Posted by Sugar's Clear Hoard Sell

Scrapper [main] (#75781)

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Posted on
2017-05-02 12:46:24
Id1TSds.png I currently have a bucket load of items, decorates, that I no longer need/want. It has came to my attention that I am in need of GB, SB. I will have prices listed below each image (of the item I have) if they seem to be too high for your liking, you can attempt to offer and I might work something out with you. The lions carrying the decorate are my current pride lionesses.

oFO34e6.png Admiring Lioness ( 7 uses & 9 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Nikki
SB: Offer.
GB: 6
Bearded Vulture (8 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Aphrodite (Dwarfism)
SB: 850
GB: 8
Lion Portrayal: Zabu
Dead Cub (4 uses)
SB: 500
GB: 10
Flesh Of The Unworthy Black Verison ( 2 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Munchkin (Dwarfism)
SB: 2000
GB: 2
Lipard Cub (3 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Sheena
SB: 1200
GB: 1
Martial Eagle (3 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Oreo
SB: Offer
GB: 10
Smitten Lioness (2 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Quincy
SB: 1000
GB: 10
Starving Leopard (5 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Charaka
SB: 950
GB: 5
Wall Of Bones (4 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Ilo Terra
SB: 400
GB: 2
Peachy Roses (Dwarfism Only) ( 5 uses & 8 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Aphrodite
SB: Offer
GB: 5
Aging Leopon (3 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Jade
SB: Offer.
GB: 5
Flirtatious Snow Leopard (7 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Cherry
SB: Offer
GB: 10
Black Cuddly Lion (8 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Zabu
SB: 2000
GB: 4
Fur Accessories (7 uses)
Lion Portrayal: Aphrodite
SB: 3000
GB: 5
Lucky feet [3 total] (3 uses)
SB: 600
GB: 3
Meat Pie (3 uses)
SB: 12000
GB: 13
Red Cock (1 use)
SB: 1700
GB: 5
Eye Changer (1 use)
SB: 4200
GB: 3

PILPt0b.png If you are looking for offer other things such as Lions, Items, or other Decorates. Here you can find the things I'm looking for, if there a item on here that you do not have, you are welcome to Offer another item!
❥Bloody Feast Aardwolftail, EgyptianVulture, Fruits Of Passion, Glossy Ibis Feathers, Glossy Ibis Feather Single, Golden Jackal, Bleeding Heart, Groupie Domino, Sand cat, VultureSkull necklace, Baby black cub, Energy Boost, Zebra Heart, Rusted Muzzle, Scars I have more, but I do not want to take up space, so ask me!
Special Bases
I normally go for special bases. (Dark ones mainly.)
❥Onyx, Ebony, Slate, Inferno, Cocoa, Maltese, Lilac, Anjeer, Ashen, Cameo, Chartreaux, Fiery, Flint, Maroon, Nacarat, Prune, Shedua, Hematite, Celestial, Ivory, Moonstone, Supernal, Unholy, Skyward are the current bases I'm accepting.
❥The current markings I'm accepting are Feline 7, Rosettes are the two I'm currently needing, but I will accept any marking really. I'm in need of Mottled Rosettes, Feline 7 mostly as those are the two markings I'm breeding.
❥I don't accept lions over the age of 10. I might take cubs, if they have good enough stats, markings.
❥I will only take lions with 400 stats or higher, I might make a exception with 300 stats. I prefer higher stats, due to wanting higher statted cubs.

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Edited on 04/05/17 @ 00:02:49 by Charaka (#75781)

{WCU} Mathiass
/Sh00k/R00d/ (#103909)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-05-03 01:11:03
Can I get your Pale Fox Cubs?

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Scrapper [main] (#75781)

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Posted on
2017-05-03 01:25:16
I only have one, sorry. Are you still interested in the one?

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{WCU} Mathiass
/Sh00k/R00d/ (#103909)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-03 01:25:46
Yes I am

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Scrapper [main] (#75781)

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Posted on
2017-05-03 01:26:51
Okay, SB or GB?

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{WCU} Mathiass
/Sh00k/R00d/ (#103909)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-03 01:29:02
SB please

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Scrapper [main] (#75781)

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Posted on
2017-05-03 01:30:13
Alright, I'll set up a trade. ^^

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{WCU} Mathiass
/Sh00k/R00d/ (#103909)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-05-03 01:30:38
Thank you!

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LenBanana (#323334)

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Posted on
2022-08-14 22:03:22
Hello! I'm interested in the black cudly lion, please

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