Posted by .:Battle of the Bloods:.{Character Sheets}

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2017-04-14 10:37:04

Main Roleplay Thread


Amani Tribe Form

If you are yet a pup, your name should be chosen by your mother. If you're older than 1 year, feel free to put any name you'd like, preferably one that matches your appearance.

Age should be in years and/or months.

Any/all genders are accepted here.

LGBT+ are all accepted here.

What breed of dog are you?

Do you pledge to the Amani Tribe or the Motomo Pack?

What position to you have within the tribe?

Realistic colors only. Must include a paragraph explaining description. Any pictures without a source are not accepted.

A paragraph at minimum is required. List of traits or "Will develop throughout RP" is not accepted.

A paragraph at minimum is required. "Doesn't want to talk about it" Is not accepted.

Any friends/foes or any other non-kin relationships put here.

Siblings/mother/father or any other kin are put here.

Has your character got someone in mind that they're interested in? Put your crush or your mate down here.

Theme song
Optional. Just a fun way to express your character.

Any info I missed about your character? Put it down here!


Motomo Pack Form

If you are yet a pup, your name should be chosen by your mother. If you're older than 1 year, feel free to put any name you'd like, preferably one that matches your appearance.

Age should be in years and/or months.

Any/all genders are accepted here.

LGBT+ are all accepted here.

What breed of dog are you?

Do you pledge to the Amani Tribe or the Motomo Pack?

What position to you have within the pack?

Realistic colors only. Must include a paragraph explaining description. Any pictures without a source are not accepted.

Does your character have the ability of Firesight?

A paragraph at minimum is required. List of traits or "Will develop throughout RP" is not accepted.

A paragraph at minimum is required. "Doesn't want to talk about it" Is not accepted.

Any friends/foes or any other non-kin relationships put here.

Siblings/mother/father or any other kin are put here.

Has your character got someone in mind that they're interested in? Put your crush or your mate down here.

Theme song
Optional. Just a fun way to express your character.

Any info I missed about your character? Put it down here!

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Edited on 16/04/17 @ 15:19:14 by roseistance (#58710)

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-04-14 11:58:21

Amani Tribe


"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies while still alive. Never surrender."




7 years old








Amani Tribe




Wyakin is a heavily built dog with a cream-ish coat showing ripples of muscle underneath. He has a curled tail that hangs proudly over his back in times of domination and has deep, enchanting brown orbs framed by a black mask on his muzzle and ears. He's approximately 33 inches tall and weighs a steady 120lbs. He has a more stern look but for his Tribe it is usually soft for the ones he loves and protects.


Of course being the Healer, Wyakin is very soft hearted and loves his Tribe with all he has. He's full of respect for his fellow peers, even the Omega's, and treats them all as equals when up close. Wyakin is heavy with wisdom, and he feels grateful every time theres a chance to pass it down to a pack-mate, more specifically the Beta's. He respects the Earth just as much as the Tribe, and every living thing to him has no lesser or equal value, unlike others who base everything on ego. Though he does have a good side to him, if one is to muster all that they have to finally hit Wy's last nerve, he lets his instinct turn in and can get violent. His seemingly ever-lasting patience can turn thin for some, and those unlucky few will end up to regret the decisions they have decided to make, and will find themselves at loss with any of Wyakin's respect. Besides this, he has an intelligent mind-set, and can outsmart others easily, giving him a better advantage for higher ranks. Though he is the supreme superior to others, he does not let his power cloud his vision and he is careful with his actions. He is positive that if they are to ever meet the wolves in battle, there will be no chance of their Tribe's extinction.


Wyakin was born as the only male of a litter of 5 into the Amani Tribe. He was the offspring of two pure bred Kahunas called Jace and Dill, being a brother of 4 sisters named Lug, Jelly, Buggy, and Jane, him having the only name that others wouldn't hold a laugh in after hearing it. He was only nearly a year old after it was obvious he was the biggest and strongest of the litter of pups, seeming he was the only male, which caught other's interest easily. The current Kahuna, Elk, was a large, black dog that Wy can remember every detail of, and his parents were very close to him, so he was raised nearly right next to the Healers. When he was around a year old, Elk and his mate Jade would offer watching the pups while Dill and Jace would be about hunting and doing their jobs. Eventually, Wyakin grew close to Elk, and when he was old enough, began getting mentored by him.

It wasn't often that the Kahuna would ever take in an apprentice, but he'd already known Wy since he was born, and saw him almost constantly everyday, and felt that he could be like a second father to him. Wyakin was amazed by how wise and knowledgeable Wyakin was once he began to be able to understand the things he said better. Everyday that Elk taught him something knew, Wy would stare at him with bugged eyes, intently listening to every single word he said and never forgetting it. He was obsessed. When he was only an Adolescent, Wyakin was one of the most dedicated dogs in the Tribe to their beliefs. He would teach his sisters the things Elk taught him, but they usually never got as intrigued as he had.

When Wy was a few years old, it came to his surprise that his sister, Jelly, had disappeared one morning with her mate, assumed to have run away with him. He only had two remaining with him, Lug being taken by illness when she was only a few months old. He still wasn't all too close with Jane, but him and Buggy were always found together, unless he was in his den. She would come to lessons with Elk, being just as obsessed as Wy, but when the time came that Elk had passed away, Buggy wasn't an option to take over his place since she was a female, but Wyakin had a clear run. He'd already been appointed Beta while Elk was alive, but he was easily chosen over the other Beta to take Elk's place. Ever since then, Wy has done all his best to fulfill him and take care of the tribe, but Wyakin will never believe that he could have been replaced by anyone, especially not him.




Buggy - {Sister- Love} - Alive{open}
Lug - {Sister - Loved} - Deceased
Jane - {Sister - Good} - Alive{not open}
Jelly - {Sister - Good} - Missing{not open}
Dill - {Father- Loved} - Deceased
Jace - {Mother - Loved} - Deceased


May be crushing on Whisper ;w;

Theme song

To be added


Dogs are more than my favorite animals. I haven't ever lived a day in my life without owning at least one dog, and now I currently have 3 lovelies. They're my favorite animal because I've just always been around them and they're the center of my life.



"If you can't find something to live for, you better find something to die for."




2 y/o








Amani Tribe





Jax is a very slinkish built dog, her fur thin enough you can see her ribs and muscle ripple underneath it. She has a very clean white coat that has black splatters found all over, her tail the only thing untouched. With black ears and a nose, her light, joyous, brown eyes are beautifully defined by black surrounding them. She has a bright pink tongue that is almost always found hanging out from a smile. She reaches a near 20 in., rather smaller for her breed due to being a runt, and weighs a steady 30lb.


Jax has a very outgoing and social structure that gives her a good vibe that most other dogs can be attracted to. She is always up to play or talk, and sometimes it may seem like she never stops. She's very friendly and can grow to like most people, and she's a very sweet friend. Those who she doesn't get along with, though, are treated with a hard cold shoulder and she's usually a brat to them and those who don't like her back. Normally she doesn't start or hold beef with others, and besides being sassy, she doesn't resort to being violent. Though, with the Wolfe's appearances, she is willing to go against her beliefs enable to help protect the tribe.


Jax was born in a small dog pack that consisted of her parents, sister, herself, and two others. They lived in a thick forest near the mountains and they for sure stayed on the down low more than half of the time. Her mother and father were both purebred dalmatians as herself, and her sister, Lily. They were a distant neighboring pack of the Amani Tribe, a much bigger pack of dogs that they were allies with. She had grown up in her pack, the Gatte, for her whole life beside her family's side as she took the rank of a hunter and mentored a few more younger siblings that were part of a new litter and other pups that would pop up. By the time Jax was a year old, the pack was around twice its size, but that didn't change anything once the wolves showed up nearly right next to them, their own pack's every move visible to them. When their leader confronted them that they were taking up their territory, the wolves did not react well, and before her pack knew it, blood was being shed by the huge wolf pack. When the Amani Tribe realized what was happening they joined the fight to defend their ally, but by the time they arrived there had already been a genocide. Though they were able to pull out Jax, none of the others survived in time for help to come, and even the Amani lost lives.

