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Posted by | Gynandromorph Mutation! (Now with PHOTOS) |
💐Creampuff🌧️ Lair of Lethals (#104429) Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-01-23 05:31:15 |
So I know there are plenty of mutations already, but I thought of one that might just become someones favorite. bilateral gynandromorph is when a developing egg splits apart and half the cells are female and the other half male (usually aligning itself so that one side is female and there is a clear line between it and the male half. ) . (I know it has been suggested but I believe my presentation of the mutation brings a realistic and simple execution to the idea!) So, how could this be implemented? Well its pretty simple (to plan that is, I understand it would take time to make art) Version 1 A cub born with this mutation has a split color palette. Once older, half their body/head will begin to grow a mane. It will not affect the cub's growing up, but they will be unable to breed once fully matured. It is nonlethal Version 2 A cub born with this mutation exhibits no real sign of the mutation until it is a young adult. Once they reach young adult, half of their body and face will begin to sprout a mane, while the other will not. Once fully grown they will be slightly smaller than an average male. Half their head will be filled in with a large mane, while the other half will remain Lioness-esque. They will not be able to breed. It is nonlethal. To make such a tricky mutation easier on the poor artists/coders Ver1: Art could be done as such. Make the adolescent/Adult lineart, and put a layer over the male or female half (whichever) that is translucent and will give the opposite half a slightly different color. That way there is no trouble in trying to code both halves to have their own color. It'd be one base color, but with one half shaded/tinted differently. (Only one set shade/tint, can't be changed) Ver2: You would just need to do the line work and coding. There would be no color change between both halves. OR they could make a uniform base for the mutation, no reliance on gender. They could have the lion facing the screen to show off the mutation more clearly. So, what do you guys think? Suggestions are welcome! I know they shot down a similar idea, but I feel that this one is very unique and has a simple resolution compared to some ideas. Sure it'd be more work than some mutations, and less than others that start visibly at birth, but it'd be a rewarding art piece. |
Fush (side) (#29490)
Amazing View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-01-23 21:12:59 |
Neat idea but will it be able to breed? it sounds like a mutation that wouldnt allow breeding therefore it may not be that desirable. think about all the normal things both male and female lions do and how this mutation would effect it. it sounds like a "trophy" mutation at this time anyways. 0 players like this post! Like? |
💐Creampuff🌧️ Lair of Lethals (#104429) Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-01-23 22:27:33 |
No they would not, in my planning, be able to breed. It is a more realistic mutation and happens allot with high fertility animals. Since they would be half male and half female, they would either be able to breed with male and female or be unable to breed. For me personally, being able to breed with any male or female lion seems far too extravagant (not to mention unrealistic). Just like some mutations end in death, which obviously means you can't breed, this one would end in you not being able to use the lion to breed. This would help keep the mutation in a favorable position between rare and common. As for the behavior of the lion, it would be up to the staff as to what behaviors would seem fitting I would go along the lines of it hunt like a lioness simply because this mutation causes the carrier to behave as both genders, thus it should still be able to follow the pride rules and hunt. Even if it would behave as a male, there are subordinate males so this should cause no trouble when it comes to believably keeping the lion in the pride. Thank you for your feedback~ 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 25/01/17 @ 01:33:24 by ღFritterPitterღ (#104429) |
(BO) PewDiePiebald (#45863)
Fearsome View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-01-26 15:03:22 |
I like this idea, although the half and half feature of the lion is not realistic (in nature the lion would just be....a hermaphrodite of sorts) It would be more effective having a lion with 'male' and 'female' features and being entirely infertile I highly doubt this exact mutation real in mammals (correct me if I am wrong though) Well that's my critique :) all up I love this idea! ...err except the art concept :P 0 players like this post! Like? |
💐Creampuff🌧️ Lair of Lethals (#104429) Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-01-26 15:08:57 |
Thank you gmm for the feedback! A hermaphrodite in nature is different from this mutation. This mutation specifically keeps the genders split from one another, though they do still have either neither, or both sexual organs. It has been found in mammals, though rarely, and is more common in insects (as it is a very rare mutation and insects are very plentiful). As stated above, they would be infertile due to the mutation. And yes, I know the art is trash, but thats what you do with a busted tablet and 15 minutes until work. 0 players like this post! Like? |
(BO) PewDiePiebald (#45863)
Fearsome View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-01-26 15:17:08 |
@Fritter A gynandromorph can have bilateral asymmetry, one side female and one side male,or they can be mosaic, a case in which the two sexes aren't defined as clearly. I think this would work even better (in my opinion). * the future artwork could be unique to the mutation..like that of a primal or leopon!! I really hope your post draws attention as it is a really neat idea. 0 players like this post! Like? |
💐Creampuff🌧️ Lair of Lethals (#104429) Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-01-26 15:20:35 |
@Gmm Thank you, I know the idea is far from perfect, but hey, if it can spark some other interesting ideas, its well worth it 0 players like this post! Like? |
Oya 🐌 (Aaron Purr, sir) (#100153) Pervert View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-01-28 11:35:47 |
Luxaeus (#78363)
View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-01-28 11:43:22 |
Other than the mane and no mane part, are you suggesting that half of the body is one color while the other half is a different color? Ex: Chimera 0 players like this post! Like? |
💐Creampuff🌧️ Lair of Lethals (#104429) Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-01-29 07:48:22 |
Isabella Lena (#49545)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-02-17 03:39:54 |
Phantom StarsX (#92256)
Scourge of Lions View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-18 16:13:21 |
I support except for the mane, I think it should be a bit more blended so that it doesn't quite look so.... I'm not sure it just looks odd, I like the adols looks, maybe have the male half look shorter. It'd be cool if it had its own lineart. 0 players like this post! Like? |
soup (#52780)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-22 01:28:48 |
Definitely support! Gyandomorphic animals are so cool! And the difference on either side can be quite clear cut, like this chicken shows *w* 0 players like this post! Like? |
Marsoplis (#139692)
Renowned View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-22 01:39:13 |
Uh, never heard of this before.. pretty neat.. and hey im up for any new mutations so you got my support! 0 players like this post! Like? |
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