Posted by Anthro Murder Mystery

Rain123 (#97306)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 07:42:25
This is a Private Group RP !!!!!

Setting the Scene
A murderer ((controlled by me)) has escaped prison. A group of strangers was on a tour when there tour guide suddenly dropped dead. Eventually they ((will?)) Find out he was murdered by this Mystery Murderer. Lost in the jungle where not only the murderer lurks, but feral predators hunt and diseases spread rapidly. Will they survive? Who will return home safely? Who will return crumpled, or worse... not return at all.

· Please keep the profanity to a minimum
· Please keep any mature talk in general to a minimum or take to PM's
· ALL Lioden rules apply
· The first time you break a rule you will be politely warned, second the others will decide another warning or short suspension, third-fourth time, group will decide on length of suspension, fifth, your character will be killed off.

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Blaze (#106041)

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Posted on
2017-03-18 05:43:27
Sheyla caught up with Silice and walked into the house her hair flung in front of her face. She pushed it back and walked over to her companions and this strange person. "Umm who is that? Wait, Silice, why are you raiding their fridge?" She ran over to Silice, who was rummaging through the stranger's fridge. "What if they poisoned the food?" She glanced at the stranger.

(Ahhhhhh yas doctor who boi!!!!!!!)

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«|: tolka☕ (#91765)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2017-03-18 05:49:19

She pauses,"I doubt they would poison good and still store them in a fridge..? Besides, If Pheura is still here, we're probably good to go!" She finally finds the fish finger package and quickly demolishes it, desperately flinging them on the near table."Forgot to ask, stranger, what's your name and can I eat some?"

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Blaze (#106041)

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Posted on
2017-03-18 05:57:19
Sheyla I Wolf I Unharmed

She shrugged. "Well, I guess you have a point." She couldn't help but stare at the stranger. "Yeah, what is your name, anyway? I don't wanna be stuck with a nameless stranger." She walked up to the stranger and stared at him, square in the face. I hope he's not going to do anything, she thought, standing so her face was directly in front of his. He's kinda cute, she thought as she gazed into his eyes.

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-03-18 08:23:38
(DAMMIT give me some time to respond Dx)

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-03-18 08:40:41
Hagane Hana | Clouded Leopard | Unharmed

His big fluffy ears shot up in alarm as he heard the lock pick. He shifted his position, the hair on his back rising. These people sure liked to size him up, something he wasn't good at what with his own shape and even his behavior. "One, I didn't just say a bunch of strangers could barge into my own home and loot it for supplies." He said boldly, eyeing the fox with a firm gaze. Before he could respond with his name he heard a loud thump against one of the windows. His ears pricked and he rotated his slender head, aimed at the direction it came from. He furrowed a brow and stood up from the counter top for a moment.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-18 08:47:37
Pherua || Snow Leopard || Wounded Shoulder
Pherua bowed her head towards Hagane. "Please excuse them if you like we can leave?" She said her ears flicked back as she heard the same thump. She stood up looking the direction of it, she long tail swishing side to side. "I'll go check it out." She said as she made her way to the door. "Sheyla keep Silice out of trouble and make sure Barkley is safe ok." She said opening the door.

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-03-18 08:56:22
Hagane Hana | Clouded Leopard/Cougar | Unharmed

Hagane tapped his foot against the wooden boards anxiously. He felt his toes curl as well. "Uhh... do you guys happen to have any weapons?" He asked. Maybe I could make a quick run to town to get something. Although I do have a nagging feeling that it's worse over there... it could be worth a shot.

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«|: tolka☕ (#91765)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2017-03-18 09:08:30

After finding and consuming half of fish custards, she waddles lazily to the small armchair and plops down."Don't worry about that thump guys, according to the impact disturbance and area, it was just a bird of some sort." she leans and opens the window, looking down and plucking a nice brown feather from the unconscious bird. She closes the window and slips the feather under the strangers chin. Just then, a much louder thump shakes the roof,"That was not a bird."

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Blaze (#106041)

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Posted on
2017-03-18 11:56:02
Sheyla I Wolf I Unharmed

"Oh, god, what if its the murderer? I'll go get my bush!" She ran out towards the place where they had settled on the beach. She quickly grabbed her thornbush, still covered in dry blood, and ran back and saw a black figure. She screamed, "Guys! Get out here, now!" She grabbed a sharp stick nearby and threw it at the figure, hitting it's shoulder. She ran to the shelter of a tree and climbed it, quickly making a small dagger out of sticks and a small rock that was lodged in the tree.