After this, Jax joined the Tribe and learned their ways. The wolves kept their distance, knowing they had gotten their point across to them that they weren't to be messed with. Despite her tragic past and the trauma she experienced, Jax is able to keep herself smiling and making other people's lives worth living. She is always ready for the next move the wolves make, only close to a year ago that they'd killed everyone she knew, and she hoped to get revenge for it.




Macy[Mother - Love] - Diseased

Gal[Father- Like] - Diseased

Lily[Sister - Love] - Diseased

Siblings from other litters - Diseased



Theme song

To be added





"The sweet rot of corruption."




4 years 3 months






Dogo Argentino


Amani Tribe




Cane is a very heavy built canine and weighs an average 95lb, nearly all of his weight consisting of muscle. He's covered in a white pelt with dirt smudges and a few black speckles found around on him, framing a set of black pearly orbs and a dark black nose. He has a rather dangerous tail thats around a foot long, and from its tip to his nose is around a 2-3 feet. He is around 25in tall, slightly over two feet, and may look rather small at times.


Being a rather buffer looking dog can sometimes give Cane a more unpleasant appearance towards others, which sometimes he enjoys. He is more spaced off towards pack-mates than most of the tribe is used to, as they are pretty close together. Though he'd rather be alone, he does not complain when another gives him attention, and it's easy to find that he is very polite and has a rather darker sense of humor in conversation. He doesn't mind making friends for an occasional conversation, but doesn't deal well with non-stop talking dogs, and will most likely be rather rude towards those who get on his nerves. Anyone in particular that Cane doesn't like can get a rather colder side of him, which is just his version of saying "leave me alone for once". He generally enjoys pups, but isn't always good with them and sometimes gets too anxious and may panic around too many. He can be very awkward in most cases, and sometimes he doesn't really stay in reality and can space out mid-talk. He has lots of anxiety issues, leading to him being easily triggered by being too close to others, loud noises, and too much of something. It's normal for him to have a panic/anxiety attack in daily life moments. Other than that, for the most part he doesn't threaten for violence, but he does have lots of strength that can be used for battle. He hasn't ever lost a fight, but does have some bad scars to show that he isn't always his best.


Cane was born to a single mother, Layla, and with 1 other Male pup, Coal. They were not born in any sort of group, but instead, lived at an old oak tree on a meadow hill. His mother would a lot of times not be there for the two when they were old enough, and would a lot of times pop up with a big belly, but no puppies were ever added with the duo of Coal and Cane. The brothers grew up very independently, a lot of times they weren't home, either exploring or with other friends they possibly made. They got along okay, but Cane was much smaller than Coal, so he would a lot of times deal with punishments when he did something to anger him, and would get yelled at a lot by him and his mother. He didn't ever make any friends with dogs he'd met, but didn't have much of a choice because no other dogs were ever allowed to be at their den, yet Coal seemed to always have other guy dogs or girl dogs over. He had his own curfew, and if he didn't come home at the right time, it would be dealt with by Coal while his mom stayed quiet.

Living like this for years was hard, but he never considered leaving, because he was always afraid that he would be discovered by one of them and killed. One night, things with Coal had gotten so bad that Cane could hardly walk. He decided that no matter what happened, he would get himself away from the pair. He usually wasn't home anyways during the day, so he set off, running as far as he could despite his wounds. He didn't sleep at night, fearing he would be found, and would just constantly walk and walk. It was weeks until Cane finally came across the Amani Tribe, half dead by that time at least. He was brought in, and it took months for him to fully heal. When he had, he was mentored, and he dedicated himself to being part of the Garrison, hoping that he could offer the protection he never had.




Coal - {Brother - Hate} - Unknown{not open}
Layla - {Mother - Hate} - Unknown{not open}



Theme song

To be added



Motomo Pack


"I prefer to think of it as radical honesty."




3 years 6 months






Rocky Mountain Grey wolf


Motomo Pack


Patrol Wolf



Matsi is definitely not what you would consider bulky and strong, muscles rippling under his pelt. He has a very slender frame with rather long legs, and from his shoulder down he is rather tall reaching nearly 3 feet and weighs an average 150lbs. Though not very packed with muscles, he does have an advantage of being able to reach high speeds, his long legs paying him well. He has a grey looking fur, speckled down his back over a more lighter white color, his muzzle split in two by the color. Surrounding his wide, yellow eyes is a darker shade of grey, letting them pop more.




Matsi is a very awkward wolf, not having much confidence and lacking in courtesy towards others. At times he can be rather impulsive with his words and decisions, and is found to be thought of as a rather douche at times. Though this is easily just an outer cover to him, he is very flattery, and can spend hours barking up the tree of a pretty looking wolf before they either finally get swoon or walk away in disgust. Not taking rejection well, he is a little bit of a pissbaby, and will mope about things for days, and a lot of times just does it to be overdramatic. Although he does have these faults, he can be a very loyal friend to those who deserve Matsi's respect. He can be very loving and does have a rather light, joyful humor that can put others in a good mood. When his spirits are high, he can be very playful and relaxed, giving everyone around him a chill vibe.


A paragraph at minimum is required. "Doesn't want to talk about it" Is not accepted.


Good friends with Alasdair


Siblings/mother/father or any other kin are put here.



Theme song

Optional. Just a fun way to express your character.






"There is nothing either good nor bad, but thinking makes it so."




2 years 3 months






Rocky Mountain Grey Wolf


Motomo Pack





Realistic colors only. Must include a paragraph explaining description. Any pictures without a source are not accepted.




A paragraph at minimum is required. List of traits or "Will develop throughout RP" is not accepted.


A paragraph at minimum is required. "Doesn't want to talk about it" Is not accepted.


Open :)




Theme song

Optional. Just a fun way to express your character.





"Cowards die many times before their deaths ; the valiant never taste of death but once .."




4 years 10 months






Rocky Mountain Grey wolf


Motomo Pack





Realistic colors only. Must include a paragraph explaining description. Any pictures without a source are not accepted.




A paragraph at minimum is required. List of traits or "Will develop throughout RP" is not accepted.


A paragraph at minimum is required. "Doesn't want to talk about it" Is not accepted.




Siblings/mother/father or any other kin are put here.



Theme song

Optional. Just a fun way to express your character.



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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 18:01:47 by 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

Doe (#62827)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-04-16 09:18:24

Amani Tribe
God is merciful


Five years

Doberman [70%] x Rottweiler [30%]

Amani Tribe

Patrol Dog

Hansel is a large stocky dog due to his breeding, his ears stand high from his head rounded at the tips, he has little brown spots just above his eyes, his muzzle is rather large off his face, around his nose, and down to around his neck is the same light brown as the spots above his eyes. He has two more brown spots on his chest just sitting on his shoulders, the backs of his front legs are the same light brown again, looping around to the front covering his front paws in the brown. His back legs hold the brown on the inside of his thighs.

Hansel a wild dog, he's always doing something not really stopping to think about what he's doing. He loves almost everyone and is fiercely loyal. He learned from a young age to respect other's personal space and to stop and think of things from the other's person's point of view, but that can get thrown out the window when he get's angry.

