Posted by Trading Center

Novaa (#109407)

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Posted on
2017-04-15 09:04:46
Okay, so, I've noticed when I go to a trading center you can narrow down your choices, BUT on the personality you have to pick a certain one. Well, why do I have to pick a certain one? Why can't I pick Evil, Snarky, Neutral, Kind, or Good? I would love to just pick one of those and have just neutral, kind, etc etc. Its tiring to go through all those certain traits when instead I can just pick neutral etc etc. and get nothing but neutral traits.

Instead what will be put is:

And if people want to know what traits there are then put one beside it like:
Evil (Heartless)
Snarky (Arrogant)
Neutral (Loner)
Kind (Candid)
Good (Protecting)

Just so people can get an idea of what those traits include, and I think it'll be easier to get a list of personalities that others would want. Not look through the lions and clicking on them only to find their trait isn't something they want. Can they change their personality? Yes, but that would only cost twice as much money. I just think this would be better in the long run.

Your help on this would be amazing! Thank you for reading :)

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