2017-03-20 15:37:38
Tabs would definitely be nice. I have a couple projects I'm working on here and it's very annoying to have to lump them all together and keep them organized in one big long page.

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Harask (#96695)

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Posted on
2017-11-01 14:47:27
This would be so useful in planning breeding project!

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