Hansel’s mother was a Rottweiler Doberman Mix, his father a Doberman, he was born with his brother, into the Amani Tribe, from a young age he was a wild pup, often getting himself stuck in places or often in the wrong place at the wrong time. His mother tried her best to keep him in line but he never really did what he was told, when he went through his journey he ended up going through a fox burrow where he meet his power animal, which turned out to be a panther, he was given his rank and Name much to his happiness

Will fill out as we Roleplay

Minae - {Mother-Loves} - {Alive-Closed}
Tanin - {Father-Respects} - {Alive-Closed}
Unnamed - {Brother-Loves} - {Alive-Open}


Theme song
Nothing But Thieves - Honey Whiskey

Sloth Bears, I'm not sure why I love them It might be because of their ears, It could also be because The jungle book was one of my favorite characters and I relate to Baloo~


To chase or to hunt


Four years

German Sheapered [80%] x Belgian Malinois [20%]

Amani Tribe


Jagger's Belgian Malinois is barely seen in the male, the only time you notice it is with his shedding, while he does shed it is not as bad as most German shepherds, his coat lays flatter as well. His coat is mixes of browns, ranging from almost white to almost black. His eyes are a deep brown often looking darker than normal. Jagger is a decent size, standing just at 26 inches, weighing 88lbs, he is built with muscle from the running and wrestling he does.

Jagger is a hyper sort of dog, he always seems to have energy to burn while he isn't crazy or sporadic about it, he does often go on runs or play wrestles with the pups. Jagger doesn't like to sit around and hear people complain he likes to fix issues right then and there often trying to make jokes to lighten things up. Jagger may seem like a carefree dog often like he doesn't care about anything else but he's rather smart when it comes to tactics often planning things a few days ahead.

Jagger was born in a litter of one, Life was good, he was the center of attention for a bit often getting away with things he would do. His younger sister was born and things changed, he was scolded for setting a bad example and for not calming down when it came to

Will fill out as we Roleplay

Orsina- {Mother-Loves} - {Deceased-Closed}
Ryou - {Father-Hates} - {Deceased-Closed}
Unnamed - {Sister-Loves} - {Alive-Open}


Theme song
O.D.D - Hey Violet




Motomo Pack Form
You can find this image in picturebypali, Pali is the photographer
With Echo

Six years and Two months



Gray Wolf

Motomo Pack


Seba is a darker coated female. her main coat is a pretty brown color, a black stripe going down her back. Her lower jaw is white that doesn't blend well with her black nose on the brown on the top of her snout. Seba's eyes are a deep orange that never seems to focus all the way. The top of her head is a black matching the stripe down her back. Her tail is long, almost touching the ground every time she moves.


Seba is a watcher, she loves to watch how others work and how others move, she does have her friends but it's odd for her to make new ones, she's kinda a spacey wolf, almost always zoning out focusing on other things, but she is a rather good hunter.

Seba was born the only cub to her parents, she was never really a loud pup, she often stayed quiet watching the others play only really getting involved if they asked she wasn't one to force herself in. As she grew up she still stayed keen on watching others but was not more playful often getting in more play fights then she should, it resulted in her ear getting a bit torn it isn't a noticeable scar but it upset her mother enough.

Will fill out as we Roleplay

Tanlan - {Mother-Loves} - {Alive-Closed}
Rannan - {Father-Loves} - {Alive-Closed}


Theme song
Halsey - Young God (Audio)

You can find this image in picturebypali, Pali is the photographer

You can find this image in picturebypali, Pali is the photographer
Ash tree

Four years and Seven months



Gray Wolf

Motomo Pack

Patrol Wolves

Nash is a classic gray wolf, but his fur tends to clump almost all the time, and it sits thickly on his back. His fur is an odd mix of Grey's, Black's and Brown's sitting in different thicknesses all over his body. His eyes are a striking yellow often seeming to stare directly into your soul.


Nash is a bit of an oddball, he loves to tease and prank others but doesn't like it turning back on him. He can often be seen on the outskirts of the territory messing with odd things often injuring himself from whatever he's doing.

Nash was born a single pup to his parents, his father was a hunter that was often gone so Nash never grew close to him. Nash often ignores his mother not really caring for her opinion on his life, he's a bit disrespectful towards his parents. Nash was always a bit of an odd pup normally searching for things instead of playing and running off. Nash went off searching for some shiny thing he saw and tripped over a tree root injuring himself for a bit, but he quickly picked his name based on the tree he tripped over.

Will fill out as we Roleplay

Mianna- {Mother-Loves} - {Alive-Closed}
Disna- {Father-Loves} - {Alive-Closed}


Theme song
Halsey - Roman Holiday



You can find this image in picturebypali, Pali is the photographer

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Edited on 15/06/17 @ 04:37:05 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-04-16 10:54:36

Amani Tribe Bios


{ Image Credit ~ WunderPhotos / JCFindley

"I will hide myself below, I'll be what you wanted. Kept inside I won't let go 'till I burn beyond control."


4 years, 10 months old.


Asexual - Panromantic.

Doberman Pinscher.


A solid white brute with pale blue eyes and a rosy pink nose. His ears are pointed and tail docked in the usual Doberman standard (once again this doesn’t really make sense, but...magic?) Though average height and weight for an adult male at 28 inches and 75 pounds, he is somewhat frailer than one might expect and highly prone to seizures. Due to being an albino he also suffers from photo-sensitivity and while not completely blind his eyesight steadily decreases with every passing year. If he lives to reach the ripe old age of eight he will likely lose it altogether. He is squarely built with a narrow muzzle and a head shaped like a blunt wedge. His body is moderately muscled and his eyes almond shaped. He hunts better at night despite his white pelt being a giveaway to prey and he often rolls in mud to better camouflage his pelt. He relies on hearing and scent over sight.

Sol is an odd sort. Erratic in behavior, he often mumbles to himself under his breath about the 'ancestors' and is generally a rather unsociable canine. If anyone even attempts a conversation with him his responses tend to be short and clipped. He appears quite knowledgeable concerning healing herbs and has claimed he receives visions from dogs of the past. Many are likely under the impression the aging Doberman is full of hot air. Despite his generally off-putting demeanor he is not unkind and has plenty of compassion to offer others even if his bedside manner isn't the best. He is a borderline pacifist, finding bloodshed appalling, but is also aware sometimes fighting is a necessary evil. It is likely he might have ended up as the pack Omega if he hadn't proven an efficient enough hunter, and still might should anyone decide to challenge him for his position.

Born outside the pack. Sol has been a loner for the majority of his life, never staying in one place for long. His parents were young and inexperienced. They tried their best, but often proved more interested in their other packmates than their own son. As a result he was unintentionally neglected and often left to entertain himself. Sol never quite learned the skills he would need to properly socialize with other dogs and grew up the pack weirdo, always disappearing into the woods for days on end and returning muttering nonsense under his breath. By the time he was a year old his birth pack grew impatient with his strange behavior and sent him away. He traveled by himself for quite awhile, wandering from territory to territory aimlessly before settling with the Amani.

None yet. Open.

None that he can recall.

No one yet.

Theme Song
CARNIVORE - Starset.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈


{ Image Credit ~ Royal Canin }

"Funny how history ends in an instant, how something so close can end up so distant."


5 years old.


Demisexual - Panromantic.

Saarloos Wolfdog.

Patrol Dog.

A decent sized female at 27 inches and 76 pounds. Whisper has an athletic build with a strong, muscular body. She moves lightly with an elegant gait, gliding over the ground effortlessly on silent paws. Such a trait might have made her better suited as a hunter, but it's clear her heart is in patrolling. Her coat is short, but quite dense, providing good protection from the weather. In color it is rather wolfish, a mixture of grays, blacks and tans with paler underfur. Her semi-almond shaped eyes are a bright shade of golden. Despite her resemblance to a wolf, she is just as much a dog as the rest of her packmates.

Quiet and soft-spoken. She isn't exactly a mute, but Whisper hardly ever talks anymore and when she does it's well...nothing more than a whisper. She is not above defending herself or others, using deadly force if necessary, but she would prefer not to resort to violence. She always keeps a level head and attempts to resolve things peacefully. As with most of her breed, she is devoted and reliable, but lacks the more lively, energetic temperament Saarloos Wolfdogs are known for. She serves as a silent guardian, a dedicated friend and a helping paw to all who come under her care.

