Posted by Bulk Sell lion/cubs OR Black Market lion sales

RoseIron (#827)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-01-18 02:55:02
not to sure if this is already out there but i had an idea about selling unwanted cubs not everyone wants to try and make up post to sell there cubs or use there energy/time to chase them away.

so what if there was something like the monkey shop were you could sell you unwanted lions/cubs in bulk, now there would be a few things such as

there is no way to judge what each lion is worth so there would be a set price say 25-50sb each lion

it would be mainly for people who need the territory space/dont want karma affected

the low price would also avoid from people buying cubs just to sell for profit

any ideas or comments?
please say why you thing this would be good or bad ?

like the idea give it a better name for the so called "shop"
Black Market - (could be run by a sketchy baboon)

This suggestion has 28 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/01/17 @ 09:55:31 by RoseIron (#827)

RoseIron (#827)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-01-18 02:55:11
Pricing ideas
suggested by Lostsoulsbleed (#85494)
Starting price: 20SB (or maybe 10 or 15?)
Special Base: +5SB
Normal Marking: +2SB ea
Non-Oasis Marking: +5SB ea
Special Eyes: +5SB
Non-Oasis Mane (Color/Marking): +2SB (for color or type)/+5SB (for both color and type)
0-99: 0SB
100-499: +5SB
500+: 10SB

other Ideas
Runaway lions after cool down go to the black market for a cheaper flat rate (markings do not matter) - suggested by Ganymede (#99000) edited by me

Massive Amount of cubs/adols/Lionesses in the black market for resale so to reduce bugged issue's have time limit for 2 hours

you are allowed to sell a max amount of lions every 3 hours

Pro's /Approve because
VERY Convenient
Could give a helping hand to new and old players
Good Karma Neutral option
Free up space and earn SB for More Breeding projects

Con's / do not approve because
Massive Amount of cubs/adols/Lionesses in the black market for resale
Not much would be stopping people from claiming a bunch of NCLs and bulk selling undesirable cubs that wouldn't be able to sell otherwise.

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Edited on 02/02/17 @ 18:09:19 by RoseIron (#827)

LostPotato (#85494)

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Posted on
2017-01-18 03:17:27
Oh! I like this idea! Though I think that the pricing could be different for each cub. When I sell my cubs/lionesses I do an auction and I price all their starting bids off of a chart I made(I make the auto-buy 10x the starting bid)
Pretty Much;
Minimum Price: 20SB
Breed-Only Base: +25SB
Non-Oasis Base: +15SB
Breed Only Eye: +10SB

Since this is the 'quick and easy' way of selling them I think that pricing guide should be somewhere around this:
Starting price: 20SB (or maybe 10 or 15?)
Special Base: +5SB
Normal Marking: +2SB ea
Non-Oasis Marking: +5SB ea
Special Eyes: +5SB
Non-Oasis Mane (Color/Marking): +2SB (for color or type)/+5SB (for both color and type)
0-99: 0SB
100-499: +5SB
500+: 10SB

Then you cub is sold REALLY cheap but you'r still getting a decent amount for it and it still matters how good their stats are or what rare base or markings they have.

Also, Maybe the Black Market would keep that cup for the next 1-3 hours selling it for 2 times the amount you sold it. Very realistic for the Black Market (or really any market xD) and would be kind cool while at the same time not really giving you the time to buy it back, keeping players from doing it for a boost in cash and then buying their own cubs back.
Anyways! Moving on!

VERY Convenient
Could give a helping hand to new and old players
Good Karma Neutral option

None that I can see ^-^

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Edited on 18/01/17 @ 10:18:38 by Lostsoulsbleed (#85494)

RoseIron (#827)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-01-18 03:20:12
well put thank you for your feed back ill add it to the pricing ideas :3

also totally agree with keeping for a few hours could also give newbies a chances to get a nice cub for really cheep

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LostPotato (#85494)

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Posted on
2017-01-18 03:36:23
Yeah! Also I think it would be cool if you could sell adols and adults. But you're only paid half as much and adults are deleted right away (Adols being kept maybe 1/2 as long as cubs?)
That way it would make people refrain from selling their adols and lionesses that way unless they were really just didn't have enough space or didn't want the karma effect?

