Posted by Suggestion: Labeled Decor Items

11ls (#8777)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-01-28 04:07:40
If this is in the wrong board, please feel free to move it!
EDIT: I moved this to Existing Features because the feature is technically already in the game.


More than half of my time on this site is spent in the Wardrobe struggling to differentiate between items on the supermassive long decor list, and on the Trading Post trying to find decors. I love dress up.

One major issue I have in both the wardrobe, trading post, and on existing lions is that I cannot tell what a decor is unless it's extremely obvious (such as Snow). I'm unable to search for only backgrounds on the trading post because a lot of background names AND images are sometimes indistinguishable from other decor thumbnails.
Some decor is so cheekily named (like Fruits of Passion) that in both the wardrobe and on existing lions I would never be able to tell what was. While I think it's cute and it should stay in the game, it would also help to have it labeled for extremely long decor lists!

My proposal is to label Decor items so they are easy to tell what they are on lists, in the wardrobe, and on the trading post, given that many of their names are cute and funny but don't really reflect what they're supposed to be. An already existing example of this in the game are Gems, Scars, Jewlery, Celestials, Poses, and some others:


Some examples could be:
Outfit: Leg Wraps

Decor: Warthog

BG: Dark Forest

Decor: Undead Hyena I know that it says Decor at the end, but given there's not a lot of items that actually do this than it might be more convenient to be uniform.


Going by this formula, there should be a very small category of decor items to keep the list from being cluttered. While I haven't gone through the list in its entirety from what I can gather through my massive amount of time in the Wardrobe these seem to be the most prominent types of items:

- Outfits - Any item that is clothing or accessories, like headdresses, bandages, chains, flower crowns, etc.

- Decor - Items that are detached from the lion. This would include animals, cubs, challengers, some plants, skulls, other decorations, etc

- Overlays - Items like Moonlight, Snow, Sand, etc

- Foregrounds & Backdrops (or other name that can be differentiated from Background) - Items like Muddy Rocks, Cliff, Rocky Arch, Leaf Bunting, some trees, some plants, etc

- Background - Pretty self explanatory...!

- Scars - Anything that alters the body in some way, such as 'Zombie Legs Decor' that is not currently classified as a Scar.

- (Possibly) Skins - I say this hesitantly because the list is already getting a bit long without a decor tutorial being currently available. This would include Hellfire Decor, Lich Fire, etc. Since Skins would technically alter the body it wouldn't be wrong to file them under Scars.



Labeled Custom Decor: It would be EXTREMELY HELPFUL to have custom decor items labeled as well. Maybe this is only a problem for me as someone is a little too happy when it comes to customization, but sometimes I see decor on lions that match the site style so well and I can't find it on the trading post and I just assume that it's not for sale.


Naming this something like Custom Decor: Nugget would benefit greatly!

This suggestion has 28 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 31/01/17 @ 23:14:26 by 11ls (#8777)

11ls (#8777)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-01-30 13:02:10
Elaborated my post to include bits about custom decor and functionality. I'll reserve this post for other suggestions. :)

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-02-01 11:29:00
Something to keep note of for people if they don't know: all decor items should have a brown decorative border around them. I know this doesn't really help with things like the wardrobe, but it helps a bit when you're just looking at the item icon :)

Anyway, I support! Especially the Custom Decor part of your post. Those confused me a lot when I first joined

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Edited on 01/02/17 @ 18:30:29 by Thalath (#41669)

11ls (#8777)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-02-01 11:35:40
I know! My issue is that Background and Items also have a border around them, so unless you pull up the wardrobe for reference there's no visual way to tell them apart other than just guessing based on context, but sometimes that doesn't always work. You should always be able to tell what an item is from looking at it.

For instance, one thumbnail here is an item and the other is a background... but there's no way to tell. All decor (with like a handful of exceptions) have the border regardless of what it is.


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