Whisper is a pack dog through and through. Her mother was a patrol dog and her father a hunter, and it was clear from puphood Whisper could become either with the proper training. She was talkative and extroverted in her youth, often chatting all the other dogs ears off. Age mellowed her demeanor and becoming a mother even more so. After falling in love with a fellow Patrol Dog named Arrow it wasn't long before she was making a nest for herself in the nursery.

The happiness she felt at the thought of raising a family with Arrow did not last. Her mate was an ambitious dog who's lust for power eventually got the better of him, as he began planning to overthrow the Kahuna. Whisper overheard him discussing his plot with a few other dogs and shocked, chose to confront him about it. They argued and when it became clear she would not support his coup Arrow and his followers attacked her, leaving her for dead once they were done. Arrow's rebellion intimately failed, he was killed and his adherents banished.

Whisper survived, found by one of the Betas who carried her back to camp, but her pups were lost. She was never the same after that, losing her voice and former spirit. Her wounds healed and she returned to her duties a different dog. Whisper never took another mate or attempted a second litter, the grief she felt for her miscarried pups overpowering. In the present most of her sorrow has eased, but she has grown used to her silence.

None yet. Open.


No one as of yet.

Theme Song
The Great Divide - Rebecca Black.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈


{ Image Credit ~ Lurcher Link / DottyDog }

'"Did you see the flares in the sky?
Were you blinded by the light?
Did you feel the smoke in your eyes?
Did you? Did you?
Did you see the sparks fill with hope? You are not alone.
'Cause someone's out there, sending out flares.""


2 years old.


Bisexual - Biromantic.

Lurcher. Main bloodline consists of Whippets, Greyhounds and Border Collies.


A lean young dog with a dappled blue merle coat and heterochromic eyes. The right eye is a solid dark brown while the left is half and half, the top the same deep brown while the bottom is a pale blue. Ace is not an especially large dog, reaching only 21 inches at the shoulder and weighing close to 40 pounds, but long legs and an aerodynamic build make him quite the speedster. His ears are pointed, flopping over near the tips.

Ace is a somewhat forlorn dog who minds his own business more often than not unless it involves someone potentially being harmed or in danger. He can easily be overlooked due to being rather quiet and appears content to blend in with the crowd. His somewhat aloof personality can at times give off the impression he is anti-social even if that's not entirely true. He often just isn't sure about how to approach other dogs and is still uncertain of his place in the pack.

Ace originally hailed from a valley pack far away that came down with a sickness he could not explain. The disease seemed to drive his packmates mad, leading them to attack one another and eventually die slow painful deaths foaming at the mouth and unable to swallow any water no matter how thirsty they grew. Somehow Ace managed to avoid becoming infected himself and eventually had no choice but to leave the pack behind or die with them.

To this day he still feels shameful for abandoning his birth pack. He planned to live the rest of his life out as a loner, but dogs are sociable animals and when he came across his current pack he ended up joining them after all. He still tends to keep to himself. Content to work himself until complete and utter exhaustion for the pack and would likely be willing to die for anyone of it's members as repentance for sins of the past.

None yet. Open.


No one as of yet.

Theme Song
Flares - The Script.

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 01:56:22 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-04-16 10:58:42

Motomo Pack Bios


[ Image Credit - Cerebus [IRIS] (#38409) ]

”One suggestion, use your discretion before you label me blind.”


5 years, 10 months old.


Pansexual - Demiromantic.

[50%] Arctic Wolf x [35%] Northwestern Wolf x [15%] Yukon Wolf.

Alpha Male.

Hell yeah.

Standing 33 inches at the shoulder and weighing close to 100 pounds, he's neither the largest wolf around nor the smallest, but still a force to be reckoned with. Hagan has small, rounded ears meant to maintain body heat in cold weather and a thick, ivory white coat unblemished by any other color. His legs are long and paws large, equipped with dull-edged black claws. His head is narrow, leading down to a tapered muzzle and ending with a dark nose. As with most of the wolves within his pack he has a lean, athletic build while packing on perhaps a tad more muscle than the usual, his Arctic Wolf heritage making him bulkier than the typical Gray Wolf. His eyes are almond shaped and a deep amber color, save for the left which is a milky white and surrounded by scarred skin. His sight in this eye is limited, but he is not completely blind.


Hagan is a reserved leader with an overall chilly, detached demeanor in the face of both enemies and pack members alike. He appears to lack warmth for anyone beyond his own kin and kith, but retains a high sense of honor. Hagan won’t kill without reason, but his punishments tend to be very strict and those who have betrayed his trust will always be viewed with scrutiny and disdain regardless of whether or not their actions are forgiven. An accomplished warrior in his own right, he's proven time and time again he isn't one to be trifled with.

Hagan is a proud wolf with a stubborn nature, but it may surprise some to learn he is not quite as ruthless as pack leaders of the past and often disagreed with their violent methods. He does not necessarily have hatred for the dogs and in truth is neutral to them as far as views go, however competition for food and land insures he will be an issue for them and they for him in return. His own pack comes first, always and forever. If he needs to destroy another pack to provide for them he certainly will, and with little hesitation.

Born within the frozen lands of the North where wolves were plentiful, Hagan grew up among the Motomo Pack. His mother Calista was the reigning Alpha, ruling without a mate by her side, unwilling to share her power with a lover. Hagan spent most of his early life with his father, as she left him to Rowan's care nearly as soon as she could, ordering other she-wolves to nurse him in her place. Upon reaching his sixth month he was brought to her to train under his mother, as he was her chosen heir. Kept isolated from other pups, even his own sister Aelwen, he spent many years under his mother's tutelage. She taught him to be fierce and kind in equal measures, passing on all her wisdom and combat skills and eventually promoting him to the rank of Beta.

As he grew older and was allowed more contact with other wolves his age Hagan found Aelwen felt nothing more for him than resentment for being the center of their mother's attention, all of her former love for her only sibling forgotten. He distanced himself from her, unwilling to face her hatred. Calista met her death by the time her beloved warrior son was 3 years old, taken down by an illness that couldn't be cured. After her burial a ceremony was held and Hagan was declared the new Alpha by the healers. His relationship with his sister improved slightly after Calista's passing, especially as Rowan encouraged them to reconnect, but the bond they share is still quite fragile.

The pack in general. No one specific yet. He views everyone more or less neutrally. Open for a few closer friends and perhaps some rivals/enemies.

Calista [Deceased NPC]
Mother/Former Alpha Female

Rowan [Adoptable]
Father/Patrol Wolf

Aelwen [Adoptable]
Younger Sister/Hunter

He’s not exactly the warmest individual around and catching his romantic attention might prove difficult, but feel free to try.

Theme Song
I’m Alive - Disturbed.
Firewall - Les Friction.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈


"So scream if you wanna, shout if you need just let it go (take it out on me). Fight if you need to, smash if it helps you get control (take it out on me)."


2 years, 7 months old.


Pansexual - Panromantic.

Algonquin Wolf.



A tall and lithe young female with a mottled brown and black pelt. She has round, bright golden eyes and a delicately tapering muzzle ending in a black nose. Her face is rather youthful and this trait will likely follow her well into adulthood, unfamiliar wolves at times even mistaking her for still being a yearling. Thus far her coat lacks any noticeable scars or blemishes. Her ears are quite large and wide-based atop her skull and her fur is medium-length, usually proving a bit scruffy. Blackbird is a she-wolf of decent height at 31 inches, but weighting well under 60 pounds with a slim build and lengthy legs, clearly a body meant for sprinting.

Blackbird is extremely naive and impressionable. She's eager to please and happy to follow orders, wishing for nothing more than to belong and will do almost anything for just a bit of companionship. Her friendliness is genuine and she has a loyal heart along with a fairly strong moral system. Highly empathetic and often willing to take the fall for other's mistakes, she is unfortunately an easy wolf to take advantage of. She can prove a bit nervous in large crowds and often worries she isn't presenting herself properly considering his lack of socialization growing up.

