Posted by Life ~ Roleplay Thread

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-01-22 06:09:22

A time will come when the sky burns white and the time seems peaceful but a storm is brewing and only the chosen can save us from the unknown.

Welcome to Life! A roleplay based on Warrior Cats with both cats and foxes! :) It takes place in a large forest, where the territory is divided. One part for the foxes, the Sunrise Pack, and the other for the cats, the Sunset Pack.

Chat Thread
Information Slides

Sunrise Pack
Honeystar - 32 moons - Female - { Tiger (#81593) } - Page 1

Russetblaze - 26 moons - Male - { Christicat (#54511) } - Page 1 - Reference

Dewlily - 22 moons - Female - { QueenOfHell (#93457) } - Page 3 - Reference

Healer Apprentice:
Ribbonpaw - 11 moons - Female - { Sand (#77192) } - Page 1

- Sunstream - 18 moons - Female - { Tiger (#81593) } - Page 1
- Goldenheart - 25 moons - Female - { ☪Ririe (#91514) } - Page 2 - Reference
- Brightheart - 36 moons - Male - { 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827) } - Page 2 - Reference
- Adderfleck - 36 moons - Male - { 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827) } - Page 2 - Reference
- Frostfur - 18 moons - Female - { Iceclaw123 (#101273) } - Page 3 - Reference
~ Moonshard - 16 moons - Female - { ➽ℳoo∩❍{Primal} (#100696) } - Page 4 - Reference / Reference

- Shadepaw - 11 moons - Male - { Sand (#77192) } - Page 1
- Ashenpaw - 11 moons - Female - { ☪Ririe (#91514) } - Page 2 - Reference




Sunset Clan
Cherrystar - 43 moons - Female - { KittyCat (#77616) } - Page 3 - Reference

Sootflame - 25 moons - Male - { Twilight_Pidge (#73219) } - Page 4 - Reference

Clovereyes - 26 moons - Male - { Archie (#104190) } - Page 1

Healer Apprentice:
Lilypaw - 6 moons - Female - { Nyx [BrF] (#76015) } - Page 3 - Reference

- Minnowstrike - 26 moons - Female - { Tiger (#81593) } - Page 1
- Redwillow - 16 moons - Male - { Tiger (#81593) } - Page 1 - Reference
- Doeheart - 26 moons - Female - { Archie (#104190) } - Page 1
- Iceclaw - 16 moons - Female - { Iceclaw123 (#101273) } - Page 3 - Reference

- Flamepaw - 6 moons - Female - { Nyx [BrF] (#76015) } - Page 3 - Reference




Loners & Rogues
- Ocean - 30 moons - Female - { Sand (#77192) } - Page 1

The Chosen Ones
- Russetblaze - 26 moons - Male - { Christicat (#54511) } - Reference
~ Power: Can't die in battle + Strength

- Adderfleck - 36 moons - Male - { 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827) } - Reference
~ Power: Able to smell living things that are unseen and unheard

- Moonshard - 16 moons - Female - { ➽ℳoo∩❍{Primal} (#100696) } - Reference / Reference
~ Power: Faster than a hawk diving for its prey, incredible attack speed. She can blow a swipe per second

- Redwillow - 16 moons - Male - { Tiger (#81593) } - Reference
~ Power: Can walk in other's dreams + Feel other's emotions

- Doeheart - 26 moons - Female - { Archie (#104190) }
~ Power: Energy emission. The ability to use energy and force it out of their body to create a pure energized force in a certain radius (takes a lot out of her)

- Flamepaw - 6 moons - Female - { Nyx [BrF] (#76015) } - Page Reference
~ Power: Undecided

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Edited on 06/02/17 @ 19:52:29 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-01-22 12:07:51


The territories and areas in each clan or pack :3

|Sunrise Pack|
Although thinner than that of the cat's, the overall territory the foxes inhabit is still pretty thick, thick enough for the foxes to hide in when hunting for their prey. The leaves are a "dimmer" color (darker shade) than the brighter green leaves in the Sunset Clan territory and the trees are quite tall.