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-03-18 12:19:49
Hagane Hana | Clouded Leopard/Cougar | Unharmed

Hagane quickly ran outside, looking up at the roof. He immediately turned around to run over to the tree. He made use of his feline heritage and leapt onto the tree, trying to climb it. Seconds later, he heard a thump on the ground and he felt something grab him from behind. They dug their sharp claws into his legs, and he kicked wildly at the pursuer. He looked down and hissed, shoving his foot on their face and kicking them away, giving him just enough time to climb the rest of the tree. He sat down on a branch, panting heavily. Hagane grabbed a smaller branch, snapping it off of the tree. He threw it down at them. They looked as if they were a zombie, a relentless bloodthirsty killer. They didn't even have a gun or a knife, they just attacked with their bare claws. He looked over at the wolf on a branch over to him, who was throwing mere sticks at them. "Stop it, it's not worth the energy. You should know as well as I do that a few sticks and stones will hardly do any significant amount of damage." He stated, speaking up over the sounds of snarls and scratching noises against bark.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-18 13:41:12
Pherua || Snow Leopard || Wounded Shoulder
Pherua ran towards where she heard hissing and growling, she saw Hagane and Sheyla in a tree. Hagane was getting pulled down by the killer, she rushed towards the killer ramming her body against it. "Our fight isn't over yet, I need to repay you for this wound." She snarled as her tail swished with anger. She ran towards the creature who laughed as began to run towards her. "You bastard you will pay for your crimes by my hands." She hissed as she landed a punch on the killers face. She landed another on gis other side but was met by a punch to her stomach then a knee to her face. She stumbled back as the killer rushed at her a aimed it's claws towards her chest ripping her clothes. She smiled sinisterly as she took a couple more steps back. "You aren't the only one with claws." She said as she rushed at him with her claws, the killer dodged it and was met with a kick to it's side. "You are nothing but a coward." She hissed rushing at him once again.

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Blaze (#106041)

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Posted on
2017-03-18 14:57:26
Sheyla I Wolf I Unharmed

She growled and climbed down, seeing the water by the shore. "That's it! Pherua, lead them to the shore! I'll take it from there!" She ran to the shore and jumped into the water, going under and holding her breath while she waited for the killer to appear. I hope this works, she thought as she bobbed her head over the water to catch a final breath before going back under. That piece of crap won't dare come back after this, she thought.

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-03-18 17:47:53
Hagane Hana | Clouded Leopard/Cougar | Wounded Leg

"Okay.. guess I'll just.... stay up here, then." He mumbled to himself, watching the brawl from above. Huh. Kinda looks like one of those cheesy action flicks Reynold made me watch. He thought. The slender feline sighed. "Not the best time for comedic thoughts, Hagane." He muttered, rolling his eyes.

(Hey, I came up with a plot idea and PM'd it to Rainy but they haven't been online in a while so.. yeah. I'd say we shouldn't try to make too much progress without them, but that would make it kinda boring, so I guess all I can say is maybe like.. try not to OP your character and kill off the killer in one fell swoop until we decide on a plot? That way the rp doesn't crash immediately? Sorry if I'm not making any sense..... tfw your OOC is longer than your RP post :P)

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«|: tolka☕ (#91765)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2017-03-19 00:20:09
Silice I Fox I Unharmed
(When things happen overnight and You can't catch up .3.)
Silice had snuck in a bush while the others were fighting, she sees the figure head towards the narrow path towards the beach. She decides to peek her feet out and trip it,"My bad." she kicks dust at it's eyes while scampering to the beach, hoping Sheyla is ready for whatever she is about to do. Just before reaching the water, she flips over the figure and kicks it to the water.

(Did I get everything right?)

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Blaze (#106041)

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Posted on
2017-03-19 11:17:35
Sheyla I Wolf I Unharmed

Sheyla dodged just in time as the figure came crashing through the icy cold water. She quickly grabbed them and dragged them farther down, but they kicked her and swam upward. She propelled herself upward, grabbing their foot at the last moment and bit it hard. The figure thrashed, Sheyla held on tight. Its almost over, she told herself as she was dragged to the shore by the figure, which was now panting and soaked. She reached for their shoulders, pinning them to the scorching sand. "Got you now!"

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