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RoseIron (#827)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-01-18 03:40:55
ya i agree

at first i didint want to count adol/adults but then i remember i get bored of mine and find them harder to sell so they can also be sold for a tad less.

also with this to avoid from people who accidentally sell the wrong cub/lion there should be a pop up to confirm selling them.

also like the lions that ran away players can buy them back if need be but have a small time frame to do so

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LostPotato (#85494)

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Posted on
2017-01-18 03:48:06
Oh yeah! Like,
'The Scruffy looking lion accepts your (cub,adol,lioness,lion) with a sly smile. "All sales are final after an hour!," he calls to your retreating back.

*Edit: Maybe 30 minutes instead?

So, for the Black Market the art people could put a cave with a shadowy entrace right behind the monkey for Monkey Business on the explore screen and there could be a button at the VERY bottom of the Monkey Business screen, below the decor stuff, that says something like ; Go To Black Market
That way, like a real black market, it would be hard to find and most people wouldn't even realize it was there unless they stumbled upon it or were told about it =D

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Edited on 18/01/17 @ 10:52:58 by Lostsoulsbleed (#85494)

RoseIron (#827)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-01-18 04:00:05
omg thats perfect hahaha

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Ganymede {Glass
Tri-Rosette} (#99000)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 05:42:09
Oooh... lore-wise, I love the idea of a Black Market! What if it also sold the lions who had run away permanently from their prides? Really nice ones could appear for cheap prices, or just as fodder!

Here's another way of wording how pricing could work. The seller would receive a cheap, flat fee from the baboon to immediately give up their lion (to regulate a base price for fodder lions and to allow for a quick and easy way to dump unwanted lions for a little bit of SB, similar to what we do with rotting carcasses). In turn, the baboon would offer the lions for resale at a slightly higher price for a limited time before deleting them entirely (which would act as a SB sink and an easy place to find quick fodder to buy).

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Edited on 29/01/17 @ 12:45:24 by Ganymede (#99000)

RoseIron (#827)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-01-29 05:59:54
regarding runaway lion's
do you think run away lions would be easy to program though ?

if run away lions would go into the black market it should be for a cheaper price then selling them yourself to the black market or people would let them run away and there would not be a need for the black market

also run away lions that have passed the cool down to get them back should not be available for black market resell for a few reasons
1. people could buy them and sell them back to the black market to make profit - as they sell for cheaper it would be bought for cheaper
2. save the coders the head ache
3. there will already be a MASSIVE amount of lions in the black market already

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-02-01 08:11:04
Sounds pretty cool, but I think that the not yet introduced "Gorilla Enclave" is supposed to allow us to do something useful with our unwanted cubs. So basically, I'll have to wait to support or not until that one's released.

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RoseIron (#827)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-02-01 08:13:21
where did you hear that and know anything about it that i could put up :3

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-02-01 08:14:57
I mainly remember it from mod/Admin talk in the chat, but hold on and I can look through the old news posts to find the mention again.

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-02-01 08:21:07
Here's one that has a possible reward type mentioned --

"Note: When Gorilla Enclave feature releases, we do plan to have one of rewards which would let you pick any of these markings and apply to any lion of yours to chosen slot etc, so it's not 100% RNG based, but for now it will remain so until that specific update."

Latest newspost also has a mention of rewards coming -- "4 new Raffle Backgrounds are now available in weekly Raffle Lioness rotation as previous ones reached the maximum release amount of 11 each. All previous backgrounds will appear at some point in upcoming Gorilla Enclave."

Others are much harder to find, since newpost titles don't give a lot of info on the details inside of them. And after page 4 I sorta gave up combing through. But I encourage you to ask an admin yourself if you're curious!

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Edited on 01/02/17 @ 15:22:00 by Bezthiel (#81210)

RoseIron (#827)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-02-01 08:33:22
ok so it would be more like a trading then but maybe this post could make them also want to add the feature to sell the cubs as well

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RoseIron (#827)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-02-01 09:29:55
oh someone said no support i would like to get your feedback on what cons you would like me to post please :3

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