Posted by Longer feeding Times

Bella-Rose (#82809)

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Posted on
2017-02-15 06:17:11
hey all Fennekin here. and something has come to my sight on our lions and there feeding times. i seen of late here that feeding time it like every 3 days if not 4 tops and idk how many of you are gatting annoyed with having to feed all our lions when some of us have like 50+ lions to feed and at time snot enough food. as you all know a lot of food last from 3-7 days depending on that animal we take down. and some of them contain from any were of 1-10 eats. and some of them last up to 10 days but thing is we need to feed all our lions like every 3 days and like up there mood every 6 days tops. and with some of us having 50+lions that can get a tad hard. so here is what i was thinking. as we all know i real life lions can eat at least once a week if that depending on how big there pride is. so why cant we do the same here since in many ways Lioden is BASTED off real life, not counting how we can change there colors, give the mutes etc etc... so why cant we do the same here as well? why cant we feed our lions like ONCE a week instead of every 3 days or so like they do in real life. i mean it will be easier and that gives us time to gather more food when we are low on it. so what do you all think?

please tell me if this is a good idea or not... and please let me know if i got this post in the right form i took a guess at it so i dont know if i got it i the right place or not.

This suggestion has 9 supports and 16 NO supports.

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Edited on 15/02/17 @ 13:19:53 by FennekinPup (#82809)

Sasa [πŸ…] (#30698)

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Posted on
2017-02-15 07:17:23
I do not support, I have no trouble feeding my 100+ lions at times due to hunting exclusively in marsh lands. I get 2 elephant calves roughly every hunt, and sell the rest for profit. Its not that hard to keep up with a pride, specially if you have feed all, play all. Which is pretty cheap in my opinion. It would lower the food market thats currently standing. Plus! Its good for stat training. 2 honeycombs per day, 1 dry palm leaf and 1 play. It would make stat training alot harder.

I apologize, but I just feel like this current system is pretty good. :(

Edit: Plus Lioden goes by months, 1 roll over = 1 month.

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Edited on 15/02/17 @ 14:18:07 by Sasa [πŸ… IRL Tiger πŸ…] (#30698)

Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2017-02-15 07:21:12
No support, sorry.

The current feeding system is simple and effective in my opinion, just send out your lionesses a couple times a day and you'd have enough food for your pride; and even have some to sell. Furthermore, food bundles are pretty cheap in shops, and some players sell really cheap food.

As stated above, Lioden does go by months, so technically they are going foodless for waaayy over a week.

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Fart (#25392)

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Posted on
2017-02-15 08:49:33
I think it's fine the way it is. People with small to average prides seem to have little to no difficulties feeding their prides if they hunt their lionesses even half as often as is possible. It seems appropriate for the game to be more difficult when you try to maintain a large pride. If you feel you can't gather enough food, chase some of your lions.

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😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-02-15 08:50:24
Sorry, no support. You can buy a feed all service in the oasis.

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Bella-Rose (#82809)

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Posted on
2017-02-15 17:27:35
yeah but that only last a month and it is 10gb so that dont help the one who can like really buy gb any time they want and trying to sell for gb dont always work..
and for the other 2 ty for making me feel dumb

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Edited on 16/02/17 @ 01:16:50 by FennekinPup (#82809)

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