Posted by Reptile Round up game tweak

Clan (#88600)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-12 23:08:33
Hey guys, if this has already been suggested before please let me know, make sure you read the whole thing though.

I believe in hard mode we should have two pieces of prey pop up on the screen instead of one.

Why? - I don't know if anyone else has encounter this but when I play hard mode sometimes the obstacles create a lil' thing I call a death trap.

What is a death trap? - Its when you either have 1 or more obstacles in a certain spot that you have no possible way of getting out of, and because you cant advance without grabbing the prey its basically death calling to you.

My Solution - Hard mode should have two pieces of prey instead of one because of this issue, yes it is likely both could get stuck if you happen to have two death traps but this is rare I've only seen it once. If we have 2 pieces of prey we don't have to force ourselves to die and can continue the game.

But it makes it easier... - Yeah I know it will seem to make it easier but once that one piece of prey is by the death trap then it will be normal again.

What if there isn't a death trap? - Well you're just lucky this round.

If you don't support please give me a reason why.

This suggestion has 15 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 13/03/17 @ 06:24:40 by RattleStar_Of_PebbleClan (#88600)

Lieve [Sepia] (#35431)

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Posted on
2017-03-30 00:26:20
Well sorry but I don't support, it would make it easier and anyway, this situation can easily be avoided. Everytime I begin the game I quickly look at the obstacles. If I see a "death trap" I simply let the snake crash and reset until the obstacles are more favorably located, I'm sure I'm not the only one doing that. In hard mode you just can't begin a game without being sure you won't get stuck.

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