Prey ; mainly rabbits, but also voles, mice, squirrels, and birds (small kinds, such as starlings, magpies, wood pigeons, and thrushes, not big bird species like eagles, hawks, and other).


* Where the foxes live and sleep

Training Hollow
This is where warriors/mentors take their apprentices to train. Two hills lead down to the bare hollow area, a few fallen down trees on the outskirts, where the apprentices train, whether it be hunting or combat.

Prey ; you don't hunt here, but the occasional mouse or rabbit can come around every once in awhile. It is not common, though.

( imagine them during the day )
The unique spot in the Sunrise Pack's territory, the rocks here are large, grey, rocks that are placed alongside one part of the river that are usually warm from being under the bright sun all day. Foxes tend to come here and either hunt or sun bathe beneath the sun atop the warm rocks.

Prey ; snakes, mice, and reptiles.

|The Boundary|
Boundary ~ River
A small river with a good amount of prey runs through the middle of the two territories, with mainly the same prey on both sides. Regardless of how thick or lush both territories are, its a bit less thick on both sides.

Prey ; fish, frogs, toads, water voles, shrews, and reptiles nearest to the river. But, rabbits, squirrels, and mice can be found on the sides.
~ Mainly rabbits on the Pack's side and mainly squirrels on the Clan's side.

|Sunset Clan|
Mainly, the territory that is inhabited by the cats is pretty thick with bright green undergrowth.

Prey ; mainly squirrels, but also voles, mice, the occasional rabbit, and birds (small kinds, such as starlings, magpies, wood pigeons, and thrushes, not big bird species like eagles, hawks, and other)


* Where the cats live and sleep

Training Hollow
Alike that of the foxes, in its purpose, this hollow is for warriors to train their apprentices in the ways of hunting or combat. A big tree is on the left side of his hollow, and rarely any leaves or plantlife grow in the circle-area where they train.

Prey ; you don't hunt here, but sometimes the occasional mouse or squirrel. Uncommon, still.

This pond is the unique spot in the cats territory. Its a bit shrubby and is full of reptiles and insects.

Prey ; Frogs, toads, snake, fish, and insects.

Gathering Place
An island in the middle of the widest part of the river where the clan and pack meet every full moon for a gathering. Two fallen logs lay on each side letting the cats and foxes cross from their sides to get to the island. Two large rocks signify where the leaders stand, and the deputies stand nearby at the foot of the rocks while the others stand anywhere. The moonstone is on the same island.

The Moonpool is a small pool in the middle of an underground cave that is on the same island as where the two groups gather. In order to enter, the healers enter an underground tunnel that leaves to a cave with the Moonpool in he middle. There is a hole in the top of the cave that is centered right above the Moonpool (and is of the same size) that lets the starry night sky hit it and light it up, the moon right above it and usually making a reflection of the moon in the pool. This way, rain can enter the pool and allow it to stay full. There is an underground stream leading out of the pool, from under, which flows into the river that marks the border between Sunrise Pack and Sunset Clan. A narrow path dimpled with ancient fox and cat pawprints leads down to a flat stone underground "beach" next to the pool. For sharing tongues with StarClan, the medicine cats lap up a few drops of water or they touch their noses to the water. The healers visit here every half moon.
( ignore that the reference is outside, and pretend its inside the cave xD )

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Edited on 06/02/17 @ 19:11:31 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-01-22 12:08:12

A & B (siblings)
A = B (B is the child of A)
A -> B (A has a crush on B)
A <- B (B has a crush on A)
A <-> B (they have a crush on each other)
A + B (mates)
A x B (enemies)
A (dead)
A (assumed dead / status unknown )
(M) (male)
(F) (female)

|Sunrise Pack|
Creekfoot (M) + LIlypond (F) = Honeystar

Claweye + Feathermist = Russetblaze & Sunstream & Squirrelkit (M) & Palekit (M) & Rowankit (F)

