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Posted by | 1x1 Frost & Jacques |
![]() Jacques CP Faircross (#47535) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-07 08:18:26 |
Form~ Name: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Other: Basic HTML Italics~ <*i> <*/i> Bold~ <*b> <*/b> Post and image ~ <*img src="IMAGE URL HERE"*> Make a clicky link~ <*a href="URL">Name*> Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() |
Frost (#77179)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-09 13:40:36 |
Name: Amaterasu Gender: Female Appearance: Amaterasu is a long-haired, melanistic maned wolf with abnormally long tail and legs. Her eyes are a deep sea-foam shade of green and glow when she is emotional or in low-light environments (night counts). The fur on her tail is longer than on the rest of her body, causing her tail to be curtain-like in structure. She wears a collar of purple-dyed sinew around her neck with ivory Japanese characters for Yūgure attached. Personality: Very up-beat, can be hyper at times. She's easily discouraged and quick to make up her mind, though it doesn't seem to effect the accuracy of her decisions. She's light in her feet and usually optimistic. Loyal, fierce, and extremely protective. Other: Yūgure is her brother. Possibly more on that later. Also, your charger can occupy any rank (there are 5): Celestial Being (Usually reserved for Yin and Yang, there may be others), Divine Being, Mortal, Demon, And Sin. Amaterasu's rank is TBD, but I think either mortal or lower divine. This'll be explained more with her brother. ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-17 12:53:51 |
Name: Vitralli "Vit" Gender: Male Appearance: *Clicky* Vit has average height, and a stocky build. His pelt is mostly made up of soft browns and reds. He doesn't keep any accessories on. Personality: Vit is a strong willed dude who has a very short attention span. He can be extremely intelligible at times, but a complete moron at others-- sometimes on purpose. He isn't very good at being serious, but can pull on the facade when it is needed. He has had a mental break recently from being 'separated' from his pack, and it bites at him little by little, until eventually, he will loose his mind. Until then, he's putting up a constant struggle to stay sane and alert. More to be RP'ed Other: Vit is fairly young, though not too young to take care of himself. His previous pack was killed in front of him when he was little older than a pup, and watching the murder in front of him traumatized him. He tries keeping his act together, and has thus far succeeded, but day by day it gets worse, and he is over come by the fear that he may, one of these days, snap. ((Short, late, and I am extremely sorry >.< Is his past/bio okay? Make sense/work with the plot? )) ![]() Edited on 17/02/17 @ 19:57:20 by Jacques CP Faircross (#47535) |
Frost (#77179)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-18 16:02:39 |
(The bio and everything is perfect :) Now then, without further ado, let's get started) It was dark, but not the dark that drowned everything. The moon cast its soft light over the landscape below, filtering through the tree branches and leaves. The shadows danced with a slight breeze that kicked on and off similar to waves in the ocean. It was relatively silent, peaceful. Nothing but the wind to disrupt the calmness of that night. But everything would soon be shattered. That peace was soon broken by a loud bang as two flaming figures hurtled to the earth like comets. But without the resulting chaos when they landed. No, the destruction they unleashed would have a much slower, much less certain effect on the life in the area than that of a comet strike. The trees bent to the will of the weight of the two massive canines that now stood in a clearing made by themselves. One, the stockier of the two, was muscular and pitch black. He was clearly blind, as his eyes were scabbed over with white, however this didn't affect his ability to defend himself in the environment at all. This was Yang. The other was tall, slender, and elegant. White fur graced a fragile frame, though that frame was only fragile in appearance and wasn't to be underestimated. The only thing marring her beauty was that the color of her eyes held no soul, they were the deepest of black. This was Yin. They lunged and snarled at each other, each landing several blows at the other. However, the last would end both. They lastched onto each other's throats, hitting vitals like a hot knife cutting through butter. Yin fell first, her usually snow-like fur stained crimson. Yang stood for a moment longer, enough to release a bellowing victory howl that shook he earth before he too met his end. Both lifeless forms disappeared. One into dust, the other to moonlight, leaving behind a small, wiggling bundle. Within it was a pup, and without knowing, she held the fate of the world in her tiny paws. (This is not Amaterasu. I do not have a name for her yet.) As the earth shook with Yangs mighty howl, another terror arose. The quake covered the much deadlier sound of metal grinding against metal as a gate came unlocked. Not visible to the mortal eye quite yet, but that would soon change. Within the dark pit, seven pairs of glowing orbs snapped into existence. A deadly chuckle, and an even deadlier voice: "Welcome to Hell..." (OTHER: each sin is represented by a color: Wrath (Red), Sloth (Orange), Pride (Yellow), Envy (Green), Gluttony (Blue), Greed/Avarice (Indigo), and Lust (Violet) ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-19 01:05:13 |