Blackbird was born close to the territory the Motomo once called home, the daughter of a lone she-wolf who’s pack had banished her for reasons she never cared to explain to her only daughter. For a long time it was just the two of them until Crow disappeared without a word shortly after Blackbird's first birthday. She struggled to survive on her own, lost and alone in a very dangerous world. She was very prone to strange dreams, or visions perhaps. She could never quite tell, but they guided her pawsteps wherever she went.

Blackbird had a difficult time feeding herself as hunting was never her strong suit and a Motomo patrol came upon her when she was on her last legs, half starved and barely able to stand. After being taken in by the pack her health improved and she flourished, the healers discovering she had the Firesight while treating her. She is forever grateful to the pack and feels she’s finally found a place to belong, attempting to prove her worth in every way she can.

None yet. Open.

Crow [Adoptable]

No one yet.

Theme Song
Take It Out On Me - Thousand Foot Krutch.

It's very likely that she will feel sympathetic toward the dogs and be torn between loyalty to her pack and her morals.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

All images are linked to their sources.

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Edited on 25/06/17 @ 12:49:19 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 11:47:08

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 18:13:14 by Murmuration (#88005)

Mylo (#104190)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 12:42:29

4 years


Gay as the letter s


Amani Tribe


Archie is tall, slender, and made for speed. He is a bit dragged by his long silky fur, but nevertheless, can match any one of his tribe mates in a race, if not, faster or barely just slower. The downside to his speed, is his muscle, he doesn’t have much muscle on his body at all, and even if he could out-pace an enemy, he probably couldn’t take them down. The male is about 30 inches tall at the shoulder, and weighs about 80-90 pounds. Archie has white fur, with two varied creams on his fur speckled around. His eyes are a hazelish color, though it leans more towards a green color. His eyesight is slightly failing in his right eye, though it isn’t completely gone yet.

Archie is fairly witty, he can usually come up with sharp words in a tight situation. He's energetic and often wiggles in his sleep, and when awake, he will be shifting, paw to paw. He can be fairly pessimistic when he thinks too much, often thinking about how pointless most of this is. Living, that is. Archie hides behind his bright, teethy smile, he isn't fake, he just worries about how others would think of him if they knew how he felt. He doesn't want others to worry too much. When wandering into a topic he's uncomfortable with, he will shut you down, walk away. If you persist. He may snap his teeth and run.

Archie was born to two loners, Mary, and Lavender. Mary was a dear thing, abandoned by Lavender before Archie was born. When the mother cast off Archie to his uncle, unable to support the two, let alone herself. The uncle brought him to his pack, giving him to a female named Fuzz to nurse. The male was raised alongside another named Elias. The two eventually separated ways, Archie to be a hunter, Elias to be a part of the Garrison.

Cass - Acquaintance
Elias - Childhood friend
[To be updated]

Mother - Mary [Unknown]
Father - Lavender [Unknown]
Uncle - Spot [Deceased]

Nah, open though.

Theme song
Love Like You

I love wolves, they’re elegant~



4.1 months



Standard Bull Terrier

Amani Tribe


Elias is a strong and sturdy male. He stands at 19 inches at the shoulder, and weighing 55 pounds. He has an egg shaped head like most of his breed, and pircky ears. His fur thins out around his belly, and nose, which shows his pink skin. Elias isn’t much for speed, more for strength. Underestimate him, and you’ll be down before you can even say ‘egg’. His tail, unlike his breed, is short and bobbed. His stiff short fur is white and not very soft. The only color on his body is around his nose, speckled different shades of fawn cream colors.

Elias is too sarcastic for his own good, and will most likely be murdered for being said trait at the wrong time. He can seem harsh in his words, especially in the mornings. He's always joking, even if his humor is very dark and demented, he's very sassy, sometimes to the wrong dogs. He'll sulk and snap if you do something wrong by him, and then forgive you if it's a forgivable thing. He's not stupid, he'll know when you don't deserve to be forgiven. He has a very bad habit of lying. It's to keep himself safe, he knows it's wrong. But, his motto is. What's to sin once and a while?

Elias, born to his mother, Cream, never knew his father, whom was a loner passing through. He was only a month old when an orphaned pup, as Spot had put it, came to be fostered by his mother. His mother got sick at 11 months of age and couldn’t fight off the disease, instead succumbing and dying. The male went separate ways from Archie when he went on to become a member of the Garrison, and Archie joined the hunters.

Cass - Acquaintance
Archie - Childhood friend

Father - Nick [unknown]
Mother - Cream [Deceased]

Nope, open!

Theme song
Second Chances - Imagine Dragons

Wolves are super elegant.



5 years


Demi-sexual, Bi-Romantic

Irish Setter

Amani Tribe


Cass is a handsome young male, with a height of 28 inches, he’s taller than normal, and comes to a weight of 70 pounds, a normal weight for a dog of his breed. He has long, silky fur that he tries his best to keep neat. His ears are large, and floppy, with a tail that is long and furry. His eyes are big and calm, with a brown rivaling the mahogany color of his fur, with some white fur on his chest. Said fur is a shiny coat, with long flowing fur. His nose is a black color. He isn’t very fast or strong, landing him a spot in the omega position, which he doesn’t mind too much.

Cass can be fair, he wants everyone to get the same treatment, and same things. He’s calm and friendly, he won’t lose his crap at the sight of a squirrel or a rabbit, and he’ll try to talk something out rather than fight about it. Though he can be overly stubborn in what he believes, and this might get him in trouble some day. Cass is fairly impulsive, and will do things on instinct, which can sometimes cause him to hurt other’s feelings if in an argument. He can be clueless at times, in terms of different things, like, the newest fur-styles, he’ll need you to be blatant if you wanna be friends or get something for you. He’s very obedient, to dogs higher up in the ranks.

Cass was abandoned at a young age. On the brink of death and in the middle of winter, the young pup was taken to the Amani Tribe to be raised. He grew up relatively alone, not really playing with other pups, and being a social butterfly, that didn’t really fly with him. So, he’d bug the adults. They didn’t really take a liking to his constant questions or his attack of their tails. When it came time for him to take an adult rank, he didn’t fit anywhere, as he wasn’t muscular and strong and heavy. Nor was he lithe and quick. So he instead was plopped into the Omega position. Where he resides to this day.

Elias - Acquaintance
Archie - Acquaintance

Mother - Minty [Unknown]
Father - Curly[unknown]

Nah, open though

Theme song
Another Day Of Sun - La la land

Wolves are suuupppeerrr elegant.

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Edited on 16/04/17 @ 22:20:11 by Archie (#104190)

Mylo (#104190)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-04-16 12:46:00
Source- Click


3 years


Straight as a pole.

Mackenzie Valley Wolf

Motomo Pack


About 35 inches at the shoulder and weighing 150 pounds. This female is muscle and speed. She may not be able to take down a larger fellow wolf, but she certainly has a good balance between speed and strength. Refer to the picture for how her fur and eyes look.


Allan is a kind female, if humans existed and if she were a human, she’d probably be the most pastal flower-dressy female you could know. She is very soft-hearted and can seem dumb. However, she is intelligent, and knows when to drop her nice personality and run. Allan is open, welcome to conversations. She can, however, be shy to newcomers, and be rather nervous. She can be easily discouraged and disorganised.

Allan was born to a mother who died at birth, and a father who never cared for her. The male left the pack when she was but 7 months of age, and she hasn't heard from him since. The female was found to have fire-sight and wanted to learn to heal over fighting, so she denied the rank of Beta. Instead she was trained to be a healer. She has become skilled over the years of learning.

[to be updated]

Mother - Molly [Deceased]
Father - Mitch [Unknown]


Theme song
Looking For One!

Nah, peregrine falcons are better. They’re the fastest animal in the world!