Rock (M) + Eggpatch (F) = Ribbonpaw & Shadepaw & Ocean

Thundergaze (M) + Honeypelt (F) = Goldenheart & Featherkit (F) & Shadowkit (M)

Coldgaze (M) + Feathertail (F) = Ashenpaw & Marblekit (F)

Spiderstripe (M)> + Elmsting (F) = Brightheart & Adderfleck

Whiskerspots (M) + Harepoppy (F) = Dewlily & Lavenderpaw (F) & Heronpaw (M)

Unknown (M) + Unknown (F) = Frostfur & Unknown

|Sunset Clan|
Dogfoot (M) + Hollyreed (F) = Redwillow & Minnowstrike

Branchheart (M) + Shortfur (F) = Clovereyes & Doeheart & Snakekit (M)

Froststorm (M) + Squirrelfur (F) = Flamepaw & Lilypaw & Stormpaw

? (M) + ? (F) = Iceclaw

Ottertail (M) + Sheeptail (F) = Cherrystar

Mathias (M) + Blizzardheart (F) = Sootflame

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Edited on 29/01/17 @ 19:52:42 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-01-22 12:08:30


Male | 26 moons | Red fox (10% wolf) | Deputy | Location: Pack Territory; Outside -> Camp; Warriors den | Mentions: None / Open for interaction

A massive wolf-like brute padded in the hunting part of the pack's territory, planning with determination to catch a more than decent meal for some fox in his Pack. Sure, he was the deputy and it was morning, but that didn't technically mean he couldn't hunt in the morning before others awoke. Besides, when was hunting a bad or unfortunate thing? Food was always needed, and extra food was especially good. He normally didn't eat anything bigger than a frail mouse, as to let the elders and other foxes in need of food have some, and any other fox could eat his plump catch when he caught it, he was determined it would be plump. Plus, he had woken up earlier than most, as was a normal thing for the fox-wolf mix, and he had decided to go hunting, as was also normal. It was typically his daily routine, and pretty much every fox in the pack knew he did this. The sun hadn't fully risen yet, so he still had some time to hunt before he began to head back and fully start the day. The wind gently ruffling his fur, Russetblaze padded across the forest floor, in the part of the territory where the pack most typically hunted. And sniffing and observing the ground all in front of him, a good sized rabbit hopping along the slightly dusty grassy ground caught his eye and he immediately crouched to the ground, moving forward slowly with his tail hovering above the ground as to avoid making noise. Stalking the female rabbit, he got as close as he could, stopping when he couldn't go farther as to avoid being seen, and he ran, biting. Pouncing, his claws dug into the soft, fleshy back of his prey to trap the rodent before his teeth latched onto its neck, biting incredibly hard. In a matter of moments, the massive canine had killed the weaker animal with his powerful bite.

Seeing the sun get higher in the sky, Russetblaze grabbed his kill before trotting back to camp, knowing it would be wise to be there when the morning fully began. Not really any fox was awake at the moment, so he'd most likely get back there when the pack was already awake. Soon enough, the deputy arrived back home and entered the large walls of his pack's camp. Entering, he moved his tongue to swipe it across his light colored lips and razor sharp fangs as he began padding towards the public den, where he and all the warriors slept. Trotting across the camp with a magnificent aura, the massive and intimidating canine approached the den before looking in. Seeing who was all awake, he backed up and turned around, heading to the fresh-kill pile. Picking up a small, skinny mouse, he moved away from the pile and lay down on the ground in the middle of camp off to the side of the prey pile, eating his mouse there.