Vitralli opened his eyes, slowly, painfully slowly, and looked around the small alcove he'd taken shelter in. It was small, just enough room for him, and smelt of dirt and worms. Not unlike most of the other places he'd taken shelter in for the past however many moons. He'd lost count and had given up, instead using his time for more pressing matters like hunting, finding shelter, and, most importantly, keeping the images and voices at bay. Vitralli twitched at the thought and let out a quiet whimper, shoving himself up onto his four paws. He needed to leave. He slowly walked out of the little alcove, shaking the pins and needles out of his limbs from being stiff most of the night. As he exited the alcove, his stomach let out a growl more fearsome than Vit could have procured himself, and that thought frightened him to a level. He stretched one last time before hopping into the woods, tracking the scents that pounded him from every side. Bunny litter, to the left, deer straight ahead, wolf... To the right. Vit went to the left, elongating his strides, muscles pumping as left the ground barely milliseconds after they hit. Vit always loved running, feeling his muscles work, the wind whip past, and the absence of thought. And, after a few seconds, Vit slowed, arriving close to where the bunny scent had come from. He slowly padded around, checking and double checking. When a head popped up and then a body, he pounced, sinking his teeth into the warm flesh. Another popped up, and he jumped for it, but missed. As this happened, five more jumped out of their holes and scurried away. A growl escaped But and he returned to his measly kill, barely enough to get him through the morning. But, he remembered, he'd been through worse. And that thought a lone kept him going. ((Was the fight the previous night, or was this a long time ago?)) ![]() |
Frost (#77179)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-19 01:48:38 |
((We'll say like six moons ago just so that pup can kind of he aged a little more lol)) Amaterasu's nose twitched in the early morning chill. She had always been an early riser, but ironically hated the morning. Despite her namesake (Amaterasu = Sun), she preferred the darkness and the moon. A high-pitched squeal came from her throat as she let out a yawn, jumping down from the rocky outcropping she was currently perched on, passing silently and easily trough the steep patch, her muscles and claws knowing exactly when to grip the ground from memory. The chilling fog that clung to the land like fingers didn't bother her at all and she was able to ignore the water fdroplets gathering in her fur like beads. She headed downhill, towards the trees. She wasn't hungry or anything, she just has a feeling she needed to move, and so she did. She passed through a clearing that was all to familiar to her, as hell was quite literally unleashed from the deepened stretch of ground below her paws. She snorted, eyes flashing momentarily before she shook her head and carried on. Her tongue lolled from her mouth joyously as she carried herself through the forest, not sure what she was looking for, but just enjoying the opportunity to run and be free. She rode the currents created by the wind, not knowing where they'd take her, but not caring. She just ran. ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-19 02:50:55 |
After licking the bones clean of his kill, he ventured to find a stream to clean off. He walked around the area for a little while before settling on a small stream just bigger than the width of his paw. He stuck his muzzle in and lapped up water, splashing the water up. He made sure to face up stream, so that he didn't have to see the blood trailing down the water. Once he drank to his satisfaction, he continued on his journey. He stayed where it was heavily wooded, keeping an eye out for any possible caves or any landmarks he could try to commit to memory. If he ever needed a fall back he'd make sure he knew where to go. But, so far, nothing of importance or remark had come up, and he was left to venture for a longer time. During this time, Vit allowed himself to think about what happened a few moons ago. He remembered, in the distance, there was a rumble, and after a little while, a howl. It sounded like... Like a pained victory, and Vit became curious and scared all at once, a mix of emotions that he hated. In the end, fear won out, and he'd gone in the opposite direction. At least, he hoped he was still going in the opposite direction. He never was proud of his internal compass, it lacked direction most of the time, and he was left lost and confused most of the time. But he doubted it would be much different even if he did have an internal compass. He had no idea where he was going, not whether or not there was a place to go to. ![]() |
Frost (#77179)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-20 15:13:41 |
Amaterasu had a long history of doing the same thing: just taking off at random intervals. It was in her blood. She couldn't help it. Her parents, or what she remembered of them, had also loved to run, though then it was through the snowy drifts and bluffs that constantly covered their homeland. The melanistic canine enjoyed that as much as they had, but she somehow lost all that. They hadn't died or anything like that. She'd just gotten lost, which eventually led her here. Woods and rocks were much easier to run through than deep snow, but it didn't give her as much of a lasting joy. Still, she managed. She made her way along the route she usually took, heading North and startling a herd of deer as she did so and running among them for a while just for a bit of a challenge. Though they ran for a much different reason. She didn't care about the prey running about her. All she focused her sea foam eyes on was the space ahead of her and how her muscles stretched and loosened with each stride, her claws licking up dirt as she dug in for grip on amid the dry leaves. Despite that, she remained completely silent. Another thing: the climate that she had lived in as a pup has given her unusually soft pads and extra fur between her toes which greatly quieted her footfalls, no matter the environment. She inhaled the fresh, late winter air deeply, letting it work its icy fingers through her fur. ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-22 13:29:33 |