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Edited on 16/04/17 @ 19:58:13 by Archie (#104190)

pupper [looooong
hiatus] (#105486)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-04-16 15:04:57

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

✿ name ✿

✿ age ✿
1 year, 3 months

✿ gender ✿

✿ orientation ✿

✿ breed ✿
[50%] Tibetan Spaniel [50%] Pekingese

✿ allegiance ✿

✿ rank ✿

✿ appearance ✿
Height: 7 inches
Weight: 6 pounds
[AKA smol]

✿ firesight? ✿

✿ personality ✿

✿ history ✿
Tulip was found as a small and sickly pup, lying in a pool of her mother's blood and on the verge of death. The horrific scene was obviously a fox's work, their foul scent barely masked by the patches of wild tulips surrounding the area. Despite her being, of course, a dog, they had no choice but to save her. Tulip was taken to the camp and adopted by one of the mothers. She gave her the pup name of "Bird"
for her fragile appearance, but also for her noticeable curiosity for the world. Though Tulip soon recovered from her physical injuries, the emotional ones took longer to heal. The constant teasing and strange looks of her packmates were uncomfortable, but optimistic Tulip wouldn't let that get to her. However, she was much more hesitant to fight, or even play-fight with any of the other pups. Without that vital skill she had no choice but to become an omega when the time came. Though she didn't mind the duties that much, she was disappointed that she wasn't allowed out of camp. But in the face of the intimidating alpha, there was little more she could say than a simple "yes." She took the name of the flowers at her mother's grave.

Most of this history has happened quite recently. She was only given the rank of omega about 3 months ago, though she is still unhappy with it. She is less familiar with the pack's customs than most, and it's more than often earned her a angry cuff around the ear when she forgets. Tulip has also begun to sneak out of camp, on rare occasion. She never strays too far, only catching a glimpse of their surrounding plains before going back in.
She is painfully aware of how different she is from the strong, long legged wolves, and wonders what it would be like to live among dogs instead.

✿ relationships ✿

✿ kin ✿
Mother [loner, deceased NPC]
Father [loner, deceased NPC]
[Doesn't remembers either of her parents.]

Adopted mother [Motomo pack, alive, NPC unless someone wants to play her]

✿ mate/crush ✿
Open maybe?

✿ theme song ✿

✿ other ✿
Sphinx cats. Kinda weird looking, but I have two and I promise they're the sweetest <3

I hope it's okay that I put her in Motomo? I'm planning for her to leave them and join Amani sometime during the RP, or maybe to act like a spy for Amani? Something like that.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

pexels-photo-283012.jpegv wip

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Edited on 17/04/17 @ 10:01:30 by pupper (#105486)

| Shadow Mimikyu | (#2771)

Ladies Man
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Posted on
2017-04-16 15:38:37

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Edited on 29/05/17 @ 00:37:59 by | starsky | (#2771)

redpaw62 (#110158)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 06:24:22

3 years and 2 months



Belgian shepherd

Amani Tribe


Wood is a dark chocolate colored dog. Her fur color is repeatedly mistaken as black due to its extremely dark tone. She has light brown eyes, the color of most wood. She is quite lean and muscular, one of the greatest requirements for hunting.

Wood is cautious, not wanting anyone close to her heart to die due to her, in her eyes, selfishness before. She is sincere to those she has connections with. Whether it be her lover or her leader, she will be loyal and honest towards them until the bitter end. Some will say that is her fault, but she is not afraid to die for her comrades. One of the more pleasurable things about Wood is that she is extremely patient. She respects the ways of the Tribe and follows every aspect, holding all of the laws to be true.

Wood's family was ambushed by a patrol of wolves while exploring a little far from camp. Wood felt slightly guilty, she could of helped her family fight the wolves, instead she ran away. She was originally a patrol dog, but when her patrol saw a moose wander by, she killed it single-handedly. Then the shaman made her a hunter, and she has respected that role ever since.

None yet

-Mother- Willow -Father- Star -Sister- Birch
All deceased

Wyakin (I like his personality, great job my friend)

Snakes. They are so cool and I love it when they get ready strike. I'm hoping on getting a corn snake soon!

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Edited on 20/04/17 @ 20:25:14 by redpaw62 (#110158)

Tery (#110327)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-04-23 11:38:07

"If you fall seven times stand up eight."


3 years, 7 months



German shepherd (70%), Husky (13%), Wolf (17%)

Amani Tribe

Patrol Dog

Terra looks mostly like german shepherd with sable color patern. Her fur is black and really dark brown with brown and red sables on it. Her built is more like one of husky or wolf, even though her built is average. She isn't muscular but is pretty strong for her built, she is slim but not starving looking but like well fed for wild dog. Terra is a bit smaller then average german shepherd. Her ears have small ear tufts and her tail is more bushy and messy like but that is only how it looks like becouse its soft.

The best personalities that describe her are stubbron, protective, caring, curious and friendly. Terra is really stubborn dog and she is willing to do a lot of things to get something she want, if she thinks she is right at something she will do everything to prove it but would not attack someone without proves that they are wrong. She is also super protective, she would do everything to protect those she cares for, sometimes if someone messes with her she will mostly stay quiet but if someone messes with those she cares for then he's done. Terra is warm and sometimes shy dog that cares for everyone, sometimes even to much, she is friendly and would make friends with everyone who would like to make friends with her. Terra is also nosie and really curious dog that likes to wander around and explore, that is mostly why is she patrol dog.

Terra was born to german shepherd mix, her mother was loner and her father was wild dog that was mostly husky but also german shepherd mix. Terra doesn't really remember her first moments when she was pup but she was only pup of her mother and she was born during Frozen-paw. She spent her time with mother but she never met her father and her mother never wanted to tell her anything about it where he is but she would tell Terra stories of her past and her asilis and their adventures. When Terra was 1 year old during Frozen-paw her mother was killed by agrresive bear that also tried to kill her too but she menaged to escape. Terra was loner for a long time, she was exploring and traveling for all that time until one day she didn't stumble upon wild dog pack, they decited to accept her as part of their pack if she promised to go by their rules and she accepted. She is part of The Amani Tribe since.

None yet, open for RP

mother- Lilith
other kin is unknown

None yet, open for RP

Theme song
Demons- Imagine Dragons
Cry Wolf- Bebe Rexha

Terra isn't so fast but she is really agile. She can also make friends with some other animals and she loves everything about nature and baby animals.

My favourite animal is wolf becouse they are beautiful and they are so wild and free. Small warning, if you don't understend something I wrote just ask and sorry for that becouse english isn't my first language.

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Edited on 25/04/17 @ 10:29:32 by Tery (#110327)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-05-29 10:01:56



Four Years Six Months


Heteromantic / Heterosexual


Amani Tribe

Hunter because there aren't enough of those

Moriti is a fine example of his breed, reaching a rather average height of twenty six inches and weighing a healthy fifty or so pounds. He's built very sturdily with an especially large rib cage that gives him more endurance for long chases. His musculature is compact and lean, making him appear less ungainly than similar dog breeds, instead moving with grace and agility. His head is a bit smaller with a long and narrow muzzle, floppy ears, and large eyes nearer the front of his face to better stay on target. His irises are a rich amber-brown and grow darker around his pupil, giving him a more gentle, sometimes melancholy expression. His is as sleek as the rest of him and colored a pale fawn, lightening only slightly on his underside and masked with dark grey on his snout and ears.

Moriti is a very alert dog, although his energy tends to be one of calm vigilance and there is little that changes this outside of a fight or the hunt. The former inducing panic and the latter focus and precision. He tends to be more distant towards his pack-mates and other canines, seemingly caught up in every little activity outside of his company's, such as the movement of a squirrel or the sudden twitter of birds. He is genuinely interested in those around him, even if he finds it hard to pay attention, and finds himself drawn to the more lively and daring. It may be a bit hard to bond with him, but he's a very faithful canine and is unlikely to let you down. He'll go to great lengths to make sure that you are aware of his appreciation for your companionship and can become quite needy if he feels himself drifting from someone. Moriti is a sensitive soul and can become upset quite easily, primarily through isolation or negative interactions, resorting to melancholy moping.