OOC: I don't know, okay? I'm kinda blocked right now... >,

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Edited on 06/02/17 @ 19:03:01 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 11:42:08

| Male | 36 moons | Red fox | Warrior | Location: Pack Territory; Outside | Mentions: Open |

The small male slid through bushes with ease, he was out patrolling with his brother and he got distracted causing his brother to head back to the den site, he huffed and got distracted by a leaf pouncing at it, he got distracted by the leaf until he tore it up causing it to get all torn up and didn't float anymore, he pouted to himself and pranced off towards the pack territory, he once again got distracted by a mouse scurrying causing him to start chasing it, it took him a few minutes before he caught it, when he did it was a quick kill and he pranced back into the camp the mouse hanging from his jaw as he dropped it in the kill pile before heading over to the warrior den

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Edited on 29/01/17 @ 18:42:43 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Cwazy (#81593)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 11:59:23
Honeystar - Female - Sunrise Pack - Leader - Camp - Mentions: Russetblaze and Brightheart (Indirect), Dewlily (Direct)
Honeystar padded out of her den a few minutes after the sun rose. She sat in front of her den, watching as the camp slowly came alive. She started to groom her cream fur when she heard movement at the entrance and spotted her deputy, Russetblaze walking into camp with prey.

Standing, she walked over to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed a vole, walking back to her den, she sat and ate. A few seconds later and she watched as Brightheart walked into camp. When she was finished, she buried the remains and then she walked over to the Healer's den. She needed to speak to Dewlily about a dream she had last night.
She stopped at the entrance to the den and called out. "Dewlily, you awake?" She asked sitting at the entrance, waiting for the healer's response.

Sunstream - Female - Sunrise Pack - Warrior - Camp - Mentions: Brightheart
Sunstream awoke with a yawn. She sniffed the air and stood, making her way to the entrance of the warrior's den. She was walking out of the den when she almost ran into Brightheart. "Hello, Brightheart." She said, a smile on her muzzle. She looked beyond the warrior and spotted her brother, but she stayed where she was.

OOC: I will RP with my cat warriors later.

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 12:09:46

| Male | 36 moons | Red fox | Warrior | Location: Pack Territory; Outside | Mentions: Sunstream|

Brightheart looked down at Sunstream in surprise, he back up a few steps "Oh! Hello" he said twitching his tail, he dropped down and looked into the den to see if his brother was there "Did you happen to see Adderfleck?" he asked "I lost him on patrol" the male was now starting to get worried for his brother, his ears twitched with anxiety and his paws twitched as he sniffed the air for any smell of his brother

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Cwazy (#81593)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 12:16:55
Sunstream - Female - Sunrise Pack - Warrior - Camp - Mentions: Brightheart
Sunstream looked into the den behind her when Brightheart mentioned that he had lost his brother on patrol. "I just woke up, so I haven't seen him. If he's in there, I wasn't paying attention." She replied. "I'm sure he's around here somewhere or still outside of camp."

OOC: Sorry, it's short

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NightSolace (#73219)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 12:37:38
SootFlame-Male-Sunset Clan- Deputy-Camp,starting to leave-Mentions: None, open for interaction

SootFlame was over looking the camp from under the high rock. It was another sleepless night for him but he was far used to it. With a small smile he watched a few others began to awaken and start their day. Getting up from his sitting position he slowly began to head out towards the camp entrance. 'Might as well hunt some prey for the fresh kill pile' he thought to himself, tail flicking about.

Ooc: Sorry for short start, just so I can get my character to do something

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Edited on 29/01/17 @ 23:18:54 by Twilight_Pidge (#73219)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 12:59:49


Male | 26 moons | Red fox (10% wolf) | Deputy | Location: Sunrise Pack Camp | Mentions: Sunstream, Brightheart / Open for interaction

After finishing his mouse, the massive Russetblaze stood up, tail lashing behind him as his tongue swiped across his white lips and sharp teeth. Gazing around with intimidating, yellow eyes, the red fox then spotted his beautiful sister, Sunstream. But she was talking to some fox. A male fox, Brightheart. Narrowing his eyes, the over-protective brother approached them, looking down at the male and female. "Good morning, sister. he said, nuzzling his sister's neck before straightening up to his full, massive height. "Good morning, Brightheart." he then added, voice deep and intimidating as his yellow gaze rest upon the male warrior, not saying a word after. His tongue swiped against his white lips once again, which had a bit of blood stained on them from his last hunt. He then yawned, long, sharp fangs showing for all to look at. He trusted the male fox not to try anything with his sister, just he didn't like her talking to males and was so unbelievably protective of her, especially after the incident with their father, and the bear.