Vit let loose a yelp as his front paw caught on something and he tumbled forward, rocks and sticks jabbing into his back and sides. He curled his body in on itself and waited until he came to a stop. Once the world stopped spinning, he closed his eyes, keeping his body tense and curled, trying to control his breathing. A swirl of images crowded his mind and his breathing quickened as he struggled to force them out. His body burst into the air in a force of muscle and fear. He propelled himself across the forest floor, running away from the images that keep threatening to creep up and corrupt his mind. Vitralli ran, ran, ran. He tripped and stumbled various times, but his body refused to take a tumble, not until his eyes caught something. He turned his head to his left and saw another wolf barrelling through the woods as he was. Fear kicked in and he lost any concentration he had managed to gather and he missed jumping over a fallen tree. His front legs hit the tree halfway up and he felt his whole body fly into the air, the ground becoming the sky for the briefest of moments before he felt an impact on his back and felt the lack of air in his chest that threatened to cave in. He sucked in air in gulps, rolling to his side and laying there. Two thoughts ran in his mind: Don't see me... Don't see me... and Stupid, stupid, stupid. ((This an alright way for them to meet? ='D sorry it took so long. )) ![]() |
Frost (#77179)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-23 00:58:57 |
((This is a good way for them to meet. Hahah XD and it's quite alright.)) "What in the world?" Amaterasu's head shot in the direction of the other wolf who had evidently been too distracted to see there was a tree in front of him. She cringed, the fur on her back bristling out of reflex, making her mane appear a bit more rowdy than it was. Her eyes flashed as she skidded to a halt, having nearly tripped herself in an attempt to get a view of this newcomer. She calmly and quietly walked toward where he'd fallen, sitting on her haunches and neatly wrapping her tail around her long legs. She tilted her head like a curious pup and looked down at him, slight worry in her face. "Are you okay?" Her voice was soft and had a slight accent that lilted toward the end of her words. ((Sorry for short, my replies will become longer again soon, I'm just trying to do my English assignment while doing this. Also, on her appearance, Amaterasu also lacks visible ears. She can her just fine, but she doesn't have pointed ears, or floppy ears, or anything, it's just a lot of fluff.)) ![]() |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-26 08:04:12 |
Vitralli lay there, muscles tense, ready to jump up and run away if this other wolf proved a danger. Every fur and fiber on him screamed danger, but that happened with any animal. He sucked in a gasp as it -- she -- spoke. He opened one eye, and cursed to himself that he wasn't facing the right way. Of course, he thought, she would be behind him. He scrambled to his feet, taking a few steps back and away from the other wolf. He scammed her, wondering if anything about her was familiar, but the only thing that stood out to him was her ears -- or lack thereof. "Uhm. Yeah. Fine." He said, each word curt and clipped. Now that he was up and standing, and his chest didn't feel like it was going to cave in, his focus shifted to the slight pain in one of his front legs, a pain on his muzzle, and his muscles throbbing. His eyes crossed and his attention turned to his muzzle, forgetting the other wolf. Blood started to bead on the top of his muzzle, and he tried licking the blood off, but it was just out of reach and he sighed in defeat. He looked up again, surprised to find that he'd forgotten a threat was just a few strides away, and he shrunk another step back, keeping silent. ![]() |
Frost (#77179)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-27 11:07:35 |
Amaterasu chuckled, "I'm not going to hurt you." She said, her laugh fading down and her eyes gentle. Her deep black nose twitched with a breeze that stirred up. The fur around where her ears would be twitched, as if a phantom response to a wolf perking their ears. "You really should have those checked on. They could be worse than they appear." The she-wolf stood, her tail dragging along the ground behind her. She let out a quiet, patient breath, stretching her front legs. "Wow, he's jumpy..." She thought, her eyes narrowing slightly as she tried to figure out more about this acquaintance without asking him, as he appeared to not want to talk-- particularly to a stranger such as herself. Her sea-foam eyes softened again, her stance non threatening. She figured she should start with the basics: "I'm Amaterasu." ![]() Edited on 27/02/17 @ 18:08:32 by Frost (#77179) |
Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-02-27 14:02:32 |
Vitralli felt himself loosen slightly at her chuckle. He observed her, watching for any signs of, well, anything. He looked at his muzzle once more as she mentioned getting it checked, and then looked back at her, feeling his muscles loosen ever so slightly more. It had been so long since he had spoken to anything other than his prey. He didn't understand why she cared at all about his wounds. They weren't even that bad. He stole a glance down at his leg, looking for blood, but none seemed to show. He probably had a bruise hidden under his fur, minor but annoying. He looked back up at her as she introduced herself and just stared. He wondered why she would bother telling him her name, unless she was trying to catch him off guard... But, he reasoned, she had plenty of other chances to get him. Especially when he was down. "I'm Vitralli." He said, a bit hesitantly at first. "I've had worse." He said to her comment about his wounds. What he said wasn't a lie, but saying it felt like one, as if it was an excuse. And maybe it was. ![]() |
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