Posted by Search function in sales

(Ferus) Poop Me (#5285)

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2017-04-26 05:15:16
I love to look around for a good deal in sales, but unless you know exactly what you are looking for that can sometimes be a pain in the butt. If possible I think that some kind of filter would be really helpful, it could be something like an option that will show you food (all kinds unless you have chosen something specific of course), show decors, backgrounds, toys or even sort by event or where you might find it, like world drop or oasis.
I have no idea how coding works and if this would be really hard to do or not, but I really think that more searching options would be a great addition to the game.

Feel free to give your thought on this, and if you have a suggestion that could fit in here please tell me and I might add it

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