Posted by | 1x1 w/Lexi BestFriendsSister |
![]() Smartie (#67158) Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-22 15:56:14 |
A guy and his best friend are coming home for college for spring break and there the best friend sees his sister whom he realizes has grown since the last time he saw her two years ago. And for him, that means, game on. Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() |
Oliver Queen (#101978)
Savage View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-25 14:19:39 |
Stephen softly punched Alex in the shoulder, as his best friend pulled up into his driveway. Alex's house was just as Stephen remembered. It was a soft shade of pale blue with white windows and a white roof. There were bushes, along the fronts of the house, all cut to the same size probably because of Katrina, Alex's mom. She did always love to plant and take care of plants. It was a passion of hers when she wasn't saving people's lives as a doctor. Planting was good to help her calm down, and everyone knew that. A drive in led to a garage that was connected to the house and was white as well. And a small porch was at the front door leading through their perfectly cut, green grass to the garage port. "You excited to be back home?" Stephen asks Alex, knowing how much he'd missed home during their second year of college. He was such a sap though Stephen knew he missed his own home as well. Alex rolls his eyes before punching Stephen who laugh she in return. Then both boys get out of the ad, Alex going to the trunk to get his bags while Stephen walked up to the front door, knowing the house like the back of his hand since it was like a second home to him because of all the times he'd been here which was thousands of time since him and Alex had been friends for about eleven years. He knocked on the door and waited, looking at Alex before the door wasn't opened. And before Stephen could say his greeting, his eyes met chocolate brown eyes that belong to one of the most beautiful girls Stephen had ever seen. ![]() |
Smartie (#67158)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-25 15:13:10 |
Taylor had been in her room listening to music with shorts and one of her usual tshirts on when she heard a car pull up in the driveway, and she took a glance out of her window, seeing Alex and Stephen getting out of the car. Alex was finally home! Heading out of her room, she ran down the stairs and she heard a knock at the door. Undoing the locks, she opened up the door and saw Stephen standing there. "Hey Stephen!" Taylor had grown up with Alex's best friend Stephen always over, it was almost as if he had lived here. "You excited for spring break?" ![]() |
Oliver Queen (#101978)
Savage View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-25 15:21:09 |
It took a moment for Stephen to register that the woman standing in front of him was Taylor. Taylor was Alex's little sister by three years, and she'd always annoyed the hell out of Stephen. She'd always wanted to play with them when they were little but could never keep up and had grown to snitch on them in later years. Then he just stopped seeing her altogether because she began hanging out with her friends , and he never cared. But the woman in front of Stephen was someone completely different from who he remembered. She had curves, a ass and a perky chest. Her hair flowed down, almost touching the middle of her back, and she was incredibly slim and fit. She now had cheekbones that framed her beautiful face and a dainty little nose with aunt freckles spread across it. And then her eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown. Like Hershey kisses. And Stephen knew that he had to have this girl. "I sure am, I plan for it be quite eventful." And he shot her a grin before Alex came through with his bags, putting them down to hug his sister. ![]() |
Smartie (#67158)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-25 15:36:36 |
Taylor gave a wide smile, and nodded in agreement. "I am pretty excited too." Alex walked up the stairs and set his bags down. "Alex! I missed you!" She held her arms out and gave him a big hug. It seemed like it ahd been forever since she had last seen her brother, so it felt good to hug him. "It has been quiet around here without you." Taylor stepped back, and looked at the two of them. "Mom had to run to the store to get new gardening gloves, but she should be back soon." ![]() |
Oliver Queen (#101978)
Savage View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-25 15:40:05 |
"And let me guess, dad is at work?" Alex suggests, raising an eyebrow at Taylor. Alex's dad, Marcus, was a lawyer and once he was on a job, he took it very seriously. He even brought work home with him occasionally because he hated too lose a case and did everything within his power to win each and every cash that he was apart of. Alex resented his dad for not always being there but he said nothing and didn't need Taylor to answer as he began to take his suitcases upstairs, telling them he'd ne right back. Stephen immediately found his eyes focusing back on Taylor, as he grinned. "Seems like little Taylor grew up huh?" ![]() |
Smartie (#67158)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-25 15:48:29 |
Letting out a sigh, Taylor shouted back at Alex as he went upstairs. "Where else would he be?" She crossed her arms and shook her head before looking back to Stephen. A twinkly laugh escaped from Taylor's mouth as Stephen commented, and she lightly punched his arm. "Who you calling little?" Him and Alex had always teased her when they were smaller, one of the things had been calling her little. She had hated it, because her mom had never let her go on walks with them. But now it was just a funny memory. "So, any special plans for your break?" ![]() |
