Posted by Possible Shadow Hunter Rp? Interest CHeck

Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 12:26:47
Its been about Nine years since the events of Valentine, and Jonathan. A new evil is hiding in the shadows waiting to take over, a group of down worlders has gone rouge and is breaking just about every law there is. Can the Shadow Hunters of the Lost River*I'm (99% sure this is a made up town) Michigan institute find these rouges , with the help of they're down world friends who wish to keep the new laws in tact. ARe you willing to take up your Steele and fight the rouges for the sake of all Humanity, or will you side with the Rouges and take down all the Shadow Hunters and those who Allie with them?

Thoughts? Would you rp this ? Is it any good?

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