Posted by Looking for 1x1

Outlaw (#9260)

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Posted on
2017-04-03 10:53:52
Hi! I am currently on the lookout for someone to RP with. I am trying to hunt a lot (15+-20+) so I have time to kill where I get unbelievably bored. So in order to not be crazy bored I would like to RP. I have tons of time I am normally on in the afternoon times of LD but I can be on at all kinds of different times. I have a few plots in mind. I need someone literate. If you do one sentence replies please do not post here. I can't stand one sentence replies. If its writer block its fine.

Vampire X Human
Vampire X Vampire
Vampire X Werewolf
Human X Werewolf
Demon X Angel
Demon X Human
Angel X Human

I will put more here later. Please PM/post if interested.

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Edited on 11/04/17 @ 17:51:10 by Outlaw (#9260)

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