Moriti was born to an aging hunting dog, Chebe, and a former racer named Duma. He had two siblings, Emi and Kwini, but had never met his father or the dozens of half siblings he had sired. The three pups grew up very close to their mother, looking to her for both comfort and guidance as she taught them how to hunt for the humans. Showing them how to chase down the agile hare, then when they had reached nearly a year they began to chase the sly jackals and quick gazelles of the savannah. Their owner had become quite proud of the three siblings, even more so when they toke down their first wild pig at nearly a year and a half with very little interference from them or their mother. Soon their owner's neighbors became interested in the growing pups and after sending them off to hunt, they decided to sell Kwini and Moriti as they had brought back their hares last.

Moriti went to a neighbor who gifted him to their cousin, who intern decided to see if Moriti could race. At just under two years he was already too old to be entered in anything professional, but was instead trained to participate in more local races. He made a small profit in winnings, but had injured his leg, that even after healing prevented him from ever reaching his full potential again. At approximately four years old his owner decided to sell him off overseas, where he would fetch ha a higher price due to the rarity of a sloughi outside of Africa. And so Moriti was bought by a wealthy owner who had already acquired a plethora of rare dog breeds and mostly kept them for show in their kennels.

Moriti found it miserable there as the only time he got to stretch his legs was on a daily walk from some staff member and the weather was as cold as the nights at his old home in the day time. Eventually he decided to make a break for it and after waiting for Friday when his walker cared for little more than returning home, he yanked his leash out of their hands and bolted for the open gate. Even moving as slow as he was, for a sloughi, he had outrun everyone working that day and was deep into the woods by the time night began to fall. Now free he thought little of what to do next and was satisfied having escaped. But by the next morning he realized that he would need to eat and that he knew nothing of what prey, or predators, lurked in these woods. Nevertheless he set out to search for a meal and after coming across a familiar sight, a hare, he sated his hunger and journeyed on. After nearly two months of living on his own, he once again longed for company and was happy to find the Amani Tribe. It was quickly decided he should be a hunter as he had the experience and a lack of skill for actual fighting.


Chebe [mother - unknown, likely deceased] Despite her age and scarring Chebe was a lovely sloughi from what Moriti can remember, with a tan and brindle pelt and dark, comforting eyes. She was loving and gentle, but not outright protective of her pups and believed that they should learn through demonstration and action. He still misses her, but knows that she has a good home.
Duma [father - alive] He had never met his father, but from what he's hear he was a pale fawn, such as himself, with bright amber eyes and was quite young to be retired. For a hunting dog that is, he was well past his prime as a racer. His mother didn't know much about him either, but it seems that he was reasonably friendly and very bright.
Kwini / Emi [sister / brother - alive / alive] Moriti was fairly close to both of his siblings and remembers them fondly, even if they fought every now and then. From what he knows Emi is likely still living as a hunting dog with the neighbor while Kwini is with her mother and their owner. He remembers Emi as a dark tan dog with an even darker face and vibrant eyes that spoke of his thinly veiled energy. Kwini on the other hand was pale with faint brindle and dark eyes that were cool and calm, filled with purpose.


Theme song
Fade Into You by. Mazzy Star

Tigers; Aside from being super big and awesome, tigers are also my school's mascot, so why not?



Winchester "Honey"

Six Years


Biromantic / Bisexual

American Coonhound

Amani Tribe

Garrison [alt. patrol]

Winchester, nicknamed Winnie and Honey in relation to her name and pelt color respectively, is of standard height, twenty three inches, and weighs around fifty five pounds. Her bone structure is very rectangular in all aspects of her body, seen clearly in the shape of her muzzle, straight lead in from chest to waist, and straight, stiff legs. She's muscular in a stout sort of manner, less for show and more directed towards working. Her face, as previously mentioned, has a boxy muzzle and not entirely round head, framed by large folded ears. Her eyes are round, yet stern looking with bright yellow irises. Her fur is somewhere in between short and medium length, solid to the touch and not at all soft, excluding her ears and belly. It's off-white in color with lemony patches around each side of her head and on her back, faint spotting trails down her neck to her rump and is only really visible on her legs.

Having grown up with dozens upon dozens of other dogs, both family and friends, it was nearly impossible to have time to yourself. Introverts did not thrive in that kind of environment, fortunately Winchester is no introvert. She loves being in large groups and socializing with everyone. She tries to balance her time between the entire pack than just a select few members, off duty of course, and has a great memory. She isn't just good with remembering faces and names, she can remember most places she's been. Between this and her nose it would take a pretty detrimental rainstorm to get her lost. She's outgoing with a good temper, seemingly able to withstand the most obnoxious of canines, all while wearing an easy going grin and keeping her fur flat. She isn't super sensitive, but does make it a point to ask how everyone's doing when they look particularly down.

Even when she's being a social butterfly she's a very task orientated dog, always focused on one thing or another. However it's only when she's on duty that this is really revealed; ears raised alertly, nose twitching, and eyes scanning her surroundings while she mentally notes anything that seems out of place. She's very ambitious, but undeniably loyal and would easily give her life for each and every pack member, but as a garrison protecting the kahuna is her main priority and she thinks of the position as a great honor, even if she misses hunting a bit.

Miles and miles away from the Amani Tribe lies her birthplace, centered in a large territory guarded by an especially large group of American Foxhounds, German Shortcoated Pointers, Coonhounds, and Irish Setters. Each group being split into smaller family units that work together in a very communal style. Winchester, as with all of the other pups, grew up in a roomy den with a shallow pit outside of it so that they couldn't wander off. At the she was born, she already had three siblings, but ended up living with nearly ten other pups. Once they could walk they would play in the pit and at three months the adults would take turns walking them through the camp. At six months they were taken on small expeditions outside and now slept above ground with the others. At a year they were taught how to track and catch smaller prey and at two they would shadow the big hunts to learn visually, along with training.

At three they were evaluated with those who showed little interest in tracking, patrol, or hunting made into the next pup watchers. The rest began a series of tests that would help them find what they were best at, the trackers being chosen for their nose instead of strength and the patrols were just the opposite. A hunter was the ultimate goal and Winchester was one of four that passed after a competitive group hunt that tested skill, adaptability, and cooperation. She lived happily as a hunter for the next year and a half, and was looking forward to being promoted to a lead. It was raining when she was sniffing about at the border, not hard enough to call for concern, but while she was unaware a heavy fog had settled. Beginning to get concerned she started back, the trees looking more and more foreign as they loomed out of the mist and the rain only got harder. Soon she was hopelessly lost and her only goal was find high ground as her paws sank into the mud with every step. It couldn't be heard over the roar of the storm, but she was coming up to a river whose banks had been flooded. A misstep on one of the moss slicked rocks sent her tumbling into the river and it was all she could do to stay afloat.

She awoke a bit dazed and horribly cold, her first priority was to then dry off and figure out where she was. But she soon found that nothing looked familiar, the air smelled different, the plants were foreign, and even the prey seemed to taste weird. She set out on her own fur the next few months until one day she had crossed the Amani Tribe's border and was confronted by a group of patrol dogs. When she found out they were part of a pack she knew she had to earn their favor and join. Adopting their beliefs she found comfort in being surrounded again and after receiving her dream she kept a silent vigil, falling energetically into place as a garrison.


