Posted by Reptile Roundup Difficulty Adjustments

crow (#63720)

Wonder On Four Paws
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2017-04-15 13:05:08
So, anyone who frequents the Games section of Explore is familiar with the game Reptile Roundup: You navigate a snake through an area trying to feed it, avoid touching walls or having it eat itself. Simple enough. However, the difficulty thing feels a little thrown in. Like an afterthought. The only settings are "Easy" and "Hard", dictated by the map you chose.

I was thinking, maybe it could be similar to the trivia game? Where, upon selecting "play" and you are brought to the map/skin selector screen, instead of there being the three maps, there are the three difficculties: easy, medium, and hard. Alternatively, they could be labled "beginner," "normal," and "expert."

"Easy" or "Novice" would have the snake at the slowest speed, perhaps slightly faster than if you had eaten a snail. The map would be empty of any obstacles, and the snake wouldn't get very long very fast. Approximately 1/2 space per thing eaten.

"Medium" or "Normal" would have the snake at it's current speed, and with 2-5 obstacles around the map. The snake's settings would all be at their current settings. It would gain 1 space of length per thing eaten.

"Hard" or "Expert" would have the snake moving slightly faster than normal, the exact inverse of easy/novice mode. There would be 6-10 obstacles around the map, and the snake would get longer at the exact inverse of easy/novice. (1.5 spaces gained per thing eaten)

I was also thinking that if we have a snail, why don't we have a rabbit? The rabbit would make the snake move faster, which makes the game more difficult, sort of like how the snail makes it easier. Sort of a Mario mushrooms case-- there's a mushroom that makes ya big and one that makes ya small. I feel like it would balance the game out quite well!

So, what do you guys think? If you don't support, please say why!

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