Oliver Queen (#101978)
Savage View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-25 15:52:26 |
Stephen let out a laugh, as her little fist connected with his arm. It didn't hurt. He played college football so that hadn't so much as made him wince. He knew that Taylor hated being called little, but it had been something Stephen had been calling her for years. It just stuck but now looking over her again, he could tell she was most defiantly not little. Not anymore. She was beautiful now awkward. "You know," he starts, taking a step closer to her. "Buy a few drinks, get drunk, meet girls, that kind of stuff." He tells her looking at her intensely before letting a smile break out to show her he was joking. ![]() |
Smartie (#67158)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-25 16:04:17 |
Taylor listened with an eyebrow raised as he said his plans with a very intense look showcasing his features,but a grin spread to her face when he smiled. "Ah, I see. The usual guy stuff. Sounds like it will be a wild time." She cast a glance back towards the kitchen, before returning her eyes to Stephen. "Do you want anything to drink? I'd be happy to get you a water or something." ![]() |
Oliver Queen (#101978)
Savage View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-26 09:43:38 |
"Sounds refreshing," Stephen followed her into the kitchen, his eyes following the natural sway of her ass before he tried to push the thought away. Stephen was a player, a hard core one too and often got whatever girl he wanted in his bed by the end of that day. But this was his best friend's little sister, he was talking about here. He couldn't do that to her! Could he? After he got the water, he sipped some down before looking at her. "Guess I didn't know how thirsty I really was." ![]() |
Smartie (#67158)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-26 10:15:12 |
Taylor walked into the kitchen when Stephen said yes to a drink, and she went to the fridge and got them both a water. She handed one to him and sat on a stool at the counter with hers. "Did you guys stop at all on the way home, or did you just drive straight here?" Taylor took a drink of water and set the bottle on the counter before leaning forward on her elbows. ![]() |
Oliver Queen (#101978)
Savage View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-26 12:06:05 |
Stephen looked at Taylor, wondering if she'd even caught the innuendo. Maybe she was so innocent that she hadn't or she just had decided to ignore it. Stephen didn't know though he found himself staring at the beautiful girl around him, and he wanted nothing more than to grab her waist and kiss her perfect lips. Immediately, he casted the thought from his mind wondering why he couldn't stop thinking of her in that way. He shook his head before looking at her. "Drove straight here. Only stops we made were at the gas station." It had been a five hour drive, and Stephen was happy to stretch out his body but by looking at Taylor, he knew there were other ways he could get this done. Stephen sighed, as Alex came back down the stairs. "What are we talking about?" he asks looking between his best friend and baby sister, a grin across his face. ![]() |
Smartie (#67158)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-26 12:29:56 |
Taylor shook her head, marveling at how Alex aleays stayed the same. He never would make unnecessary stops going anywhere, even if it only took a few minutes. "Sorry about that, but you know Alex. He is too stubborn for his own good." She smiled, and then looked down the hall as Alex came back down and walked into the kitchen. Taylor raised an eyebrow and looked at Alex, stretching her arms up over her head. "Oh, nothing much. Just how stubborn you are when you are the driver." ![]() |
Oliver Queen (#101978)
Savage View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-26 12:33:24 |
Alex grinned at his sister before disregarding her, his attention going to Stephen. "Mom is still going to be out for a little while which leaves us a few hours to hit the Mega Eight!" The Mega Eight was a superb bowling place along with laser tag, paintball, and other fun games. It was a fun place that Stephen often went with Alex, and not to mention it'd been a great place to woo the ladies. Stephen smiled before shrugging. "What the heck? Let's go." And then his eyes turned to Taylor, raising an eyebrow as if asking if she wanted to come. ![]() |
Smartie (#67158)
Famous View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-26 12:43:24 |
Taylor rolled her eyes when Alex turned his attention to Stephen. She didn't mind much, that's always how it had been. Looking at them while they talked, she took another drink of water. About ready to get up and head back to her room, it was a big surprise when Stephen looked over to her. "What? You guys never want me to come. Besides, I will probably just ruin all the fun you guys could have." ![]() |
Oliver Queen (#101978)
Savage View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-01-26 12:49:22 |
"I didn't ask you anything," Stephen tells her, raising both eyebrows as he looked at her before his gaze turned back to Alex who shrugged before getting his keys and deciding to start up the car. Stephen knew that if Alex had known what had been going through Stephen's mind, he never would have left his sister with him. But Alex hadn't known which meant he did leave them alone. Stephen reached out, wrapping an arm around Taylor's waist, pulling her flush against him. He looked down, since he was quite a bit taller than her, and into her big, brown eyes, smirking. "Are you saying you don't want to go?" ![]() |