Linux [father - alive] As with many of her family and friends, she remembers her father fondly. He was a quick witted and outgoing dog with a vibrant tricolor pelt and similarly yellow eyes.
Blackout [mother - alive] Her mother was loud and demanding, but good intentioned and in the end her efforts resulted in the betterment of her pups. She had a ticked lemon and white coat and rich amber-brown eyes.
Ruger, Kolar, Remington "Remmy" [brother/sister/brother - alive] Her direct siblings, all from the same litter, she thinks of them with great pleasure and frustration. They were both her best friends and greatest enemies, in a loose sense of the word. Ruger was charismatic and amusing,
a perfect wingman. He was tricolor with brown, tan, and white and had bright amber eyes. Kolar was a bit eccentric, but in a good way and there was many a time when she helped in a hunt with a more ingenious tactic. She was ticked and brown with dark brown eyes. Finally Remington, just as snooty as his name, she remembered him begrudgingly playing pranks with her due to their shared looks.

Beanfield "Bean" [e.sister - alive] Bean was always the one admired by all her siblings, being the oldest out of everyone with the most experience, and better yet, stories. Bean had a very large imagination and would spend hours acting out her adventures, more or less accurately. She looked just like their mother, although her fur was a darker shade, more tan.
Marlin, Finnlight "Finn", Weatherby [ - alive] The annoying younger siblings, Winchester grew to like them, even if they bothered her all the time. It only made her appreciate Bean even more for all that she had put up with and probably still puts up with. Marlin looked just like his father, Linux, except for his eyes which were amber. But he shared his friendly nature. Finn was more reserved, but a good pup and he could be counted on when needed. He ended up being entirely white, probably why he spent more time in the shade. Weatherby was bumbling and clumsy, but his curiosity and cheerful attitude made you look past that. He had the typical markings, but lacked any black and had yellow eyes.
Penny, Pincher [niece/nephew - alive] Her brother Ruger's two pups, she only knew them briefly before having become part of the Amani Tribe. Their brief interactions left her with the impression that Penny was sensitive soul, but very clever, while her brother Pincher was quite a troublemaker. He lived up to his name.



Theme song

Rabbit; I've met a lot of rabbits throughout my life time, owned two of them, and I have not met a single one I didn't like. Admittedly those giant white ones sort of terrify me, but that only makes rabbits better. I find that they are a very unique animal and pet, unlike any other. Once you've had a rabbit, it's hard to go back to animals like dogs and cats.

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 20:29:51 by prince (#6036)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-01 11:36:54


Zorro Fox

Three Years




Motomo Pack


As a red wolf, Zorro looks just like the offspring of a wolf and a coyote. Barely reaching twenty six inches and weighing fifty five pounds, he's the size of an adolescent or large coyote. His bone structure is very narrow and it doesn't look as though he could hold his own in a fight. Even his musculature is lean and slimming, hugging his body in flat planes instead of forming curves like other wolves. His face expresses this same angular look, forming a long triangle, softened only by a collar of fur. His pelt is short and lightweight with a thicker scruff and bushy tail, it does little to warm him in the winter months. He's light tan, but grey guard hairs and a cream undercoat distort this. Dark fur accents his shoulders, tail, muzzle, and ear backs while ginger lines his ears, face, flanks, and forelegs. His belly is the same fawn collared cream as his undercoat.


Zorro is a distempered and snarky little guy, das it (WIP)



Kin [relation - status] opinions/appearance


Theme song

Honey Badger; Honey badger don't give a shit!




Four Years Ten Months


Homoromantic / Homosexual

Arctic [50] Northwestern [35] Yukon [15]

Motomo Pack


At a distance Aelwen bears a good deal of resemblance to her brother, maybe not exactly in coat color, but she has a very similar size and stature. She reaches thirty three inches at the shoulder, but only weighs around eighty pounds. She's got an average build with lean musculature that hugs her body, making her seem slimmer and more graceful. Her face isn't as broad as most, although her muzzle doesn't seem to follow suit. Her eyes are triangular, as far as canines go, and a vibrant shade of amber that grows lighter around her pupils. Her coat is generally pretty short, although her scruff is especially thick, aiding in protection against foes. While the majority of her pelt wavers between cream and light tan, her northwestern blood is made apparent on the back of her scruff, saddling her back, and trailing down the upper side of her tail in a dark tan color, accented with cream and grey.

No talk about salt in the wound

Generally speaking Aelwen is pretty sociable, having grown up alongside many of her current pack mates she gets along pretty well, a little spat here and there, but nothing big. She likes to think of herself as more of a leader, even if she isn't and is prone to jealousy of those in higher positions than herself. She's very opinionated and blunt with expressing said opinions, finding an opportunity to speak in any situation. Being a stubborn sort the only way to change her mind is through a solid month of arguing, even then she doesn't easily admit when she's wrong. Most of her worst traits are directed towards her older sibling, Hagan, as she's resented him ever since he began training to be heir and has found a habit in disagreeing with him and generally acting out of spite. Fortunately her loyalty still lies with the pack, regardless of who's leading it.

Born in the second litter between Rowan and Calista, Aelwen was always living in Hagan's shadow. Everyone knew about the alpha's first born, future leader of the pack, mummy's dearest, etc. But few, in Aelwen's eyes, cared for the second pup. She was simply backup, if even that, doomed to becoming just another hunter, or even a patrol like her father. As Hagan's training forced him away, Aelwen began focusing on improving herself, maybe if she could show her mother what a good hunter she'd become, then maybe, just maybe, Calista would give her the praise she deserved. But it was to no avail, she couldn't ever live up to the standard that her brother set.

When Calista finally died, Aelwen did not feel a hint of remorse, instead finding peace in the matriarch's death. However this left Hagan in charge and she was forced to acknowledge his existence, and rank, once more. But at the prompting of her father she's begrudgingly come to an unstable peace with her brother, but their past is still apparent in her actions.


Calista [mother - deceased] Aelwen was not on good terms with her mother and resented her for only ever focusing her attentions on Hagan. However this feeling was largely one-sided as Calista couldn't care less for Aelwen.

Rowan [father - alive] Having been raised almost entirely by Rowan, Aelwen finds herself very close with him and turns to him whenever she wants to confide in someone. However she's rather annoyed at his attempts to bring her and Hagan closer.

Hagan [brother - alive] While she may have worked towards the beginnings of a better sibling bond, their relationship is very strained.


Theme song
Headstrong by. Trapt

Hyenas; Are they a cat? Are they a dog? Maybe a weasel? Nope, they're their own species and a funky looking one at that. They're one of the few mammals where females are both larger and more dominant and I just think that's really cool.

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Edited on 11/06/17 @ 16:47:41 by prince (#6036)

Mylo (#104190)

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Posted on
2017-06-01 20:00:35

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Edited on 06/06/17 @ 18:10:46 by Archie (#104190)

-active} (#111404)

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Posted on
2017-06-02 15:19:30




5 Years



Doberman Pinscher

The Amani Tribe

The Garrison


Doberman's are medium, agile, lithe, and strong canines, and as an individual, Kenmur is the definition of a well-bred specimen. Her main coat color is solid black, though, the pattern of her coat is a traditional black & rust that most Doberman Pinschers have. Kenmur has an extremely short coat to also give her an intimidating appearance like most Doberman's and is shiny and sleek, showing that she is a healthy specimen. Unlike most dogs in the tribe, Kenmur isn't heavily built, though, she isn't left without a bit of body mass for combat with other creatures, especially wolves. Kenmur has a narrow but round head, her snout being long and also narrow. Her ears are floppy and have a bit of a rusty color blended in. She is approximately 28 inches in height and weighs about 97 Pounds in total.

Kenmur is a very intelligent and respectful canine.

A paragraph at minimum is required. "Doesn't want to talk about it" Is not accepted.

Any friends/foes or any other non-kin relationships put here.

Siblings/mother/father or any other kin are put here.

Has your character got someone in mind that they're interested in? Put your crush or your mate down here.

•Theme song•
Optional. Just a fun way to express your character.

Any info I missed about your character? Put it down here!

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Edited on 03/06/17 @ 17:39:41 by 🆂🅸🅻🅴🅽🅲🅴 (#111404)

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