OOC: Sorry its so short D: Blocked >.< But we should probable wait for the others to join in? :)

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Edited on 06/02/17 @ 19:02:54 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 13:07:41

| Male | 36 moons | Red fox | Warrior | Location: Pack Territory; Outside | Mentions: Sunstream|

Brightheart had zoned out a bit, but when Russetblaze said his name he came back to attention "Sorry what?" he asked his ears twitching around confused, his attention got grabbed by a leaf falling off a tree, his ears flattened as he watched it fall, his whiskers twitched, his tail flicked around a bit before he shook his head and looked back to the siblings "Russetblaze have you seen Adderfleck?" he asked completely forgetting he asked the bigger male a question before that one, his ears flicked around as his brain moved quickly thinking of different things

;; Ooc: Yea we should, This will be my last post untill others join up ;;

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QueenOfHell (#93457)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-01-29 15:45:06
Dewlily ¤ ♀ ¤ 22 moons ¤ Artic Marble ¤ Healer ¤ Location: Healer Den ¤ Mentions: Honeystar (directly)

Dewlily shifted in her nest and one brown ear twitches in respoused to her leader's voice. The vixen uncurled and stretched her jaws in a wide yawn before turning to check on her apprentice.

Once satisfied that the other hadn't been disturbed, she stood and shook out her fur quickly before padding to the front of her den and poking her head.

"Honeystar, good morning," she barked softly, curling her tail around her paws as she sat down. "What can I do for you?"

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Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2017-02-01 11:39:17
Ribbonpaw - Healer's Apprentice - Sunrise Pack Camp, Healer's Den - Mentions: Dewlily (Indirect)
Ribbonpaw flicked her ears to the sound of Dewlily walking out of the den, but she stayed asleep, hoping to go back to the dream she was having. When sleep washed over her, she sighed and let her mind drift. Her dreams had been weird lately and she hadn't told anyone. They usually had wailing cats that she could never find and when she'd wake up, she'd forget them, but this one was different. The scent of blood was tainting the air and she found herself chocking on it. She tried to find the source, but everything was dark and the scent seemed to be all around her.

When the scent got stronger than it already was, she was hoping to find what was causing such a strong smell of blood. Creeping through the trees, she heard the sound of lapping waves, but she wasn't anywhere near the river. Turning her head, Ribbonpaw saw a tide of blood shooting straight towards her, she tried to run, but her paws were stuck and before the blood reached her, she awoke with a start.

Looking around the den, she tried to spot Dewlily, but then remember that her mentor had walked out of the den. Seeing that she was too stunned by what had happened in her dream, she calmed her breathing and waited for her mentor to come back. Now was the time to tell about her nightmares. Maybe they weren't just nightmares.

Shadepaw - Apprentice - Sunrise Pack Camp, Apprentice's Den - Mentions: Ribbonpaw (Indirect), Open
Shadepaw awoke with a start. He could feel something was wrong with his sister, Ribbonpaw. Standing, he wobbled and before he could move from his nest, he felt the feeling reside. He sat back down and stared at the entrance to the apprentice's den. On some mornings, he awoke with this feeling, on others he didn't. Today it was more fierce. He had never confronted his sister about it cause he thought she'd tell Dewlily, but when the nightmares persisted, he knew that something was up.

