Posted by [OPEN] 1x1 RP

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-02-09 11:44:37
Hey all! Most of the RPs I'm in have slowed or stopped so, I am open RPing with anyone! All you have to do is comment saying you want to RP and what kind of RP you want!

RPs I will do:
~ Animal (cat, dog, wolf, lion, Tiger)
- romance (MxM or FxF or MxF)
- action
- horror
- basically any genre, those were examples

~ Human
- same as for animals

~ Almost any type of RP, just ask and I will see if I want to or not :) no harm in asking right?

I just ask that you please be respectful, I don't always want to do certain RPs and I don't mean anything personal, please tell me if you wish to stop the RP or are going to be away then I will not await your response and expect it to be done soon. I ask that you *please* reply withing at least a week.. again,you can tell me when you are busy and I am not strict, it is just because I want to do this for fun and it isn't fun if the other isn't replying. As well, please refrain from two line posts.. it drives me crazy.. I try my best to make a post that is good enough for the other to build off of. I am not asking for an extraordinary post or fully detailed, just enough so that it is clear what is happening at that moment. :)

Just so y'all know, even if I'm doing one with a person already from here, I will gladly start RPs with everyone who would like to! :)

Thanks for looking! ~ice

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Skully (#96686)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 23:10:20
Hi. I was wondering if you are willing to do a human romance (MxF), I play male. Pm me if you would.

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-02-11 13:53:16

I do human (vampire/werewolf/shifters included) or animal rps. Romance/adventure/etc. I prefer MxF (usually doing male) but can do others. I'm very active and always try to do longer replies. I am understanding of shorter posts or if it takes a while to respond.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-02-11 14:04:25
Ok :) I can do basically any as long as the romance is not rated R. I am not comfortable with it.. (Just so y'all know) n if you would like, we could RP :) I don't mind smaller posts, it is just the two line ones that get me XD it's up to you what kind of RP you want :)

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dCelestial (#8456)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-02-11 14:06:57
If you have any ideas feel free to pm me :) I currently don't have any ideas so I'll have to think :) but if you have one do let me know ^.^

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-02-11 14:08:16
Ok :) we can probably sort this out through pm so we don't clutter this up too bad XD

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