Posted by Tides || RP thread

◇ Ginger ◇ (#80718)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-02-04 10:24:03


A Warrior RP themed

Once the clans were swallowed up by the town, the cats that could not keep up with the journey to the lake ended up creating their own clan in the middle of a nature reserve. The WoodClan, in honor of his founder, the elder Woodleap.
Generations have passed since the birth of Woodclan, and now, the rising water is threatening the clan cats.


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Edited on 04/02/17 @ 17:29:01 by ◇ Ginger ◇ (#80718)

◇ Ginger ◇ (#80718)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-02-04 20:11:04
Dovestar was sitting next to her den. Her tail-tip went from side to side, impatient. She half-closed her eyes, staring at every corner of the camp, there were few warriors, few apprentices, and she knew that sooner or later she would have none at her side. "What do I do, Starclan?" She whispered. A strange smell wake her up from her mind, it was the smell of a upcoming storm. The she-cat looked to the darksky, and freezed in a sort of fear. " We barely recover from the former storm!" "

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Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2017-02-05 14:37:40
Ravenpaw | Male | 8 moons

Ravenpaw was licking his paw dry when he heard an ominous rumbling sound, glancing up at the sky as the storm clouds slowly start to cover the sun. He stands back up on his four paws and brings his gaze back down to the earth, making note of where the water line is in the overflowing creek. It's no surprise to have a few storms during this time of the year, but they've already had a couple too many. The last storm had finally caused river arm to swell so much that it broke past the banks retraining it and had started to creep farther into the forest. With the lack of hills there was nothing but trees, rocks, and the occasional badger or fox den to slow the water down. "Starclan only knows what another storm with do to it." The thought runs through Ravenpaw's head as he makes his way back towards camp before it starts to rain, having been out in the forest to do some solo branch-jumping training.

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Bumblebeee {frozen} (#66753)

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Posted on
2017-02-05 15:16:42

Acornpaw || She-cat || 7 Moons

AcornPaw hurriedly scurried into the WoodClan camp, the familiar smells guiding her along her way to her den. She had been out early collecting herbs solo, she wanted to show the other cat's she was as capable as they were. The cause of AcornPaw's panicking return was because of the unforgettable rumble from the sky, she knew this was a sign of rain, and the clan had been introduced to various amounts of rain through the previous moons, but they had just restocked and were not fully prepared for another rainstorm. After sorting her herbs, AcornPaw sniffed the air, she could smell the strong clinging scent of Dovestar, though Acornpaw wasn't fairly interested in talking to her, though, with another whiff she soon caught the scent of Ravenpaw, another apprentice but one moon older than her.

Poking her head out of the medicine cat den, she sniffed the air once more, trying to find the direction Ravenpaw was in before slinking out into the rain to go greet him and chat. "Hello Ravenpaw" She meowed as she slowed her pace and blinked welcomingly, she wasn't really one to talk so getting to know the other cat's her age maybe would help her....urm, problem with being distant. "I see you too have noticed the sudden change in the wether.." Her voice was unsure, but she could tell the rain was extremely heavy by just the way it clung to her calico coat "I'm just hoping it won't be as bad as last time.." Meowing, she was much quieter than before, and caution, plus fear, showed in her slightly golden, but blind, eyes.

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Edited on 05/02/17 @ 22:18:46 by RaspBerrie (#66753)

Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2017-02-05 16:17:11
Ravenpaw | Male | 8 moons

Ravenpaw stops short of a smaller cat coming his way through the now rainy forest, recognizing the she-cat as Acornpaw; the medicine cat apprentice. Stopping so he's just barely in the protection of a large bush, Ravenpaw shakes whatever water he can from his sleek pelt and looks at the she-cat as she approaches. After she speaks he glances back out at the rain "Looks like it won't do anything to help the creek, but hopefully if the wind doesn't start to pick up then I doubt it'll be that bad. Just a lot more water then we really need, that's all" He says to her, the tom cat's gaze shifting back to the other apprentice. Ravenpaw wasn't expecting to meet anyone on his way back to the camp, least of all Acornpaw, who doesn't really talk to anyone but is never the less glad for whatever company he can get. "Why were you out in the forest by yourself though?" What he doesn't say is that the clan does not need anyone getting hurt right now, especially the medicine cat's apprentice. With her...condition and the rain already dulling the sense of smell of any cat, she would probably be the first one to have something happen to her in this type of situation.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g1 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-03-10 11:10:38
BrokenRaven||Male||Deputy||Mentions: All

The huge black cat stormed out of his den. Seeing Badgerkit made him extremely happy, but the male was still disappointed in himself. Waking up early is unacceptable! "Heyyy lil' warriors!" The excited tom reached for a kit's tail, not really caring who's it was. "Who wants to train!?!"

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