Shadepaw was close to his sister because she was his only family and he could often times feel what she was feeling. He knew she could feel what he was feeling, so he tried to keep most of his feelings hidden and it usually worked. He knew that his sister would work out her problems, she always did, he just needed to give her space to sort through it. Laying back down, he waited for the clan to become more active and for someone to need him on patrol or something.

(I will RP with Ocean later)

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-02-02 04:04:06
X3SrYyg.jpgGoldenheart | Female | 25 Moons | Pregnant Warrior | Sunrise Camp | Mentions: (Open)

Walking across camp, Goldenheart paused for a brief moment and looked around for a place to rest for the time being. Flattening her ears back as she took a small step forward, her gaze shifted over towards the warrior's den. Letting out a slightly shaky breath, the pregnant female padded over towards the said den. Glancing around her surroundings for a second, Goldenheart lowered her body and lay near the warrior's den. The female sighed quietly and licked her plump stomach, Goldenheart was already over a month into pregnancy, meaning she would give birth soon in around a week or two. Thinking of this, her ears perked slightly as she nudged her stomach briefly before resting her head on her paws, tail flicking as she rest.

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Mylo (#104190)

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Posted on
2017-02-02 06:32:38
|CloverEyes|Male|Healer|Located: Healer Den|SunSet|

The tom laid leaves just outside his den to dry before heading in, carrying leaves he'd been drying earlier. Clover walked into his store; a dip in the ground surrounded by moss and extra cobwebs. He placed the herbs in their respective spot and placed some oak leaves over them. Just as he does with most of his herbs. He hesitated before moving an oak leaf out of the way to glance at his horsetail collection and sighed, ears twitching,"Ill need to go gather some more later."

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Cwazy (#81593)

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Posted on
2017-02-03 11:24:45
Redwillow -Male - Warrior - Sunset Clan Camp, Clearing - Mentions: Clovereyes (Direct)
Redwillow stretched scanned the clearing. Not many cats were about, but he did spot a flicker of movement coming from the healer's den. He walked over and peaked his head in, spotting Clovereyes. "Hello." He said to the medicine cat, dipping his head with respect. "I do hope I'm not interrupting anything." He said in a hushed tone as to not disturb the apprentice's sleep.

Minnowstrike - Female - Warrior - Sunset Clan, Warrior's Den - Mentions: None, Open
Minnowstrike woke up in the warrior's den. She didn't remember walking in the camp from her solo hunt before the sun set and she didn't remember falling asleep. She had been working herself harder than usual for the past few days and she hadn't really had any good sleep.

Yawning, she walked out of the den and over to the side of camp to groom the sleep out of her fur. Raising her head, she spotted her younger brother, Redwillow, at the healer's den. I hope he'd doing fine. Turning her head, she returned to her grooming, waiting for someone to wake and sort out the patrols.

Honeystar - Female - Sunrise Pack - Leader - Camp - Mentions: Dewlily (Direct)
Honeystar smiled at Dewlily when the healer walked out of the den, but it wasn't warm. "Can you come into my den? I need to speak with you." She replied to the healer. "It's urgent." She noticed the stir in the air and glanced behind the healer to see Ribbonpaw jolt awake. She tilted her head and then, without waiting for the medicine cat, she turned and headed to her den, expecting the healer to follow.

Sunstream - Female - Sunrise Pack - Warrior - Camp - Mentions: Goldenheart (Direct)
Sunstream said a brief bye to the males and then walked over to Goldenheart. She had a warm smile on her face and she was in a happy mood that no one could deter. "Goldenheart!" She said with joy, prancing over to the soon-to-be mother. She wasn't to far from the warrior's den so it didn't take long to get to the light-colored female. "I hope you're having a wonderful day." She said, wagging her tail. She was always happy to talk to pregnant females and didn't mind helping one of her pack mates. Apparently her cheery mood always lifted the air if someone was down or in a just plain normal mood.

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Edited on 03/02/17 @ 18:25:27 by Tiger (#81593)

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