Posted by -LOCKED - Karma

gabes (#99411)

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Posted on
2017-01-17 02:44:31
How can I change the karma points? Example: "Henry, King of the Jungle" how can I restart?

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-01-17 02:46:52
Go to Explore, then in the top right corner is "Quests and Snakes".
The second snake is all about Karma, and shows any other titles you have unlocked, and ones you can use for your king! <3

The only way to reach "King of the Jungle" status is to get enough karma. You can get karma in explore, by either being "Bad" or "Good". Each action you take that is based on karma will give karma points!

Karma Points/Listings This can also help you!

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Edited on 17/01/17 @ 09:50:16 by Smo the Star (#69866)

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