Posted by -LOCKED - CRB & mutie questions

Halfmoon (#78841)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-28 07:12:42
Hi! Okay so, I have some Cotton Root Bark and some questions...
I understand that using CRB on a lioness increases her mutation chance (along with the lethality of the mutation).

I want to work on breeding a mutie, so I was wondering if any of you guys could help me with tips on breeding muties and using CRB. I'm pretty sure I understand how to use CRB. You feed it to a pregnant lioness to induce a miscarriage. When she goes into heat again after 3 days again she'll have a higher chance of giving birth to mutated cubs.

Some questions:
1) Will you have an even higher chance of a mutie if you use the CRB on a VLF?
2) Does CRB affect the amount of cubs?
3) How valuable is CRB?

ALSO- If you guys have any tips on breeding muties and/or using CRB please tell me :)

Thank you!

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Edited on 28/12/16 @ 14:13:06 by Halfmoon (#78841)

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😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-28 07:17:34
1. No, crb overrides fertility.
2. No
3. It is worth 1gb-you can purchase it in the oasis

Crb is the best way to go! :) It gives you the most chance for the most muties for the amount spent imo.

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Dioxeon #Gaggle (#60759)

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Posted on
2016-12-28 07:19:47
1) Will you have an even higher chance of a mutie if you use the CRB on a VLF?
according to a news post we got in september, CRB overrides fertility boosts and debuffs.
so, that would be a no
also my first mutation i got from crb was born to a goddess fertility, out of 5 lionesses who all had different ferts (including 2 vlfs) so i suspected that even from before that news post was posted.

2) Does CRB affect the amount of cubs?
No, it absolutely does not-

3) How valuable is CRB?
1 GB in the oasis

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Halfmoon (#78841)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-28 07:23:31
@Locust Thank you!

@Vixey Thank you!

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