Posted by Randomizing Item

thecloudkingdom (#87289)

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Posted on
2017-03-25 08:34:46
I'm in love with the wardrobe's new randomizing feature that lets you scramble a lion's genes

I've been really craving eyeburning, colorful, horribly
over-marked lions since the randomizer was introduced. Of course, lions fitting this description are hard to find cheap. I have 2 different suggestions to remedy my itching for eyeburning ladies

1) A randomizing item
Obviously it'd be an oasis item. It could also be multiple items (one that scrambles all 10 markings, one that does markings and base, one that does markings/base/mane altogether?). I think it would range from 10 to 23 or 25 GB on the Oasis (10 GB because the single marking app is 1 GB and 23 because 10 marking apps + a mane changer + a base changer + a mane color changer is 23 GB, which could be rounded to 25)

2) Add the randomizing option to the Oasis lion customizer
This would probably be the easiest. It would add the randomizer button to the Oasis lion and lioness customizer page and it would calculate how much GB the custom would cost using the already existing system of 14 GB for 10 markings. This option is probably easier becauses it costs less and the customizer and randomizer are already coded parts that would probably have to be tweaked a bit to fit

What do you guys think? Any other suggestions or ideas relating to this?

This suggestion has 17 supports and 0 NO supports.

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JackNOTDaniels (#43365)

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Posted on
2017-03-25 11:07:43
I do not support/agree with an item that randomizes an already existing lions markings (it especially would be no good for special breed only markings...need i say more?)

for me personally I would not use it but I can see how it would be useful for some players. so a support from me---only for option 2 though!

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Elvago (#89173)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-29 03:14:52
I suport option 2

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