Posted by Concept Help

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-03-13 11:10:11
I'm planning a cool sci-fi role play based in the future where space exploration is achievable by most and many of the planets in the Milky Way Galaxy have been colonized by humans and aliens alike. I'm going to need some ideas for the native (sentient) species on each planet, excluding Pluto. I've already got some ideas, but I'd love to hear from you guys as well. I'll be keeping track of everything in the second post ;D

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-03-13 11:10:22
☿ Mercury ☿
I got no thang.

♀ Venus ♀
I think I want either an all female species, or one that displays traits that would normally be associated with (human) women. Maybe even throw in some reference to the the goddess the planet's named after. Although they'd have to be tough as hell, what with the desertlike terrain spotted with volcanoes, acid rain, dense atmosphere, and extreme surface pressure. Oh, yeah, it's also pretty hot.

⊕ Earth ⊕
Greys - Basic AF. The greys are a short species of humanoids, reaching heights between three to four feet and weighing around fifty pounds. Most of their weight is located in their head as it is disproportionately large compared to their body. They come in shades of grey and are completely hairless with large, black eyes. What they lack in physical strength they make up for in intellect and psychic abilities, this has allowed them to take full control over planet earth.
+ Intelligence; The greys are able to store and process massive amounts of information.
+ Psychic; Telepathy and telekinesis, not all individuals possess both, but may instead excel at one or the other.
- Strength; They are not physically strong and would not fair well in hand to hand combat or perform manual labor. They are also more fragile and would take significantly less force to break.
Earth is currently inhabited by enslaved humans and "greys".

♂ Mars ♂

♃ Jupiter ♃

♄ Saturn ♄

♅ Uranus ♅

♆ Neptune ♆

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Edited on 13/03/17 @ 18:59:01 by prince (#6036)

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